blob: 7620a8af168c97d4b37189dfd935aa4233adff3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_layout_algorithm.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_line_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/layout_ng_list_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/ng_unpositioned_list_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_child_iterator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_floats_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragmentation_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_out_of_flow_layout_part.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_positioned_float.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_space_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_unpositioned_float.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/text_autosizer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Return true if a child is to be cleared past adjoining floats. These are
// floats that would otherwise (if 'clear' were 'none') be pulled down by the
// BFC offset of the child. If the child is to clear floats, though, we
// obviously need separate the child from the floats and move it past them,
// since that's what clearance is all about. This means that if we have any such
// floats to clear, we know for sure that we get clearance, even before layout.
inline bool HasClearancePastAdjoiningFloats(NGFloatTypes adjoining_floats,
const ComputedStyle& child_style) {
return ToFloatTypes(child_style.Clear()) & adjoining_floats;
// Adjust BFC block offset for clearance, if applicable. Return true of
// clearance was applied.
// Clearance applies either when the BFC block offset calculated simply isn't
// past all relevant floats, *or* when we have already determined that we're
// directly preceded by clearance.
// The latter is the case when we need to force ourselves past floats that would
// otherwise be adjoining, were it not for the predetermined clearance.
// Clearance inhibits margin collapsing and acts as spacing before the
// block-start margin of the child. It needs to be exactly what takes the
// block-start border edge of the cleared block adjacent to the block-end outer
// edge of the "bottommost" relevant float.
// We cannot reliably calculate the actual clearance amount at this point,
// because 1) this block right here may actually be a descendant of the block
// that is to be cleared, and 2) we may not yet have separated the margin before
// and after the clearance. None of this matters, though, because we know where
// to place this block if clearance applies: exactly at the ConstraintSpace's
// ClearanceOffset().
bool ApplyClearance(const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
LayoutUnit* bfc_block_offset) {
if (constraint_space.HasClearanceOffset() &&
(*bfc_block_offset < constraint_space.ClearanceOffset() ||
constraint_space.ShouldForceClearance())) {
*bfc_block_offset = constraint_space.ClearanceOffset();
return true;
return false;
// Returns if the resulting fragment should be considered an "empty block".
// There is special casing for fragments like this, e.g. margins "collapse
// through", etc.
bool IsEmptyBlock(const NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result) {
// TODO(ikilpatrick): This should be a DCHECK.
if (child.CreatesNewFormattingContext())
return false;
if (layout_result.BfcOffset())
return false;
// This just checks that the fragments block size is actually zero. We can
// assume that its in the same writing mode as its parent, as a different
// writing mode child will be caught by the CreatesNewFormattingContext check.
NGFragment fragment(child.Style().GetWritingMode(),
DCHECK_EQ(LayoutUnit(), fragment.BlockSize()) << child.ToString();
return true;
NGLogicalOffset LogicalFromBfcOffsets(const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGBfcOffset& child_bfc_offset,
const NGBfcOffset& parent_bfc_offset,
LayoutUnit parent_inline_size,
TextDirection direction) {
// We need to respect the current text direction to calculate the logical
// offset correctly.
LayoutUnit relative_line_offset =
child_bfc_offset.line_offset - parent_bfc_offset.line_offset;
LayoutUnit inline_offset =
direction == TextDirection::kLtr
? relative_line_offset
: parent_inline_size - relative_line_offset - fragment.InlineSize();
return {inline_offset,
child_bfc_offset.block_offset - parent_bfc_offset.block_offset};
// Create a child constraint space with only extrinsic block sizing data. This
// will and can not be used for final layout, but is needed in an intermediate
// measure pass that calculates the min/max size contribution from a child that
// establishes an orthogonal flow root.
// Note that it's the child's *block* size that will be propagated as min/max
// inline size to the container. Therefore it's crucial to provide the child
// with an available inline size (which can be derived from the block size of
// the container if definite). We'll provide any extrinsic available block size
// that we have. This includes fixed and resolvable percentage sizes, for
// instance, while auto will not resolve. If no extrinsic size can be
// determined, we will resort to using a fallback later on, such as the initial
// containing block size. Spec:
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> CreateExtrinsicConstraintSpace(
const NGConstraintSpace& container_space,
NGBlockNode container,
NGBlockNode child) {
LayoutUnit extrinsic_block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
container_space, container.Style(), NGSizeIndefinite);
if (extrinsic_block_size != NGSizeIndefinite) {
extrinsic_block_size -=
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(container_space, container).BlockSum();
extrinsic_block_size = std::max(extrinsic_block_size, LayoutUnit());
NGLogicalSize extrinsic_size(NGSizeIndefinite, extrinsic_block_size);
return NGConstraintSpaceBuilder(container_space)
// Stop margin collapsing on one side of a block when
// -webkit-margin-{after,before}-collapse is something other than 'collapse'
// (the initial value)
void StopMarginCollapsing(EMarginCollapse collapse_value,
LayoutUnit this_margin,
LayoutUnit* logical_block_offset,
NGMarginStrut* margin_strut) {
DCHECK_NE(collapse_value, EMarginCollapse::kCollapse);
if (collapse_value == EMarginCollapse::kSeparate) {
// Separate margins between previously adjoining margins and this margin,
// AND between this margin and adjoining margins to come.
*logical_block_offset += margin_strut->Sum() + this_margin;
*margin_strut = NGMarginStrut();
DCHECK_EQ(collapse_value, EMarginCollapse::kDiscard);
// Discard previously adjoining margins, this margin AND all adjoining margins
// to come, so that the sum becomes 0.
margin_strut->discard_margins = true;
} // namespace
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm(NGBlockNode node,
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
NGBlockBreakToken* break_token)
: NGLayoutAlgorithm(node, space, break_token),
is_resuming_(break_token && !break_token->IsBreakBefore()),
exclusion_space_(new NGExclusionSpace(space.ExclusionSpace())) {}
// Define the destructor here, so that we can forward-declare more in the
// header.
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::~NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm() = default;
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeMinMaxSize(
const MinMaxSizeInput& input) const {
MinMaxSize sizes;
// Size-contained elements don't consider their contents for intrinsic sizing.
if (node_.ShouldApplySizeContainment())
return sizes;
const TextDirection direction = Style().Direction();
LayoutUnit float_left_inline_size = input.float_left_inline_size;
LayoutUnit float_right_inline_size = input.float_right_inline_size;
for (NGLayoutInputNode child = Node().FirstChild(); child;
child = child.NextSibling()) {
if (child.IsOutOfFlowPositioned() || child.IsColumnSpanAll())
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child.Style();
const EClear child_clear = child_style.Clear();
// Conceptually floats and a single new-FC would just get positioned on a
// single "line". If there is a float/new-FC with clearance, this creates a
// new "line", resetting the appropriate float size trackers.
// Both of the float size trackers get reset for anything that isn't a float
// (inflow and new-FC) at the end of the loop, as this creates a new "line".
if (child.IsFloating() || child.CreatesNewFormattingContext()) {
LayoutUnit float_inline_size =
float_left_inline_size + float_right_inline_size;
if (child_clear != EClear::kNone)
sizes.max_size = std::max(sizes.max_size, float_inline_size);
if (child_clear == EClear::kBoth || child_clear == EClear::kLeft)
float_left_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
if (child_clear == EClear::kBoth || child_clear == EClear::kRight)
float_right_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
MinMaxSizeInput child_input;
if (child.IsInline() || child.IsAnonymousBlock())
child_input = {float_left_inline_size, float_right_inline_size};
MinMaxSize child_sizes;
if (child.IsInline()) {
// From |NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm| perspective, we can handle |NGInlineNode|
// almost the same as |NGBlockNode|, because an |NGInlineNode| includes
// all inline nodes following |child| and their descendants, and produces
// an anonymous box that contains all line boxes.
// |NextSibling| returns the next block sibling, or nullptr, skipping all
// following inline siblings and descendants.
child_sizes =
child.ComputeMinMaxSize(Style().GetWritingMode(), child_input);
} else {
// We'll need extrinsic sizing data when computing min/max for orthogonal
// flow roots.
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> extrinsic_constraint_space;
const NGConstraintSpace* optional_constraint_space = nullptr;
if (!IsParallelWritingMode(Style().GetWritingMode(),
child.Style().GetWritingMode())) {
extrinsic_constraint_space = CreateExtrinsicConstraintSpace(
ConstraintSpace(), Node(), ToNGBlockNode(child));
optional_constraint_space = extrinsic_constraint_space.get();
child_sizes = ComputeMinAndMaxContentContribution(
Style().GetWritingMode(), child, child_input,
DCHECK_LE(child_sizes.min_size, child_sizes.max_size) << child.ToString();
// Determine the max inline contribution of the child.
