blob: e51fea12c379ae60b4b015e8501558ad5a114054 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
configInterface ""
cfgclientAccess ""
// Register "${appid}" placeholder for config validation rules.
_ ""
// Project is a datastore entity representing a single project. Its children
// are consoles.
type Project struct {
ID string `gae:"$id"`
LogoURL string
BuildBugTemplate config.BugTemplate
// Console is a datastore entity representing a single console.
type Console struct {
// Parent is a key to the parent Project entity where this console was
// defined in.
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
// ID is the ID of the console.
ID string `gae:"$id"`
// Ordinal specifies the console's ordering in its project's consoles list.
Ordinal int
// The URL to the luci-config definition of this console.
ConfigURL string
// The luci-config reivision from when this Console was retrieved.
ConfigRevision string `gae:",noindex"`
// (indexed) All builder IDs mentioned by this console config.
Builders []string
// Def is the actual underlying proto Console definition.
Def config.Console `gae:",noindex"`
// _ is a "black hole" which absorbs any extra props found during a
// datastore Get. These props are not written back on a datastore Put.
_ datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
func (c *Console) ConsoleID() ConsoleID {
return ConsoleID{Project: c.ProjectID(), ID: c.ID}
// ProjectID retrieves the project ID string of the console out of the Console's
// parent key.
func (c *Console) ProjectID() string {
if c.Parent == nil {
return ""
return c.Parent.StringID()
// FilterBuilders uses an access.Permissions to filter out builder IDs and builders
// from the definition, and builders in the definition's header, which are not
// allowed by the permissions.
func (c *Console) FilterBuilders(perms access.Permissions) {
okBuilderIDs := make([]string, 0, len(c.Builders))
for _, id := range c.Builders {
if bucket := extractBucket(id); bucket != "" && !perms.Can(bucket, access.AccessBucket) {
okBuilderIDs = append(okBuilderIDs, id)
c.Builders = okBuilderIDs
okBuilders := make([]*config.Builder, 0, len(c.Def.Builders))
// A single builder entry could have multiple builder names.
for _, b := range c.Def.Builders {
okNames := make([]string, 0, len(b.Name))
for _, name := range b.Name {
if bucket := extractBucket(name); bucket != "" && !perms.Can(bucket, access.AccessBucket) {
okNames = append(okNames, name)
b.Name = okNames
if len(b.Name) > 0 {
okBuilders = append(okBuilders, b)
c.Def.Builders = okBuilders
// Buckets returns all buckets referenced by this Console's Builders.
func (c *Console) Buckets() stringset.Set {
buckets := stringset.New(1)
for _, id := range c.Builders {
if bucket := extractBucket(id); bucket != "" {
return buckets
// extractBucket extracts bucket from a builder ID if possible.
// TODO(mknyszek): Get rid of this by either moving the logic above
// or somehow getting access to BuilderID otherwise without an import
// cycle.
func extractBucket(id string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(id, "buildbucket/") {
return ""
toks := strings.SplitN(id, "/", 3)
if len(toks) != 3 {
return ""
return toks[1]
// ConsoleID is a reference to a console.
type ConsoleID struct {
Project string
ID string
func ParseConsoleID(id string) (cid ConsoleID, err error) {
components := strings.Split(id, "/")
if len(components) != 2 {
err = errors.New("invalid console id: " + id)
return ConsoleID{
Project: components[0],
ID: components[1],
}, nil
func (id *ConsoleID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", id.Project, id.ID)
// NewEntity returns an empty Console datastore entity keyed with itself.
func (id *ConsoleID) SetID(c context.Context, console *Console) *Console {
if console == nil {
console = &Console{}
console.Parent = datastore.MakeKey(c, "Project", id.Project)
console.ID = id.ID
return console
// ErrConsoleNotFound is returned from GetConsole if the requested console
// isn't known to exist.
var ErrConsoleNotFound = errors.New("console not found", CodeNotFound)
// LuciConfigURL returns a user friendly URL that specifies where to view
// this console definition.
func LuciConfigURL(c context.Context, configSet, path, revision string) string {
// TODO(hinoka): This shouldn't be hardcoded, instead we should get the
// luci-config instance from the context. But we only use this instance at
// the moment so it is okay for now.
// TODO(hinoka): The UI doesn't allow specifying paths and revision yet. Add
// that in when it is supported.
return fmt.Sprintf("", configSet)
// ServiceConfigID is the key for the service config entity in datastore.
const ServiceConfigID = "service_config"
// ServiceConfig is a container for the instance's service config.
type ServiceConfig struct {
// ID is the datastore key. This should be static, as there should only be
// one service config.
ID string `gae:"$id"`
// Revision is the revision of the config, taken from luci-config. This is used
// to determine if the entry needs to be refreshed.
