[ios] Fixed SSL Interstitial reload.

Do not reload inside IOSSSLErrorHandler::InterstitialWasDismissed to
avoid extra reloads.

InterstitialWasDismissed is called in the following cases:
1.) Reload button tapped (no need for the second reload)
2.) Back button tapped (no need to reload, going back is enough)
3.) Tab closed (no need to reload closed tab)
4.) "Back to safety" button tapped (reload is actually needed in this
    case, but it can be done in WebInterstitialImpl::DontProceed).

TEST=dismissing SSL interstitial works correctly

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2455463004
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#427889}
2 files changed