NGBoxStrut margins = ComputeMinMaxMargins(Style(), child);
LayoutUnit max_inline_contribution;
if (child.IsFloating()) {
// A float adds to its inline size to the current "line". The new max
// inline contribution is just the sum of all the floats on that "line".
LayoutUnit float_inline_size = child_sizes.max_size + margins.InlineSum();
// float_inline_size is negative when the float is completely outside of
// the content area, by e.g., negative margins. Such floats do not affect
// the content size.
if (float_inline_size > 0) {
if (child_style.Floating() == EFloat::kLeft)
float_left_inline_size += float_inline_size;
float_right_inline_size += float_inline_size;
max_inline_contribution =
float_left_inline_size + float_right_inline_size;
} else if (child.CreatesNewFormattingContext()) {
// As floats are line relative, we perform the margin calculations in the
// line relative coordinate system as well.
LayoutUnit margin_line_left = margins.LineLeft(direction);
LayoutUnit margin_line_right = margins.LineRight(direction);
// line_left_inset and line_right_inset are the "distance" from their
// respective edges of the parent that the new-FC would take. If the
// margin is positive the inset is just whichever of the floats inline
// size and margin is larger, and if negative it just subtracts from the
// float inline size.
LayoutUnit line_left_inset =
margin_line_left > LayoutUnit()
? std::max(float_left_inline_size, margin_line_left)
: float_left_inline_size + margin_line_left;
LayoutUnit line_right_inset =
margin_line_right > LayoutUnit()
? std::max(float_right_inline_size, margin_line_right)
: float_right_inline_size + margin_line_right;
max_inline_contribution =
child_sizes.max_size + line_left_inset + line_right_inset;
} else {
// This is just a standard inflow child.
max_inline_contribution = child_sizes.max_size + margins.InlineSum();
sizes.max_size = std::max(sizes.max_size, max_inline_contribution);
// The min inline contribution just assumes that floats are all on their own
// "line".
LayoutUnit min_inline_contribution =
child_sizes.min_size + margins.InlineSum();
sizes.min_size = std::max(sizes.min_size, min_inline_contribution);
// Anything that isn't a float will create a new "line" resetting the float
// size trackers.
if (!child.IsFloating()) {
float_left_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
float_right_inline_size = LayoutUnit();
DCHECK_GE(sizes.min_size, LayoutUnit());
DCHECK_LE(sizes.min_size, sizes.max_size) << Node().ToString();
sizes +=
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(ConstraintSpace(), node_).InlineSum();
return sizes;
NGLogicalOffset NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateLogicalOffset(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGFragment& fragment,
const NGBoxStrut& child_margins,
const base::Optional<NGBfcOffset>& known_fragment_offset) {
if (known_fragment_offset) {
return LogicalFromBfcOffsets(
fragment, known_fragment_offset.value(), ContainerBfcOffset(),
container_builder_.Size().inline_size, ConstraintSpace().Direction());
LayoutUnit inline_offset =
border_scrollbar_padding_.inline_start + child_margins.inline_start;
if (child.IsInline()) {
inline_offset +=
InlineOffsetForTextAlign(Style(), child_available_size_.inline_size);
// If we've reached here, both the child and the current layout don't have a
// BFC offset yet. Children in this situation are always placed at a logical
// block offset of 0.
return {inline_offset, LayoutUnit()};
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::Layout() {
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> min_max_size;
if (NeedMinMaxSize(ConstraintSpace(), Style())) {
MinMaxSizeInput zero_input;
min_max_size = ComputeMinMaxSize(zero_input);
border_scrollbar_padding_ =
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(ConstraintSpace(), Node());
NGLogicalSize border_box_size = CalculateBorderBoxSize(
ConstraintSpace(), Style(), min_max_size, CalculateDefaultBlockSize());
// Our calculated block-axis size may be indefinite at this point.
// If so, just leave the size as NGSizeIndefinite instead of subtracting
// borders and padding.
NGLogicalSize adjusted_size =
CalculateContentBoxSize(border_box_size, border_scrollbar_padding_);
child_available_size_ = adjusted_size;
// Anonymous constraint spaces are auto-sized. Don't let that affect
// block-axis percentage resolution.
if (ConstraintSpace().IsAnonymous() || Node().IsAnonymousBlock())
child_percentage_size_ = ConstraintSpace().PercentageResolutionSize();
child_percentage_size_ = adjusted_size;
if (ConstraintSpace().IsFixedSizeBlock() &&
child_percentage_size_.block_size = NGSizeIndefinite;
if (NGFloatTypes float_types = ConstraintSpace().AdjoiningFloatTypes()) {
// If there were preceding adjoining floats, they will be affected when the
// BFC offset gets resolved or updated. We then need to roll back and
// re-layout those floats with the new BFC offset, once the BFC offset is
// updated.
abort_when_bfc_offset_updated_ = true;
// If we are resuming from a break token our start border and padding is
// within a previous fragment.
LayoutUnit content_edge =
is_resuming_ ? LayoutUnit() : border_scrollbar_padding_.block_start;
NGPreviousInflowPosition previous_inflow_position = {
LayoutUnit(), ConstraintSpace().MarginStrut(),
/* empty_block_affected_by_clearance */ false};
// Do not collapse margins between parent and its child if:
// A: There is border/padding between them.
// B: This is a new formatting context
// C: We're resuming layout from a break token. Margin struts cannot pass from
// one fragment to another if they are generated by the same block; they
// must be dealt with at the first fragment.
// D: We're forced to stop margin collapsing by a CSS property
// In all those cases we can and must resolve the BFC offset now.
if (border_scrollbar_padding_.block_start || is_resuming_ ||
ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext() ||
Style().MarginBeforeCollapse() != EMarginCollapse::kCollapse) {
bool discard_subsequent_margins =
previous_inflow_position.margin_strut.discard_margins &&
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(&previous_inflow_position)) {
// There should be no preceding content that depends on the BFC offset of
// a new formatting context block, and likewise when resuming from a break
// token.
return container_builder_.Abort(NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved);
// Move to the content edge. This is where the first child should be placed.
previous_inflow_position.logical_block_offset = content_edge;
// If we resolved the BFC offset now, the margin strut has been reset. If
// margins are to be discarded, and this box would otherwise have adjoining
// margins between its own margin and those subsequent content, we need to
// make sure subsequent content discard theirs.
if (discard_subsequent_margins)
previous_inflow_position.margin_strut.discard_margins = true;
// If this is a new formatting context, we should definitely be at the origin
// here. If we're resuming from a break token (for a block that doesn't
// establish a new formatting context), that may not be the case,
// though. There may e.g. be clearance involved, or inline-start margins.
if (ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext())
DCHECK_EQ(container_builder_.BfcOffset().value(), NGBfcOffset());
// If this is a new formatting context, or if we're resuming from a break
// token, no margin strut must be lingering around at this point.
if (ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext() || is_resuming_)
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// New formatting contexts, and where we have an empty block affected by
// clearance should already have their BFC offset resolved.
// If this node is a quirky container, (we are in quirks mode and either a
// table cell or body), we set our margin strut to a mode where it only
// considers non-quirky margins. E.g.
// <body>
// <p></p>
// <div style="margin-top: 10px"></div>
// <h1>Hello</h1>
// </body>
// In the above example <p>'s & <h1>'s margins are ignored as they are
// quirky, and we only consider <div>'s 10px margin.
if (node_.IsQuirkyContainer())
previous_inflow_position.margin_strut.is_quirky_container_start = true;
// Before we descend into children (but after we have determined our inline
// size), give the autosizer an opportunity to adjust the font size on the
// children.
TextAutosizer::NGLayoutScope text_autosizer_layout_scope(
Node(), border_box_size.inline_size);
scoped_refptr<NGBreakToken> previous_inline_break_token;
NGBlockChildIterator child_iterator(Node().FirstChild(), BreakToken());
for (auto entry = child_iterator.NextChild();
NGLayoutInputNode child = entry.node;
entry = child_iterator.NextChild(previous_inline_break_token.get())) {
NGBreakToken* child_break_token = entry.token;
if (child.IsOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
HandleOutOfFlowPositioned(previous_inflow_position, ToNGBlockNode(child));
} else if (child.IsFloating()) {
HandleFloat(previous_inflow_position, ToNGBlockNode(child),
} else if (child.IsListMarker() &&
->NeedsOccupyWholeLine()) {
} else {
// We need to propagate the initial break-before value up our container
// chain, until we reach a container that's not a first child. If we get
// all the way to the root of the fragmentation context without finding
// any such container, we have no valid class A break point, and if a
// forced break was requested, none will be inserted.
bool success =
? HandleNewFormattingContext(child, child_break_token,
: HandleInflow(child, child_break_token,
if (!success) {
// We need to abort the layout, as our BFC offset was resolved.
return container_builder_.Abort(NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved);
if (container_builder_.DidBreak() &&
has_processed_first_child_ = true;
NGMarginStrut end_margin_strut = previous_inflow_position.margin_strut;
// The intrinsic block size is not allowed to be less than the content edge
// offset, as that could give us a negative content box size.
intrinsic_block_size_ = content_edge;
// If the current layout is a new formatting context, we need to encapsulate
// all of our floats.
if (ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext()) {
intrinsic_block_size_ =
// The end margin strut of an in-flow fragment contributes to the size of the
// current fragment if:
// - There is block-end border/scrollbar/padding.