Revision string
// Data is the binary proto of the config.
Data []byte `gae:",noindex"`
// Text is the text format of the config. For human consumption only.
Text string `gae:",noindex"`
// LastUpdated is the time this config was last updated.
LastUpdated time.Time
// ReplaceNSEWith takes an errors.MultiError returned by a datastore.Get() on a slice
// (which is always a MultiError), filters out all datastore.ErrNoSuchEntitiy
// or replaces it with replacement instances, and returns an error generated
// by errors.LazyMultiError.
func ReplaceNSEWith(err errors.MultiError, replacement error) error {
lme := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(err))
for i, ierr := range err {
if ierr == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
ierr = replacement
lme.Assign(i, ierr)
return lme.Get()
// GetSettings returns the service (aka global) config for the current
// instance of Milo from the datastore. Returns an empty config and warn heavily
// if none is found.
// TODO(hinoka): Use process cache to cache configs.
func GetSettings(c context.Context) *config.Settings {
settings := config.Settings{
Buildbot: &config.Settings_Buildbot{},
msg, err := GetCurrentServiceConfig(c)
if err != nil {
// The service config does not exist, just return an empty config
// and complain loudly in the logs.
"Encountered error while loading service config, using empty config.")
return &settings
err = proto.Unmarshal(msg.Data, &settings)
if err != nil {
// The service config is broken, just return an empty config
// and complain loudly in the logs.
"Encountered error while unmarshalling service config, using empty config.")
// Zero out the message just incase something got written in.
settings = config.Settings{Buildbot: &config.Settings_Buildbot{}}
return &settings
var serviceCfgCache = caching.RegisterCacheSlot()
// GetCurrentServiceConfig gets the service config for the instance from either
// process cache or datastore cache.
func GetCurrentServiceConfig(c context.Context) (*ServiceConfig, error) {
// This maker function is used to do the actual fetch of the ServiceConfig
// from datastore. It is called if the ServiceConfig is not in proc cache.
item, err := serviceCfgCache.Fetch(c, func(interface{}) (interface{}, time.Duration, error) {
msg := ServiceConfig{ID: ServiceConfigID}
err := datastore.Get(c, &msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, time.Minute, err
logging.Infof(c, "loaded service config from datastore")
return msg, time.Minute, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get service config: %s", err.Error())
if msg, ok := item.(ServiceConfig); ok {
logging.Infof(c, "loaded config entry from %s", msg.LastUpdated.Format(time.RFC3339))
return &msg, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load service config %#v", item)
const globalConfigFilename = "settings.cfg"
// UpdateServiceConfig fetches the service config from luci-config
// and then stores a snapshot of the configuration in datastore.
func UpdateServiceConfig(c context.Context) (*config.Settings, error) {
// Load the settings from luci-config.
cs := cfgclient.CurrentServiceConfigSet(c)
// Acquire the raw config client.
lucicfg := backend.Get(c).GetConfigInterface(c, backend.AsService)
cfg, err := lucicfg.GetConfig(c, cs, globalConfigFilename, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load %s from luci-config: %s", globalConfigFilename, err)
settings := &config.Settings{}
err = proto.UnmarshalText(cfg.Content, settings)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"could not unmarshal proto from luci-config:\n%s", cfg.Content)
newConfig := ServiceConfig{
ID: ServiceConfigID,
Text: cfg.Content,
Revision: cfg.Revision,
LastUpdated: time.Now().UTC(),
newConfig.Data, err = proto.Marshal(settings)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not marshal proto into binary\n%s", newConfig.Text)
// Do the revision check & swap in a datastore transaction.
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
oldConfig := ServiceConfig{ID: ServiceConfigID}
err := datastore.Get(c, &oldConfig)
switch err {
case datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
// Might be the first time this has run.
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "No existing service config.")
case nil:
// Continue
return fmt.Errorf("could not load existing config: %s", err)
// Check to see if we need to update
if oldConfig.Revision == newConfig.Revision {
logging.Infof(c, "revisions matched (%s), no need to update", oldConfig.Revision)
return nil
logging.Infof(c, "revisions differ (old %s, new %s), updating",
oldConfig.Revision, newConfig.Revision)
return datastore.Put(c, &newConfig)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update config entry in transaction").Err()
logging.Infof(c, "successfully updated to new config")
return settings, nil
// updateProjectConsoles updates all of the consoles for a given project,
// and then returns a set of known console names.
func updateProjectConsoles(c context.Context, projectID string, cfg *configInterface.Config) (stringset.Set, error) {
proj := config.Project{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(cfg.Content, &proj); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "unmarshalling proto").Err()
// Extract the headers into a map for convenience.
headers := make(map[string]*config.Header, len(proj.Headers))
for _, header := range proj.Headers {
headers[header.Id] = header
// Keep a list of known consoles so we can prune deleted ones later.
knownConsoles := stringset.New(len(proj.Consoles))
// Save the project into the datastore.
project := Project{ID: projectID, LogoURL: proj.LogoUrl}
if proj.BuildBugTemplate != nil {
project.BuildBugTemplate = *proj.BuildBugTemplate
if err := datastore.Put(c, &project); err != nil {
return nil, err
parentKey := datastore.KeyForObj(c, &project)
// Iterate through all the proto consoles, adding and replacing the
// known ones if needed.
