blob: 63f996e0895942590f1b60877c43e8ef0d247583 [file] [log] [blame]
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() {
new ForeignFetchEvent('type');
}, 'ForeignFetchEvent constructor with no init dict');
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() {
new ForeignFetchEvent('type', {});
}, 'ForeignFetchEvent constructor with empty init dict');
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() {
new ForeignFetchEvent('type', { request: null });
}, 'ForeignFetchEvent constructor with null request');
test(function() {
var request = new Request('');
var event = new ForeignFetchEvent('type', { request: request, origin: 'origin' });
assert_equals(event.type, 'type');
assert_equals(event.request, request);
assert_equals(event.origin, 'origin');
}, 'ForeignFetchEvent constructor with all init dict members');
// Import testharness after install handler to make sure our install handler
// runs first. Otherwise only one test will run.