// - There was empty block(s) affected by clearance.
// - We are a new formatting context.
// Additionally this fragment produces no end margin strut.
if (border_scrollbar_padding_.block_end ||
previous_inflow_position.empty_block_affected_by_clearance ||
ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext()) {
// If we are a quirky container, we ignore any quirky margins and
// just consider normal margins to extend our size. Other UAs
// perform this calculation differently, e.g. by just ignoring the
// *last* quirky margin.
// TODO: revisit previous implementation to avoid changing behavior and
LayoutUnit margin_strut_sum = node_.IsQuirkyContainer()
? end_margin_strut.QuirkyContainerSum()
: end_margin_strut.Sum();
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// If we have collapsed through the block start and all children (if any),
// now is the time to determine the BFC offset, because finally we have
// found something solid to hang on to (like clearance or a bottom border,
// for instance). If we're a new formatting context, though, we shouldn't
// be here, because then the offset should already have been determined.
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(&previous_inflow_position))
return container_builder_.Abort(NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved);
} else {
// The trailing margin strut will be part of our intrinsic block size, but
// only if there is something that separates the end margin strut from the
// input margin strut (typically child content, block start
// border/padding, or this being a new BFC). If the margin strut from a
// previous sibling or ancestor managed to collapse through all our
// children (if any at all, that is), it means that the resulting end
// margin strut actually pushes us down, and it should obviously not be
// doubly accounted for as our block size.
intrinsic_block_size_ = std::max(
previous_inflow_position.logical_block_offset + margin_strut_sum);
intrinsic_block_size_ += border_scrollbar_padding_.block_end;
end_margin_strut = NGMarginStrut();
} else {
// Update our intrinsic block size to be just past the block-end border edge
// of the last in-flow child. The pending margin is to be propagated to our
// container, so ignore it.
intrinsic_block_size_ = std::max(
intrinsic_block_size_, previous_inflow_position.logical_block_offset);
intrinsic_block_size_ = std::max(intrinsic_block_size_,
// With contain:size we need to ignore all kinds of intrinsic sizing. If block
// height was specified as auto, its content-box size will become 0.
if (Node().ShouldApplySizeContainment())
intrinsic_block_size_ = border_scrollbar_padding_.BlockSum();
// Recompute the block-axis size now that we know our content size.
border_box_size.block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
ConstraintSpace(), Style(), intrinsic_block_size_);
// If our BFC offset is still unknown, there's one last thing to take into
// consideration: Non-empty blocks always know their position in space. If we
// have a break token, it means that we know the blocks' position even if
// they're empty; it will be at the very start of the fragmentainer.
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset() &&
(border_box_size.block_size || BreakToken())) {
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(&previous_inflow_position))
return container_builder_.Abort(NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved);
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// Do not collapse margins between the last in-flow child and bottom margin
// of its parent if the parent has height != auto.
if (!Style().LogicalHeight().IsAuto()) {
// TODO(layout-ng): handle LogicalMinHeight, LogicalMaxHeight.
end_margin_strut = NGMarginStrut();
// List markers should have been positioned if we had line boxes, or boxes
// that have line boxes. If there were no line boxes, position without line
// boxes.
if (container_builder_.UnpositionedListMarker() && node_.IsListItem())
container_builder_.SetPadding(ComputePadding(ConstraintSpace(), Style()));
// We only finalize for fragmentation if the fragment has a BFC offset. This
// may occur with a zero block size fragment. We need to know the BFC offset
// to determine where the fragmentation line is relative to us.
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset() &&
// Only layout absolute and fixed children if we aren't going to revisit this
// layout.
if (unpositioned_floats_.IsEmpty()) {
NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(&container_builder_, Node().IsAbsoluteContainer(),
Node().IsFixedContainer(), Node().GetScrollbarSizes(),
ConstraintSpace(), Style())
// If we have any unpositioned floats at this stage, our parent will pick up
// this by examining adjoining float types returned, so that we get relayout
// with a forced BFC offset once it's known.
if (!unpositioned_floats_.IsEmpty()) {
if (ConstraintSpace().UseFirstLineStyle())
return container_builder_.ToBoxFragment();
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::HandleOutOfFlowPositioned(
const NGPreviousInflowPosition& previous_inflow_position,
NGBlockNode child) {
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child.Style();
LayoutUnit inline_offset = border_scrollbar_padding_.inline_start;
if (child_style.IsOriginalDisplayInlineType()) {
// If this out-of-flow child is inline type, its static position should
// honor the 'text-align' property.
inline_offset +=
InlineOffsetForTextAlign(Style(), child_available_size_.inline_size);
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Determine which of the child's margins need to be
// included for the static position.
NGLogicalOffset offset = {inline_offset,
// We only include the margin strut in the OOF static-position if we know we
// aren't going to be a zero-block-size fragment.
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset())
offset.block_offset += previous_inflow_position.margin_strut.Sum();
container_builder_.AddOutOfFlowChildCandidate(child, offset);
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::HandleFloat(
const NGPreviousInflowPosition& previous_inflow_position,
NGBlockNode child,
NGBlockBreakToken* child_break_token) {
// Calculate margins in the BFC's writing mode.
NGBoxStrut margins = CalculateMargins(child, child_break_token);
LayoutUnit origin_inline_offset =
ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().line_offset +
scoped_refptr<NGUnpositionedFloat> unpositioned_float =
NGUnpositionedFloat::Create(child_available_size_, child_percentage_size_,
margins, child, child_break_token);
AddUnpositionedFloat(&unpositioned_floats_, &container_builder_,
// If there is a break token for a float we must be resuming layout, we must
// always know our position in the BFC.
DCHECK(!child_break_token || child_break_token->IsBreakBefore() ||
// No need to postpone the positioning if we know the correct offset.
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset() || ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset()) {
// Adjust origin point to the margins of the last child.
// Example: <div style="margin-bottom: 20px"><float></div>
// <div style="margin-bottom: 30px"></div>
LayoutUnit origin_block_offset =
? NextBorderEdge(previous_inflow_position)
: ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset().value().block_offset;
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::HandleNewFormattingContext(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
NGBreakToken* child_break_token,
NGPreviousInflowPosition* previous_inflow_position,
scoped_refptr<NGBreakToken>* previous_inline_break_token) {
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child.Style();
const TextDirection direction = ConstraintSpace().Direction();
bool has_clearance_past_adjoining_floats = HasClearancePastAdjoiningFloats(
container_builder_.AdjoiningFloatTypes(), child_style);
NGInflowChildData child_data =
ComputeChildData(*previous_inflow_position, child, child_break_token,
// If the child has a block-start margin, and the BFC offset is still
// unresolved, and we have preceding adjoining floats, things get complicated
// here. Depending on whether the child fits beside the floats, the margin may
// or may not be adjoining with the current margin strut. This affects the
// position of the preceding adjoining floats. We may have to resolve the BFC
// offset once with the child's margin tentatively adjoining, then realize
// that the child isn't going to fit beside the floats at the current
// position, and therefore re-resolve the BFC offset with the child's margin
// non-adjoining. This is akin to clearance.
NGMarginStrut adjoining_margin_strut(previous_inflow_position->margin_strut);
LayoutUnit adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate =
child_data.bfc_offset_estimate.block_offset +
LayoutUnit non_adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate =
child_data.bfc_offset_estimate.block_offset +
LayoutUnit child_bfc_offset_estimate = adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate;
bool bfc_offset_already_resolved = false;
bool child_determined_bfc_offset = false;
bool child_margin_got_separated = false;
bool had_pending_floats = false;
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
had_pending_floats = !unpositioned_floats_.IsEmpty();
if (ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset()) {
// This is not the first time we're here. We already have a suggested BFC
// offset.
bfc_offset_already_resolved = true;
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset = *ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset();
child_bfc_offset_estimate = bfc_offset.block_offset;
// We require that the BFC offset be the one we'd get with either margins
// adjoining or margins separated. Anything else is a bug.
