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<!doctype html>
<title>SVGLength tests</title>
<script src=../../resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=../../resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<div id="testcontainer">
<svg width="1" height="1" visibility="hidden"> </svg>
var svg = document.querySelector("svg");
var EPSILON = Math.pow(2, -8);
var lengths = [10, 0, 360, 500, 90, 180, 45, 25.9];
var validUnits = {
"" : 1,
"%": 2,
"em": 3,
"ex": 4,
"px": 5,
"cm": 6,
"mm": 7,
"in": 8,
"pt": 9,
"pc": 10,
function createLength(valuestr) {
var length = svg.createSVGLength();
length.valueAsString = valuestr;
return length;
function convertTo(value, unit, outunit) {
var userUnits;
var cssPixelsPerInch = 96;
var cssPixelsPerCentimeter = cssPixelsPerInch / 2.54; //2.54 cm/in
var cssPixelsPerMillimeter = cssPixelsPerCentimeter / 10;
var cssPixelsPerPoint = cssPixelsPerInch / 72;
var cssPixelsPerPica = cssPixelsPerInch / 6;
switch(unit) {
case "":
case "px":
userUnits = value;
case "%":
case "em":
case "ex":
case "rem":
case "ch":
return value;
case "cm":
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case "mm":
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case "in":
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerInch;
case "pt":
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerPoint;
case "pc":
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerPica;
switch(outunit) {
case "":
case "px":
return userUnits;
case "%":
case "em":
case "ex":
case "rem":
case "ch":
return value;
case "cm":
return userUnits / cssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case "mm":
return userUnits / cssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case "in":
return userUnits / cssPixelsPerInch;
case "pt":
return userUnits / cssPixelsPerPoint;
case "pc":
return userUnits / cssPixelsPerPica;
test(function() {
for (var unit in validUnits) {
var length = createLength(10 + unit);
assert_equals(length.unitType, validUnits[unit]);
}, "Test valid unit types are accepted in valueAsString");
test(function() {
var invalidUnits = {
"rem": 1,
"ch": 2
for (var unit in invalidUnits) {
assert_throws(new SyntaxError, function() { createLength(10 + unit) });
}, "Test invalid unit types are not accepted in valueAsString");
test(function() {
var unitConstants = {
"UNKNOWN" : 0,
"NUMBER": 1,
"EMS": 3,
"EXS": 4,
"PX": 5,
"CM": 6,
"MM": 7,
"IN": 8,
"PT": 9,
"PC": 10,
for (var constant in unitConstants) {
var str = "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_" + constant;
assert_own_property(SVGLength, str, str + " should exist in SVGLength");
}, "Test that unit constants that are supposed to be exposed are available");
test(function() {
var nonexposedUnitConstants = {
"REMS": 11,
for (var constant in nonexposedUnitConstants) {
var str = "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_" + constant;
assert_false(str in SVGLength, str + " should not be exposed in SVGLength");
}, "Test that unit constants that are not supposed to be exposed are not available");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < validUnits.length; ++i) {
var unit = validUnits[i];
for (var j = 0; j < lengths.length; ++j) {
var length = lengths[i];
var value = createLength(length + unit);
assert_equals(length, value.valueInSpecifiedUnits);
}, "Test result from valueInSpecifiedUnits");
test(function() {
var nonRelativeUnits = ["px", "cm", "mm", "in", "pt", "pc"];
for (var i = 0; i < lengths.length; ++i) {
var length = lengths[i];
for (var j = 0; j < nonRelativeUnits.length; ++j) {
var unit = nonRelativeUnits[j];
var lengthStr = length + unit;
for (var k = 0; k < nonRelativeUnits.length; ++k) {
var otherUnit = nonRelativeUnits[k];
var svgLength = createLength(lengthStr);
assert_approx_equals(svgLength.valueInSpecifiedUnits, convertTo(length, unit, otherUnit), EPSILON);
}, "Test converting unit types for non-relative units");
test(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < lengths.length; ++i) {
var length = lengths[i];
for (var j = 0; j < validUnits.length; ++j) {
var unit = validUnits[j];
var ref = createLength(length + unit);
for (var k = 0; k < validUnits.length; ++k) {
var otherUnit = validUnits[k];
var value = createLength(47 + otherUnit);
value.newValueSpecifiedUnits(unit, length);
assert_equals(value.valueAsString, ref.valueAsString);
}, "Test newValueSpecifiedUnits for each unit");