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
toPut := make([]*Console, 0, len(proj.Consoles))
for i, pc := range proj.Consoles {
if header, ok := headers[pc.HeaderId]; pc.Header == nil && ok {
// Inject a header if HeaderId is specified, and it doesn't already have one.
pc.Header = header
con, err := GetConsole(c, projectID, pc.Id)
switch {
case err == ErrConsoleNotFound:
// continue
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "checking %s", pc.Id).Err()
case con.ConfigRevision == cfg.Revision && con.Ordinal == i:
// Check if revisions match; if so just skip it.
// TODO(jchinlee): remove Ordinal check when Version field is added to Console.
toPut = append(toPut, &Console{
Parent: parentKey,
ID: pc.Id,
Ordinal: i,
ConfigURL: LuciConfigURL(c, string(cfg.ConfigSet), cfg.Path, cfg.Revision),
ConfigRevision: cfg.Revision,
Builders: pc.AllBuilderIDs(),
Def: *pc,
return datastore.Put(c, toPut)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "failed to save consoles of project %q at revision %q", projectID, cfg.Revision)
return nil, err
logging.Infof(c, "saved consoles of project %q at revision %q", projectID, cfg.Revision)
return knownConsoles, nil
// UpdateConsoles updates internal console definitions entities based off luci-config.
func UpdateConsoles(c context.Context) error {
cfgName := info.AppID(c) + ".cfg"
logging.Debugf(c, "fetching configs for %s", cfgName)
// Acquire the raw config client.
lucicfg := backend.Get(c).GetConfigInterface(c, backend.AsService)
// Project configs for Milo contains console definitions.
configs, err := lucicfg.GetProjectConfigs(c, cfgName, false)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "while fetching project configs").Err()
logging.Infof(c, "got %d project configs", len(configs))
merr := errors.MultiError{}
knownProjects := map[string]stringset.Set{}
// Iterate through each project config, extracting the console definition.
for _, cfg := range configs {
projectName := cfg.ConfigSet.Project()
if projectName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid config set path %s", cfg.ConfigSet)
knownProjects[projectName] = nil
if kp, err := updateProjectConsoles(c, projectName, &cfg); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "processing project %s", projectName).Err()
merr = append(merr, err)
} else {
knownProjects[projectName] = kp
// Delete all the consoles that no longer exists or are part of deleted projects.
toDelete := []*datastore.Key{}
err = datastore.Run(c, datastore.NewQuery("Console"), func(key *datastore.Key) error {
proj := key.Parent().StringID()
id := key.StringID()
// If this console is either:
// 1. In a project that no longer exists, or
// 2. Not in the project, then delete it.
knownConsoles, ok := knownProjects[proj]
if !ok {
c, "deleting %s/%s because the project no longer exists", proj, id)
toDelete = append(toDelete, key)
return nil
if knownConsoles == nil {
// The project exists but we couldn't check it this time. Skip it and
// try again the next cron cycle.
return nil
if !knownConsoles.Has(id) {
c, "deleting %s/%s because the console no longer exists", proj, id)
toDelete = append(toDelete, key)
return nil
if err != nil {
merr = append(merr, err)
} else if err := datastore.Delete(c, toDelete); err != nil {
merr = append(merr, err)
// Print some stats.
processedConsoles := 0
for _, cons := range knownProjects {
if cons != nil {
processedConsoles += cons.Len()
c, "processed %d consoles over %d projects", processedConsoles, len(knownProjects))
if len(merr) == 0 {
return nil
return merr
type consolesCacheKey string
// GetAllConsoles returns all Consoles (across all projects) which contian the
// builder ID. If builderID is empty, then this retrieves all Consoles.
// TODO-perf(iannucci): Maybe memcache this too.
func GetAllConsoles(c context.Context, builderID string) ([]*Console, error) {
itm, err := caching.RequestCache(c).GetOrCreate(c, consolesCacheKey(builderID), func() (interface{}, time.Duration, error) {
q := datastore.NewQuery("Console")
if builderID != "" {
q = q.Eq("Builders", builderID)
con := []*Console{}
err := datastore.GetAll(c, q, &con)
return con, 0, errors.