DCHECK(bfc_offset.block_offset == adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate ||
bfc_offset.block_offset == non_adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate);
// Figure out if the child margin has already got separated from the
// margin strut or not.
child_margin_got_separated =
bfc_offset.block_offset != adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate;
} else if (has_clearance_past_adjoining_floats) {
child_bfc_offset_estimate = NextBorderEdge(*previous_inflow_position);
child_margin_got_separated = true;
// The BFC offset of this container gets resolved because of this child.
child_determined_bfc_offset = true;
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(previous_inflow_position,
child_bfc_offset_estimate)) {
// If we need to abort here, it means that we had preceding unpositioned
// floats. This is only expected if we're here for the first time.
return false;
// We reset the block offset here as it may have been affected by clearance.
child_bfc_offset_estimate = ContainerBfcOffset().block_offset;
// If the child has a non-zero block-start margin, our initial estimate will
// be that any pending floats will be flush (block-start-wise) with this
// child, since they are affected by margin collapsing. Furthermore, this
// child's margin may also pull parent blocks downwards. However, this is only
// the case if the child fits beside the floats at the current block
// offset. If it doesn't (or if it gets clearance), the child needs to be
// pushed down. In this case, the child's margin no longer collapses with the
// previous margin strut, so the pending floats and parent blocks need to
// ignore this margin, which may cause them to end up at completely different
// positions than initially estimated. In other words, we'll need another
// layout pass if this happens.
bool abort_if_cleared = child_data.margins.block_start != LayoutUnit() &&
!child_margin_got_separated &&
NGLayoutOpportunity opportunity;
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result;
std::tie(layout_result, opportunity) =
LayoutNewFormattingContext(child, child_break_token, child_data,
child_bfc_offset_estimate, abort_if_cleared);
if (!layout_result) {
// Layout got aborted, because the child got pushed down by floats, and we
// may have had pending floats that we tentatively positioned incorrectly
// (since the child's margin shouldn't have affected them). Try again
// without the child's margin. So, we need another layout pass. Figure out
// if we can do it right away from here, or if we have to roll back and
// reposition floats first.
if (child_determined_bfc_offset) {
// The BFC offset was calculated when we got to this child, with the
// child's margin adjoining. Since that turned out to be wrong, re-resolve
// the BFC offset without the child's margin.
LayoutUnit old_offset = container_builder_.BfcOffset()->block_offset;
if ((bfc_offset_already_resolved || had_pending_floats) &&
old_offset != container_builder_.BfcOffset()->block_offset) {
// The first BFC offset resolution turned out to be wrong, and we
// positioned preceding adjacent floats based on that. Now we have to
// roll back and position them at the correct offset. The only expected
// incorrect estimate is with the child's margin adjoining. Any other
// incorrect estimate will result in failed layout.
DCHECK_EQ(old_offset, adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate);
return false;
child_bfc_offset_estimate = non_adjoining_bfc_offset_estimate;
child_margin_got_separated = true;
// We can re-layout the child right away. This re-layout *must* produce a
// fragment and opportunity which fits within the exclusion space.
std::tie(layout_result, opportunity) = LayoutNewFormattingContext(
child, child_break_token, child_data, child_bfc_offset_estimate,
/* abort_if_cleared */ false);
const auto& physical_fragment = *layout_result->PhysicalFragment();
NGFragment fragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode(), physical_fragment);
// Auto-margins are applied within the layout opportunity which fits. We'll
// pretend that computed margins are 0 here, as they have already been
// excluded from the layout opportunity rectangle.
NGBoxStrut auto_margins;
if (child.IsListMarker() &&
ToLayoutNGListMarker(child.GetLayoutBox())->NeedsOccupyWholeLine()) {
// Deal with marker's margin. It happens only when marker
// NeedsOccupyWholeLine().
auto_margins.inline_start = NGUnpositionedListMarker(ToNGBlockNode(child))
auto_margins.inline_end = opportunity.rect.InlineSize() -
fragment.InlineSize() - auto_margins.inline_start;
} else {
ResolveInlineMargins(child_style, Style(), opportunity.rect.InlineSize(),
fragment.InlineSize(), &auto_margins);
NGBfcOffset child_bfc_offset(opportunity.rect.start_offset.line_offset +
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset = LogicalFromBfcOffsets(
fragment, child_bfc_offset, ContainerBfcOffset(),
container_builder_.Size().inline_size, ConstraintSpace().Direction());
if (ConstraintSpace().HasBlockFragmentation()) {
bool is_pushed_by_floats =
child_margin_got_separated ||
child_bfc_offset.block_offset > child_bfc_offset_estimate ||
if (BreakBeforeChild(child, *layout_result, previous_inflow_position,
logical_offset.block_offset, is_pushed_by_floats))
return true;
EBreakBetween break_after = JoinFragmentainerBreakValues(
layout_result->FinalBreakAfter(), child.Style().BreakAfter());
PositionOrPropagateListMarker(*layout_result, &logical_offset);
container_builder_.AddChild(layout_result, logical_offset);
// The margins we store will be used by e.g. getComputedStyle().
// When calculating these values, ignore any floats that might have
// affected the child. This is what Edge does.
ResolveInlineMargins(child_style, Style(), child_available_size_.inline_size,
fragment.InlineSize(), &child_data.margins);
ToNGBlockNode(child).StoreMargins(ConstraintSpace(), child_data.margins);
*previous_inflow_position = ComputeInflowPosition(
*previous_inflow_position, child, child_data, child_bfc_offset,
logical_offset, *layout_result, fragment,
/* empty_block_affected_by_clearance */ false);
*previous_inline_break_token = nullptr;
return true;
std::pair<scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult>, NGLayoutOpportunity>
NGLayoutInputNode child,
NGBreakToken* child_break_token,
const NGInflowChildData& child_data,
LayoutUnit child_origin_block_offset,
bool abort_if_cleared) {
const TextDirection direction = ConstraintSpace().Direction();
const WritingMode writing_mode = ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode();
LayoutUnit child_bfc_line_offset =
ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().line_offset +
border_scrollbar_padding_.LineLeft(direction) +
// The origin offset is where we should start looking for layout
// opportunities. It needs to be adjusted by the child's clearance.
NGBfcOffset origin_offset = {child_bfc_line_offset,
// Before we lay out, figure out how much inline space we have available at
// the start block offset estimate (the child is not allowed to overlap with
// floats, so we need to find out how much space is used by floats at this
// block offset). This may affect the inline size of the child, e.g. when it's
// specified as auto, or if it's a table (with table-layout:auto). This will
// not affect percentage resolution, because that's going to be resolved
// against the containing block, regardless of adjacent floats. When looking
// for space, we ignore inline margins, as they will overlap with any adjacent
// floats.
LayoutUnit inline_margin = child_data.margins.InlineSum();
LayoutUnit inline_size =
(child_available_size_.inline_size - inline_margin).ClampNegativeToZero();
NGLayoutOpportunity opportunity = exclusion_space_->FindLayoutOpportunity(
origin_offset, inline_size, NGLogicalSize());
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result;
// Now we lay out. This will give us a child fragment and thus its size, which
// means that we can find out where it's actually going to fit. If it doesn't
// fit where it was laid out, and is pushed downwards, we'll lay out over
// again, since a new BFC offset could result in a new fragment size,
// e.g. when inline size is auto, or if we're block-fragmented.
do {
if (abort_if_cleared &&
origin_offset.block_offset < opportunity.rect.BlockStartOffset()) {
// Abort if we got pushed downwards. We need to adjust
// child_origin_block_offset, reposition any floats affected by that, and
// try again.
layout_result = nullptr;
origin_offset.block_offset = opportunity.rect.BlockStartOffset();
// The available inline size in the child constraint space needs to include
// inline margins, since layout algorithms (both legacy and NG) will resolve
// auto inline size by subtracting the inline margins from available inline
// size. We have calculated a layout opportunity without margins in mind,
// since they overlap with adjacent floats. Now we need to add them.
NGLogicalSize child_available_size = {
(opportunity.rect.InlineSize() + inline_margin).ClampNegativeToZero(),
auto child_space =
CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(child, child_data, child_available_size);
layout_result = child.Layout(*child_space, child_break_token);
// Now find a layout opportunity where the fragment is actually going to
// fit.
NGFragment fragment(writing_mode, *layout_result->PhysicalFragment());
opportunity = exclusion_space_->FindLayoutOpportunity(
origin_offset, inline_size, fragment.Size());
} while (origin_offset.block_offset < opportunity.rect.BlockStartOffset());
return std::make_pair(std::move(layout_result), opportunity);
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::HandleInflow(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
NGBreakToken* child_break_token,
NGPreviousInflowPosition* previous_inflow_position,
scoped_refptr<NGBreakToken>* previous_inline_break_token) {
bool is_non_empty_inline =
child.IsInline() && !ToNGInlineNode(child).IsEmptyInline();
// We update marker text in WillCollectInlines(). If ListItem isn't
// ChildrenInline(), we should WillCollectInlines() manually.
if (Node().IsListItem() && !child.IsInline()) {
LayoutBlockFlow* block = ToLayoutBlockFlow(Node().GetLayoutBox());
bool has_clearance_past_adjoining_floats =
child.IsBlock() &&
// If we can separate the previous margin strut from what is to follow, do
// that. Then we're able to resolve *our* BFC offset and position any pending
// floats. There are two situations where this is necessary:
// 1. If the child is to be cleared by adjoining floats.
