blob: cee24688420f117d862ce1ba11a549889f21863b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/web/public/test/test_web_thread.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "ios/web/web_thread_impl.h"
namespace web {
class TestWebThreadImpl : public WebThreadImpl {
TestWebThreadImpl(WebThread::ID identifier) : WebThreadImpl(identifier) {}
TestWebThreadImpl(WebThread::ID identifier, base::MessageLoop* message_loop)
: WebThreadImpl(identifier, message_loop) {}
~TestWebThreadImpl() override { Stop(); }
TestWebThread::TestWebThread(WebThread::ID identifier)
: impl_(new TestWebThreadImpl(identifier)), identifier_(identifier) {}
TestWebThread::TestWebThread(WebThread::ID identifier,
base::MessageLoop* message_loop)
: impl_(new TestWebThreadImpl(identifier, message_loop)),
identifier_(identifier) {}
TestWebThread::~TestWebThread() {
// The upcoming WebThreadImpl::ResetGlobalsForTesting() call requires that
// |impl_| have triggered the shutdown phase for its WebThread::ID. This
// either happens when the thread is stopped (if real) or destroyed (when fake
// -- i.e. using an externally provided MessageLoop).
// Resets WebThreadImpl's globals so that |impl_| is no longer bound to
// |identifier_|. This is fine since the underlying MessageLoop has already
// been flushed and deleted in Stop(). In the case of an externally provided
// MessageLoop however, this means that TaskRunners obtained through
// |WebThreadImpl::GetTaskRunnerForThread(identifier_)| will no longer
// recognize their WebThreadImpl for RunsTasksInCurrentSequence(). This
// happens most often when such verifications are made from
// MessageLoop::DestructionObservers. Callers that care to work around that
// should instead use this shutdown sequence:
// 1) TestWebThread::Stop()
// 2) ~MessageLoop()
// 3) ~TestWebThread()
// (~TestWebThreadBundle() does this).
bool TestWebThread::Start() {
return impl_->Start();
bool TestWebThread::StartIOThread() {
base::Thread::Options options;
options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO;
return impl_->StartWithOptions(options);
void TestWebThread::Stop() {
bool TestWebThread::IsRunning() {
return impl_->IsRunning();
} // namespace web