Annotate(err, "getting consoles for %q", builderID).
con, _ := itm.([]*Console)
return con, err
func GetProject(c context.Context, project string) (*Project, error) {
allowed, err := IsAllowed(c, project)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !allowed {
return nil, cfgclientAccess.ErrNoAccess
proj := Project{
ID: project,
return &proj, datastore.Get(c, &proj)
// GetAllProjects returns all projects the current user has access to.
func GetAllProjects(c context.Context) ([]Project, error) {
q := datastore.NewQuery("Project")
projs := []Project{}
if err := datastore.GetAll(c, q, &projs); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := []Project{}
for _, proj := range projs {
switch allowed, err := IsAllowed(c, proj.ID); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case allowed:
result = append(result, proj)
return result, nil
// GetProjectConsoles returns all consoles for the given project ordered as in config.
func GetProjectConsoles(c context.Context, projectID string) ([]*Console, error) {
// Query datastore for consoles related to the project.
q := datastore.NewQuery("Console")
parentKey := datastore.MakeKey(c, "Project", projectID)
q = q.Ancestor(parentKey)
con := []*Console{}
err := datastore.GetAll(c, q, &con)
sort.Slice(con, func(i, j int) bool { return con[i].Ordinal < con[j].Ordinal })
return con, err
// GetConsole returns the requested console.
// TODO-perf(iannucci,hinoka): Memcache this.
func GetConsole(c context.Context, proj, id string) (*Console, error) {
con := Console{
Parent: datastore.MakeKey(c, "Project", proj),
ID: id,
switch err := datastore.Get(c, &con); err {
case datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, ErrConsoleNotFound
case nil:
return &con, nil
return nil, err
// GetConsoles returns the requested consoles.
// TODO-perf(iannucci,hinoka): Memcache this.
func GetConsoles(c context.Context, consoles []ConsoleID) ([]*Console, error) {
result := make([]*Console, len(consoles))
for i, con := range consoles {
result[i] = con.SetID(c, nil)
if err := datastore.Get(c, result); err != nil {
return result, ReplaceNSEWith(err.(errors.MultiError), ErrConsoleNotFound)
return result, nil
// Config validation rules go here.
func init() {
// Milo is only responsible for validating the config matching the instance's
// appID in a project config.
validation.Rules.Add("regex:projects/.*", "${appid}.cfg", validateProjectCfg)
validation.Rules.Add("services/${appid}", globalConfigFilename, validateServiceCfg)
// validateProjectCfg implements validation.Func by taking a potential Milo
// config at path, validating it, and writing the result into ctx.
// The validation we do include:
// * Make sure the config is able to be unmarshalled.
// * Make sure all consoles have either builder_view_only: true or manifest_name
func validateProjectCfg(ctx *validation.Context, configSet, path string, content []byte) error {
proj := config.Project{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(string(content), &proj); err != nil {
return nil
knownHeaders := stringset.New(len(proj.Headers))
for i, header := range proj.Headers {
ctx.Enter("header #%d (%s)", i, header.Id)
if header.Id == "" {
ctx.Errorf("missing id")
} else if !knownHeaders.Add(header.Id) {
ctx.Errorf("duplicate header id")
knownConsoles := stringset.New(len(proj.Consoles))
for i, console := range proj.Consoles {
ctx.Enter("console #%d (%s)", i, console.Id)
if console.Id == "" {
ctx.Errorf("missing id")
} else if !knownConsoles.Add(console.Id) {
ctx.Errorf("duplicate console")
// If this is a CI console and it's missing manifest name, the author
// probably forgot something.
if !console.BuilderViewOnly {
if console.ManifestName == "" {
ctx.Errorf("ci console missing manifest name")
if console.RepoUrl == "" {
ctx.Errorf("ci console missing repo url")
if len(console.Refs) == 0 {
ctx.Errorf("ci console missing refs")
} else {
gitiles.ValidateRefSet(ctx, console.Refs)
} else {
if console.IncludeExperimentalBuilds {
ctx.Errorf("builder_view_only and include_experimental_builds both set")
if console.HeaderId != "" && !knownHeaders.Has(console.HeaderId) {
ctx.Errorf("header %s not defined", console.HeaderId)
if console.HeaderId != "" && console.Header != nil {
ctx.Errorf("cannot specify both header and header_id")
if proj.LogoUrl != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(proj.LogoUrl, "") {
ctx.Errorf("invalid logo url %q, must begin with", proj.LogoUrl)
return nil
// validateServiceCfg implements validation.Func by taking a potential Milo
// service global config, validating it, and writing the result into ctx.
// The validation we do include:
// * Make sure the config is able to be unmarshalled.
func validateServiceCfg(ctx *validation.Context, configSet, path string, content []byte) error {
settings := config.Settings{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(string(content), &settings); err != nil {
gitacls.ValidateConfig(ctx, settings.SourceAcls)
return nil