// 2. If the child is a non-empty inline.
if (has_clearance_past_adjoining_floats || is_non_empty_inline) {
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(previous_inflow_position))
return false;
// Perform layout on the child.
NGInflowChildData child_data =
ComputeChildData(*previous_inflow_position, child, child_break_token,
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> child_space =
CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(child, child_data, child_available_size_);
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result =
child.Layout(*child_space, child_break_token);
base::Optional<NGBfcOffset> child_bfc_offset = layout_result->BfcOffset();
// TODO(layout-dev): A more optimal version of this is to set
// relayout_child_when_bfc_resolved only if the child tree itself _added_ any
// floats that it failed to position. Currently, we risk relaying out the
// parent block for no reason, because we're not able to make this
// distinction.
bool relayout_child_when_bfc_resolved =
layout_result->AdjoiningFloatTypes() && !child_bfc_offset &&
bool is_empty_block = IsEmptyBlock(child, *layout_result);
// A child may have aborted its layout if it resolved its BFC offset. If
// we don't have a BFC offset yet, we need to propagate the abortion up
// to our parent.
if (layout_result->Status() == NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved &&
!container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// There's no need to do anything apart from resolving the BFC offset here,
// so make sure that it aborts before trying to position floats or anything
// like that, which would just be waste of time. This is simply propagating
// an abort up to a node which is able to restart the layout (a node that
// has resolved its BFC offset).
abort_when_bfc_offset_updated_ = true;
ResolveBfcOffset(previous_inflow_position, child_bfc_offset->block_offset);
return false;
// We only want to copy from a layout that was successful. If the status was
// kBfcOffsetResolved we may have unpositioned floats which we will position
// in the current exclusion space once *our* BFC is resolved.
// The exclusion space is then updated when the child undergoes relayout
// below.
if (layout_result->Status() == NGLayoutResult::kSuccess) {
exclusion_space_ =
// We have special behaviour for an empty block which gets pushed down due to
// clearance, see comment inside ComputeInflowPosition.
bool empty_block_affected_by_clearance = false;
// We try and position the child within the block formatting context. This
// may cause our BFC offset to be resolved, in which case we should abort our
// layout if needed.
bool has_clearance = layout_result->IsPushedByFloats();
if (!child_bfc_offset) {
if (!has_clearance && child_space->HasClearanceOffset() &&
child.Style().Clear() != EClear::kNone) {
// This is an empty block child that we collapsed through, so we have to
// detect clearance manually. See if the child's hypothetical border edge
// is past the relevant floats. If it's not, we need to apply clearance
// before it.
LayoutUnit child_block_offset_estimate =
BfcBlockOffset() + layout_result->EndMarginStrut().Sum();
if (child_block_offset_estimate < child_space->ClearanceOffset() ||
has_clearance = empty_block_affected_by_clearance = true;
if (has_clearance) {
// The child has clearance. Clearance inhibits margin collapsing and acts as
// spacing before the block-start margin of the child. Our BFC offset is
// therefore resolvable, and if it hasn't already been resolved, we'll do it
// now to separate the child's collapsed margin from this container.
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(previous_inflow_position))
return false;
if (!child_bfc_offset) {
// Layout wasn't able to determine the BFC offset of the child. This has to
// mean that the child is empty (block-size-wise).
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// Since we know our own BFC offset, though, we can calculate that of the
// child as well.
child_bfc_offset = PositionEmptyChildWithParentBfc(
child, *child_space, child_data, *layout_result);
} else if (!has_clearance) {
// We shouldn't have any pending floats here, since an in-flow child found
// its BFC offset.
// The child's BFC offset is known, and since there's no clearance, this
// container will get the same offset, unless it has already been resolved.
if (!ResolveBfcOffset(previous_inflow_position,
return false;
// We need to re-layout a child if it was affected by clearance in order to
// produce a new margin strut. For example:
// <div style="margin-bottom: 50px;"></div>
// <div id="float" style="height: 50px;"></div>
// <div id="zero" style="clear: left; margin-top: -20px;">
// <div id="zero-inner" style="margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: -30px;">
// </div>
// The end margin strut for #zero will be {50, -30}. #zero will be affected
// by clearance (as 50 > {50, -30}).
// As #zero doesn't touch the incoming margin strut now we need to perform a
// relayout with an empty incoming margin strut.
// The resulting margin strut in the above example will be {40, -30}. See
// ComputeInflowPosition for how this end margin strut is used.
bool empty_block_affected_by_clearance_needs_relayout = false;
if (empty_block_affected_by_clearance) {
NGMarginStrut margin_strut;
// We only need to relayout if the new margin strut is different to the
// previous one.
if (child_data.margin_strut != margin_strut) {
child_data.margin_strut = margin_strut;
empty_block_affected_by_clearance_needs_relayout = true;
// We need to layout a child if we know its BFC offset and:
// - It aborted its layout as it resolved its BFC offset.
// - It has some unpositioned floats.
// - It was affected by clearance.
if ((layout_result->Status() == NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved ||
relayout_child_when_bfc_resolved ||
empty_block_affected_by_clearance_needs_relayout) &&
child_bfc_offset) {
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> new_child_space =
CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(child, child_data, child_available_size_,
layout_result = child.Layout(*new_child_space, child_break_token);
if (layout_result->Status() == NGLayoutResult::kBfcOffsetResolved) {
// Even a second layout pass may abort, if the BFC offset initially
// calculated turned out to be wrong. This happens when we discover that
// an in-flow block-level descendant that establishes a new formatting
// context doesn't fit beside the floats at its initial position. Allow
// one more pass.
child_bfc_offset = layout_result->BfcOffset();
new_child_space = CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(
child, child_data, child_available_size_, child_bfc_offset);
layout_result = child.Layout(*new_child_space, child_break_token);
DCHECK_EQ(layout_result->Status(), NGLayoutResult::kSuccess);
exclusion_space_ =
relayout_child_when_bfc_resolved = false;
// If we don't know our BFC offset yet, and the child stumbled into something
// that needs it (unable to position floats when the BFC offset is unknown),
// we need abort layout once we manage to resolve it, and relayout. Note that
// this check is performed after the optional second layout pass above, since
// we may have been able to resolve our BFC offset (e.g. due to clearance) and
// position any descendant floats in the second pass. In particular, when it
// comes to clearance of empty blocks, if we just applied it and resolved the
// BFC offset to separate the margins before and after clearance, we cannot
// abort and re-layout this block, or clearance would be lost.
// If we are a new formatting context, the child will get re-laid out once it
// has been positioned.
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
abort_when_bfc_offset_updated_ |= relayout_child_when_bfc_resolved;
// If our BFC offset is unknown, and the child got pushed down by floats,
// so will we.
if (layout_result->IsPushedByFloats())
// A line-box may have a list of floats which we add as children.
if (child.IsInline() &&
(container_builder_.BfcOffset() || ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset())) {
// We must have an actual fragment at this stage.
const auto& physical_fragment = *layout_result->PhysicalFragment();
NGFragment fragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode(), physical_fragment);
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset = CalculateLogicalOffset(
child, fragment, child_data.margins, child_bfc_offset);
if (ConstraintSpace().HasBlockFragmentation()) {
if (BreakBeforeChild(child, *layout_result, previous_inflow_position,
return true;
EBreakBetween break_after = JoinFragmentainerBreakValues(
layout_result->FinalBreakAfter(), child.Style().BreakAfter());
PositionOrPropagateListMarker(*layout_result, &logical_offset);
if (is_empty_block && !container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
container_builder_.AddChild(layout_result, logical_offset);
if (child.IsBlock())
if (child.IsBlock())
ToNGBlockNode(child).StoreMargins(ConstraintSpace(), child_data.margins);
*previous_inflow_position =
ComputeInflowPosition(*previous_inflow_position, child, child_data,
child_bfc_offset, logical_offset, *layout_result,
fragment, empty_block_affected_by_clearance);
*previous_inline_break_token =
child.IsInline() ? layout_result->PhysicalFragment()->BreakToken()
: nullptr;
return true;
NGInflowChildData NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeChildData(
const NGPreviousInflowPosition& previous_inflow_position,
NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGBreakToken* child_break_token,
bool force_clearance) {
// Calculate margins in parent's writing mode.
NGBoxStrut margins = CalculateMargins(child, child_break_token);
// Append the current margin strut with child's block start margin.
// Non empty border/padding, and new FC use cases are handled inside of the
// child's layout
NGMarginStrut margin_strut = previous_inflow_position.margin_strut;
LayoutUnit logical_block_offset =
if (child.Style().MarginBeforeCollapse() != EMarginCollapse::kCollapse) {
// Stop margin collapsing on the block-start side of the child.
margins.block_start, &logical_block_offset,
} else {
NGBfcOffset child_bfc_offset = {
ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().line_offset +
border_scrollbar_padding_.LineLeft(ConstraintSpace().Direction()) +
BfcBlockOffset() + logical_block_offset};
return {child_bfc_offset, margin_strut, margins, force_clearance};
NGPreviousInflowPosition NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeInflowPosition(
const NGPreviousInflowPosition& previous_inflow_position,
const NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGInflowChildData& child_data,
const base::Optional<NGBfcOffset>& child_bfc_offset,
const NGLogicalOffset& logical_offset,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result,
const NGFragment& fragment,
bool empty_block_affected_by_clearance) {
// Determine the child's end logical offset, for the next child to use.
LayoutUnit logical_block_offset;
bool is_empty_block = IsEmptyBlock(child, layout_result);
if (is_empty_block) {
// The default behaviour for empty blocks is they just pass through the
// previous inflow position.
logical_block_offset = previous_inflow_position.logical_block_offset;
if (empty_block_affected_by_clearance) {
// If there's clearance, we must have applied that by now and thus
// resolved our BFC offset.
// If an empty block was affected by clearance (that is it got pushed
// down past a float), we need to do something slightly bizarre.
// Instead of just passing through the previous inflow position, we make
// the inflow position our new position (which was affected by the
// float), minus what the margin strut which the empty block produced.
// Another way of thinking about this is that when you *add* back the
// margin strut, you end up with the same position as you started with.
// This is essentially what the spec refers to as clearance [1], and,
// while we normally don't have to calculate it directly, in the case of
// an empty cleared child like here, we actually have to.
// We have to calculate clearance for empty cleared children, because we
// need the margin that's between the clearance and this block to collapse
// correctly with subsequent content. This is something that needs to take
// place after the margin strut preceding and following the clearance have
// been separated. Clearance may be positive, negative or zero, depending
// on what it takes to (hypothetically) place this child just below the
// last relevant float. Since the margins before and after the clearance
// have been separated, we may have to pull the child back, and that's an
// example of negative clearance.
// (In the other case, when a cleared child is non-empty (i.e. when we
// don't end up here), we don't need to explicitly calculate clearance,
// because then we just place its border edge where it should be and we're
// done with it.)
// [1]
// First move past the margin that is to precede the clearance. It will
// not participate in any subsequent margin collapsing.
LayoutUnit margin_before_clearance =
logical_block_offset += margin_before_clearance;
// Calculate and apply actual clearance.
LayoutUnit clearance = child_bfc_offset.value().block_offset -
layout_result.EndMarginStrut().Sum() -
logical_block_offset += clearance;
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset())
DCHECK_EQ(logical_block_offset, LayoutUnit());
} else {
logical_block_offset = logical_offset.block_offset + fragment.BlockSize();
NGMarginStrut margin_strut = layout_result.EndMarginStrut();
if (child.Style().MarginAfterCollapse() != EMarginCollapse::kCollapse) {
// Stop margin collapsing on the block-end side of the child.
child_data.margins.block_end, &logical_block_offset,
} else {
// An empty block's end margin can "inherit" quirkiness from its start
// margin. E.g.
// <ol style="margin-bottom: 20px"></ol>
bool is_quirky = (is_empty_block && child.Style().HasMarginBeforeQuirk()) ||
margin_strut.Append(child_data.margins.block_end, is_quirky);
// This flag is subtle, but in order to determine our size correctly we need
// to check if our last child is an empty block, and it was affected by
// clearance *or* an adjoining empty sibling was affected by clearance. E.g.
// <div id="container">
// <div id="float"></div>
// <div id="zero-with-clearance"></div>
// <div id="another-zero"></div>
// </div>
// In the above case #container's size will depend on the end margin strut of
// #another-zero, even though usually it wouldn't.
bool empty_or_sibling_empty_affected_by_clearance =
empty_block_affected_by_clearance ||
(previous_inflow_position.empty_block_affected_by_clearance &&
return {logical_block_offset, margin_strut,
NGBfcOffset NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionEmptyChildWithParentBfc(
const NGLayoutInputNode& child,
const NGConstraintSpace& child_space,
const NGInflowChildData& child_data,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result) const {
DCHECK(IsEmptyBlock(child, layout_result));
// The child must be an in-flow zero-block-size fragment, use its end margin
// strut for positioning.
NGBfcOffset child_bfc_offset = {
ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().line_offset +
border_scrollbar_padding_.LineLeft(ConstraintSpace().Direction()) +
child_data.bfc_offset_estimate.block_offset +
if (child.IsInline()) {
child_bfc_offset.line_offset +=
LineOffsetForTextAlign(Style().GetTextAlign(), Style().Direction(),
child_available_size_.inline_size, LayoutUnit());
ApplyClearance(child_space, &child_bfc_offset.block_offset);
return child_bfc_offset;
LayoutUnit NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::FragmentainerSpaceAvailable() const {
return ConstraintSpace().FragmentainerSpaceAtBfcStart() -
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::IsFragmentainerOutOfSpace(
LayoutUnit block_offset) const {
if (!ConstraintSpace().HasBlockFragmentation())
return false;
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset().has_value())
return false;
return block_offset >= FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::FinalizeForFragmentation() {
if (first_overflowing_line_ && !fit_all_lines_) {
// A line box overflowed the fragmentainer, but we continued layout anyway,
// in order to determine where to break in order to honor the widows
// request. We never got around to actually breaking, before we ran out of
// lines. So do it now.
intrinsic_block_size_ = FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
LayoutUnit used_block_size =
BreakToken() ? BreakToken()->UsedBlockSize() : LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
ConstraintSpace(), Style(), used_block_size + intrinsic_block_size_);
block_size -= used_block_size;
DCHECK_GE(block_size, LayoutUnit())
<< "Adding and subtracting the used_block_size shouldn't leave the "
"block_size for this fragment smaller than zero.";
LayoutUnit space_left = FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
if (space_left <= LayoutUnit()) {
// The amount of space available may be zero, or even negative, if the
// border-start edge of this block starts exactly at, or even after the
// fragmentainer boundary. We're going to need a break before this block,
// because no part of it fits in the current fragmentainer. Due to margin
// collapsing with children, this situation is something that we cannot
// always detect prior to layout. The fragment produced by this algorithm is
// going to be thrown away. The parent layout algorithm will eventually
// detect that there's no room for a fragment for this node, and drop the
// fragment on the floor. Therefore it doesn't matter how we set up the
// container builder, so just return.
if (container_builder_.DidBreak()) {
// One of our children broke. Even if we fit within the remaining space we
// need to prepare a break token.
container_builder_.SetUsedBlockSize(std::min(space_left, block_size) +
container_builder_.SetBlockSize(std::min(space_left, block_size));
if (first_overflowing_line_) {
int line_number;
if (fit_all_lines_) {
line_number = first_overflowing_line_;
} else {
// We managed to finish layout of all the lines for the node, which
// means that we won't have enough widows, unless we break earlier than
// where we overflowed.
int line_count = container_builder_.LineCount();
line_number = std::max(line_count - Style().Widows(),
std::min(line_count, int(Style().Orphans())));
if (block_size > space_left) {
// Need a break inside this block.
container_builder_.SetUsedBlockSize(space_left + used_block_size);
container_builder_.PropagateSpaceShortage(block_size - space_left);
// The end of the block fits in the current fragmentainer.
container_builder_.SetUsedBlockSize(used_block_size + block_size);
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::BreakBeforeChild(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result,
NGPreviousInflowPosition* previous_inflow_position,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
bool is_pushed_by_floats) {
BreakType break_type = BreakTypeBeforeChild(
child, layout_result, block_offset, is_pushed_by_floats);
if (break_type == NoBreak)
return false;
LayoutUnit space_available = FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
LayoutUnit space_shortage;
if (layout_result.MinimalSpaceShortage() == LayoutUnit::Max()) {
// Calculate space shortage: Figure out how much more space would have been
// sufficient to make the child fit right here in the current fragment.
NGFragment fragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode(),
LayoutUnit space_left = space_available - block_offset;
space_shortage = fragment.BlockSize() - space_left;
} else {
// However, if space shortage was reported inside the child, use that. If we
// broke inside the child, we didn't complete layout, so calculating space
// shortage for the child as a whole would be impossible and pointless.
space_shortage = layout_result.MinimalSpaceShortage();
if (child.IsInline()) {
DCHECK_EQ(break_type, SoftBreak);
if (!first_overflowing_line_) {
// We're at the first overflowing line. This is the space shortage that
// we are going to report. We do this in spite of not yet knowing
// whether breaking here would violate orphans and widows requests. This
// approach may result in a lower space shortage than what's actually
// true, which leads to more layout passes than we'd otherwise
// need. However, getting this optimal for orphans and widows would
// require an additional piece of machinery. This case should be rare
// enough (to worry about performance), so let's focus on code
// simplicity instead.
// Attempt to honor orphans and widows requests.
if (int line_count = container_builder_.LineCount()) {
if (!first_overflowing_line_)
first_overflowing_line_ = line_count;
bool is_first_fragment = !BreakToken();
// Figure out how many lines we need before the break. That entails to
// attempt to honor the orphans request.
int minimum_line_count = Style().Orphans();
if (!is_first_fragment) {
// If this isn't the first fragment, it means that there's a break both
// before and after this fragment. So what was seen as trailing widows
// in the previous fragment is essentially orphans for us now.
minimum_line_count =
std::max(minimum_line_count, static_cast<int>(Style().Widows()));
if (line_count < minimum_line_count) {
if (is_first_fragment) {
// Not enough orphans. Our only hope is if we can break before the
// start of this block to improve on the situation. That's not
// something we can determine at this point though. Permit the break,
// but mark it as undesirable.
// We're already failing with orphans, so don't even try to deal with
// widows.
fit_all_lines_ = true;
} else {
// There are enough lines before the break. Try to make sure that
// there'll be enough lines after the break as well. Attempt to honor
// the widows request.
DCHECK_GE(line_count, first_overflowing_line_);
int widows_found = line_count - first_overflowing_line_ + 1;
if (widows_found < Style().Widows()) {
// Although we're out of space, we have to continue layout to figure
// out exactly where to break in order to honor the widows
// request. We'll make sure that we're going to leave at least as many
// lines as specified by the 'widows' property for the next fragment
// (if at all possible), which means that lines that could fit in the
// current fragment (that we have already laid out) may have to be
// saved for the next fragment.
return false;
} else {
// We have determined that there are plenty of lines for the next
// fragment, so we can just break exactly where we ran out of space,
// rather than pushing some of the line boxes over to the next
// fragment.
fit_all_lines_ = true;
if (!has_processed_first_child_ &&
(container_builder_.IsPushedByFloats() || !is_pushed_by_floats)) {
// We're breaking before the first piece of in-flow content inside this
// block, even if it's not a valid class C break point [1] in this case. We
// really don't want to break here, if we can find something better. A class
// C break point occurs if a first child has been pushed by floats, but this
// only applies to the outermost block that gets pushed (in case this parent
// and the child have adjoining top margins).
// [1]
// The remaining part of the fragmentainer (the unusable space for child
// content, due to the break) should still be occupied by this container.
// TODO(mstensho): Figure out if we really need to <0 here. It doesn't seem
// right to have negative available space.
previous_inflow_position->logical_block_offset =
// Drop the fragment on the floor and retry at the start of the next
// fragmentainer.
if (break_type == ForcedBreak) {
} else {
// Report space shortage, unless we're at a line box (in that case we've
// already dealt with it further up).
if (!child.IsInline()) {
// TODO(mstensho): Turn this into a DCHECK, when the engine is ready for
// it. Space shortage should really be positive here, or we might
// ultimately fail to stretch the columns (column balancing).
if (space_shortage > LayoutUnit())
return true;
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::BreakType NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::BreakTypeBeforeChild(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
bool is_pushed_by_floats) const {
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset().has_value())
return NoBreak;
const NGPhysicalFragment& physical_fragment =
// If we haven't used any space at all in the fragmentainer yet, we cannot
// break, or there'd be no progress. We'd end up creating an infinite number
// of fragmentainers without putting any content into them.
auto space_left = FragmentainerSpaceAvailable() - block_offset;
if (space_left >= ConstraintSpace().FragmentainerBlockSize())
return NoBreak;
if (child.IsInline()) {
NGFragment fragment(ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode(), physical_fragment);
return fragment.BlockSize() > space_left ? SoftBreak : NoBreak;
EBreakBetween break_before = JoinFragmentainerBreakValues(
child.Style().BreakBefore(), layout_result.InitialBreakBefore());
EBreakBetween break_between =
if (IsForcedBreakValue(ConstraintSpace(), break_between)) {
// There should be a forced break before this child, and if we're not at the
// first in-flow child, just go ahead and break.
if (has_processed_first_child_)
return ForcedBreak;
// If the block offset is past the fragmentainer boundary (or exactly at the
// boundary), no part of the fragment is going to fit in the current
// fragmentainer. Fragments may be pushed past the fragmentainer boundary by
// margins.
if (space_left <= LayoutUnit())
return SoftBreak;
const auto* token = physical_fragment.BreakToken();
if (!token || token->IsFinished())
return NoBreak;
if (token && token->IsBlockType() &&
ToNGBlockBreakToken(token)->HasLastResortBreak()) {
// We've already found a place to break inside the child, but it wasn't an
// optimal one, because it would violate some rules for breaking. Consider
// breaking before this child instead, but only do so if it's at a valid
// break point. It's a valid break point if we're between siblings, or if
// it's a first child at a class C break point [1] (if it got pushed down by
// floats). The break we've already found has been marked as a last-resort
// break, but moving that last-resort break to an earlier (but equally bad)
// last-resort break would just waste fragmentainer space and slow down
// content progression.
// [1]
if (has_processed_first_child_ || is_pushed_by_floats) {
// This is a valid break point, and we can resolve the last-resort
// situation.
return SoftBreak;
// TODO(mstensho): There are other break-inside values to consider here.
if (child.Style().BreakInside() != EBreakInside::kAvoid)
return NoBreak;
// The child broke, and we're not at the start of a fragmentainer, and we're
// supposed to avoid breaking inside the child.
DCHECK(IsFirstFragment(ConstraintSpace(), physical_fragment));
return SoftBreak;
NGBoxStrut NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateMargins(
NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGBreakToken* child_break_token) {
if (child.IsInline())
return {};
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child.Style();
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> space =
NGBoxStrut margins =
ComputeMarginsFor(*space, child_style, ConstraintSpace());
if (ShouldIgnoreBlockStartMargin(ConstraintSpace(), child, child_break_token))
margins.block_start = LayoutUnit();
// As long as the child isn't establishing a new formatting context, we need
// to resolve auto margins before layout, to be able to position child floats
// correctly.
if (!child.CreatesNewFormattingContext()) {
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> sizes;
if (NeedMinMaxSize(*space, child_style)) {
// We only want to guess the child's size here, so preceding floats are of
// no interest.
MinMaxSizeInput zero_input;
sizes = child.ComputeMinMaxSize(child_style.GetWritingMode(), zero_input);
LayoutUnit child_inline_size =
ComputeInlineSizeForFragment(*space, child_style, sizes);
ResolveInlineMargins(child_style, Style(),
space->AvailableSize().inline_size, child_inline_size,
return margins;
const NGLayoutInputNode child,
const NGInflowChildData& child_data,
const NGLogicalSize child_available_size,
const base::Optional<NGBfcOffset> floats_bfc_offset) {
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder space_builder(ConstraintSpace());
NGLogicalSize available_size(child_available_size);
NGLogicalSize percentage_size(child_percentage_size_);
if (percentage_size.block_size == NGSizeIndefinite &&
Node().GetDocument().InQuirksMode()) {
// Implement percentage height calculation quirk
if (!Style().IsDisplayTableType() && !Style().HasOutOfFlowPosition()) {
percentage_size.block_size =
if (NGBaseline::ShouldPropagateBaselines(child))
bool is_new_fc = child.CreatesNewFormattingContext();
if (!is_new_fc) {
if (!container_builder_.BfcOffset() && ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset()) {
if (floats_bfc_offset)
WritingMode writing_mode;
LayoutUnit clearance_offset = constraint_space_.IsNewFormattingContext()
? LayoutUnit::Min()
: ConstraintSpace().ClearanceOffset();
if (child.IsInline()) {
writing_mode = Style().GetWritingMode();
} else {
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child.Style();
LayoutUnit child_clearance_offset =
clearance_offset = std::max(clearance_offset, child_clearance_offset);
space_builder.SetIsShrinkToFit(ShouldShrinkToFit(Style(), child_style));
writing_mode = child_style.GetWritingMode();
// PositionListMarker() requires a first line baseline.
if (container_builder_.UnpositionedListMarker()) {
{NGBaselineAlgorithmType::kFirstLine, Style().GetFontBaseline()});
if (child_data.force_clearance)
LayoutUnit space_available;
if (ConstraintSpace().HasBlockFragmentation()) {
space_available = ConstraintSpace().FragmentainerSpaceAtBfcStart();
// If a block establishes a new formatting context we must know our
// position in the formatting context, and are able to adjust the
// fragmentation line.
if (is_new_fc) {
space_available -= child_data.bfc_offset_estimate.block_offset;
// The policy regarding collapsing block-start margin with the fragmentainer
// block-start is the same throughout the entire fragmentainer (although it
// really only matters at the beginning of each fragmentainer, we don't need
// to bother to check whether we're actually at the start).
return space_builder.ToConstraintSpace(writing_mode);
LayoutUnit NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeLineBoxBaselineOffset(
const NGBaselineRequest& request,
const NGPhysicalLineBoxFragment& line_box,
LayoutUnit line_box_block_offset) const {
NGLineHeightMetrics metrics = line_box.BaselineMetrics(request.baseline_type);
// NGLineHeightMetrics is line-relative, which matches to the flow-relative
// unless this box is in flipped-lines writing-mode.
if (!Style().IsFlippedLinesWritingMode())
return metrics.ascent + line_box_block_offset;
if (Node().IsInlineLevel()) {
// If this box is inline-level, since we're in NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm, this
// is an inline-block.
// This box will be flipped when the containing line is flipped. Compute the
// baseline offset from the block-end (right in vertical-lr) content edge.
line_box_block_offset = container_builder_.Size().block_size -
(line_box_block_offset + line_box.Size().width);
return metrics.ascent + line_box_block_offset;
// Otherwise, the baseline is offset by the descent from the block-start
// content edge.
return metrics.descent + line_box_block_offset;
// Add a baseline from a child box fragment.
// @return false if the specified child is not a box or is OOF.
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::AddBaseline(const NGBaselineRequest& request,
const NGPhysicalFragment* child,
LayoutUnit child_offset) {
if (child->IsLineBox()) {
const NGPhysicalLineBoxFragment* line_box =
// Skip over a line-box which is empty. These don't any baselines which
// should be added.
if (line_box->Children().IsEmpty())
return false;
LayoutUnit offset =
ComputeLineBoxBaselineOffset(request, *line_box, child_offset);
container_builder_.AddBaseline(request, offset);
return true;
LayoutObject* layout_object = child->GetLayoutObject();
if (layout_object->IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
return false;
if (child->IsBox()) {
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment* box = ToNGPhysicalBoxFragment(child);
if (const NGBaseline* baseline = box->Baseline(request)) {
container_builder_.AddBaseline(request, baseline->offset + child_offset);
return true;
return false;
// Propagate computed baselines from children.
// Skip children that do not produce baselines (e.g., empty blocks.)
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PropagateBaselinesFromChildren() {
const Vector<NGBaselineRequest>& requests =
if (requests.IsEmpty())
for (const auto& request : requests) {
switch (request.algorithm_type) {
case NGBaselineAlgorithmType::kAtomicInline:
for (unsigned i = container_builder_.Children().size(); i--;) {
if (AddBaseline(request, container_builder_.Children()[i].get(),
case NGBaselineAlgorithmType::kFirstLine:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < container_builder_.Children().size(); i++) {
if (AddBaseline(request, container_builder_.Children()[i].get(),
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ResolveBfcOffset(
NGPreviousInflowPosition* previous_inflow_position,
LayoutUnit bfc_block_offset) {
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
return true;
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset(ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().line_offset,
if (ApplyClearance(ConstraintSpace(), &bfc_offset.block_offset))
if (NeedsAbortOnBfcOffsetChange())
return false;
// If our BFC offset was updated, we may have been affected by clearance
// ourselves. We need to adjust the origin point to accomodate this.
bfc_block_offset = bfc_offset.block_offset;
// Reset the previous inflow position. Clear the margin strut and set the
// offset to our block-start border edge.
// We'll now end up at the block-start border edge. If the BFC offset was
// resolved due to a block-start border or padding, that must be added by the
// caller, for subsequent layout to continue at the right position. Whether we
// need to add border+padding or not isn't something we should determine here,
// so it must be dealt with as part of initializing the layout algorithm.
previous_inflow_position->logical_block_offset = LayoutUnit();
previous_inflow_position->margin_strut = NGMarginStrut();
return true;
bool NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::NeedsAbortOnBfcOffsetChange() const {
if (!abort_when_bfc_offset_updated_)
return false;
// If no previous BFC offset was set, we need to abort.
if (!ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset())
return true;
// If the previous BFC offset matches the new one, we can continue. Otherwise,
// we need to abort.
LayoutUnit old_bfc_block_offset =
return container_builder_.BfcOffset()->block_offset != old_bfc_block_offset;
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionPendingFloats(
LayoutUnit origin_block_offset) {
DCHECK(container_builder_.BfcOffset() || ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset())
<< "The parent BFC offset should be known here";
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset = container_builder_.BfcOffset()
? container_builder_.BfcOffset().value()
: ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset().value();
LayoutUnit from_block_offset = bfc_offset.block_offset;
const auto positioned_floats = PositionFloats(
origin_block_offset, from_block_offset, unpositioned_floats_,
ConstraintSpace(), exclusion_space_.get());
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::AddPositionedFloats(
const Vector<NGPositionedFloat>& positioned_floats) {
DCHECK(container_builder_.BfcOffset() || ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset())
<< "The parent BFC offset should be known here";
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset = container_builder_.BfcOffset()
? container_builder_.BfcOffset().value()
: ConstraintSpace().FloatsBfcOffset().value();
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Add DCHECK that any positioned floats are children.
for (const auto& positioned_float : positioned_floats) {
NGFragment child_fragment(
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset = LogicalFromBfcOffsets(
child_fragment, positioned_float.bfc_offset, bfc_offset,
container_builder_.Size().inline_size, ConstraintSpace().Direction());
container_builder_.AddChild(positioned_float.layout_result, logical_offset);
// In quirks mode, BODY and HTML elements must completely fill initial
// containing block. Percentage resolution size is minimal size
// that would fill the ICB.
LayoutUnit NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateDefaultBlockSize() {
if (!Node().GetDocument().InQuirksMode())
return NGSizeIndefinite;
bool is_quirky_element = Node().IsDocumentElement() || Node().IsBody();
if (is_quirky_element && !Style().HasOutOfFlowPosition()) {
LayoutUnit block_size = ConstraintSpace().AvailableSize().block_size;
block_size -= ComputeMarginsForSelf(ConstraintSpace(), Style()).BlockSum();
return block_size.ClampNegativeToZero();
return NGSizeIndefinite;
LayoutUnit NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateMinimumBlockSize(
const NGMarginStrut& end_margin_strut) {
if (!Node().GetDocument().InQuirksMode())
return NGSizeIndefinite;
if (Node().IsDocumentElement() && Node().Style().LogicalHeight().IsAuto()) {
return ConstraintSpace().AvailableSize().block_size -
ComputeMarginsForSelf(ConstraintSpace(), Style()).BlockSum();
if (Node().IsBody() && Node().Style().LogicalHeight().IsAuto()) {
LayoutUnit body_block_end_margin =
ComputeMarginsForSelf(ConstraintSpace(), Style()).block_end;
LayoutUnit margin_sum;
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
NGMarginStrut body_strut = end_margin_strut;
body_strut.Append(body_block_end_margin, /* is_quirky */ false);
margin_sum = container_builder_.BfcOffset().value().block_offset -
ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset().block_offset +
} else {
// end_margin_strut is top margin when we have no BfcOffset.
margin_sum = end_margin_strut.Sum() + body_block_end_margin;
LayoutUnit minimum_block_size =
ConstraintSpace().AvailableSize().block_size - margin_sum;
return minimum_block_size.ClampNegativeToZero();
return NGSizeIndefinite;
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionOrPropagateListMarker(
const NGLayoutResult& layout_result,
NGLogicalOffset* content_offset) {
// If this is not a list-item, propagate unpositioned list markers to
// ancestors.
if (!node_.IsListItem()) {
if (layout_result.UnpositionedListMarker()) {
// If this is a list item, add the unpositioned list marker as a child.
NGUnpositionedListMarker list_marker = layout_result.UnpositionedListMarker();
if (!list_marker) {
list_marker = container_builder_.UnpositionedListMarker();
if (!list_marker)
if (list_marker.AddToBox(constraint_space_, Style().GetFontBaseline(),
*layout_result.PhysicalFragment(), content_offset,
&container_builder_, border_scrollbar_padding_))
// If the list marker could not be positioned against this child because it
// does not have the baseline to align to, keep it as unpositioned and try
// the next child.
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PositionListMarkerWithoutLineBoxes() {
// Position the list marker without aligning to line boxes.
LayoutUnit marker_block_size =
constraint_space_, Style().GetFontBaseline(), &container_builder_);
// Whether the list marker should affect the block size or not is not
// well-defined, but 3 out of 4 impls do.
// TODO(kojii): Since this makes this block non-empty, it's probably better to
// resolve BFC offset if not done yet, but that involves additional complexity
// without knowing how much this is needed. For now, include the marker into
// the block size only if BFC was resolved.
if (container_builder_.BfcOffset()) {
intrinsic_block_size_ = std::max(marker_block_size, intrinsic_block_size_);
std::max(marker_block_size, container_builder_.Size().block_size));
} // namespace blink