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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: Create an element when definition is non-null and synchronous flag set</title>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script>
'use strict';
function assert_rethrown(func, description) {
assert_throws({ name: 'rethrown' }, () => {
const err = new Error('check this is rethrown'); = 'rethrown';
}, description);
const expectTypeError = TypeError.prototype;
const expectNotSupportedError = 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR';
// 6. If definition is non-null, then:
// 6.1. If the synchronous custom elements flag is set:
'createElement(): ',
(w, constructor, options) => {
w.customElements.define('a-a', constructor, options);
return w.document.createElement('a-a');
'createElementNS(): ',
(w, constructor, options) => {
w.customElements.define('a-a', constructor, options);
return w.document.createElementNS('', 'a-a');
function test_create_element_synchronous(description, define_and_create_element) {
test_with_window((w) => {
let is_constructed = false;
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); is_constructed = true; }
assert_true(is_constructed, 'custom constructor ran');
}, `${description}Pre-flight check should succeed`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_rethrown(err => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); throw err; }
}, `${description}6.1.2. Errors in Construct(C) should be rethrown`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectTypeError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class {
constructor() {}
}, `${description}6.1.3. If result does not implement the HTMLElement interface, throw a TypeError`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); this.setAttribute('a', 'a'); }
}, `${description}6.1.4. If result\'s attribute list is not empty, then throw a NotSupportedError`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); this.appendChild(w.document.createElement('a')); }
}, 'should throw if it has a child element');
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); this.appendChild(w.document.createTextNode('a')); }
}, 'should throw if it has a child text node');
}, `${description}6.1.5. If result has children, then throw a NotSupportedError`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); w.document.createElement('div').appendChild(this); }
}, `${description}6.1.6. If result\'s parent is not null, then throw a NotSupportedError`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); return w.document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().createElement('div'); }
}, `${description}6.1.7. If result\'s node document is not document, then throw a NotSupportedError`);
/* This is not testsable today, see
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); return w.document.createElementNS('', 'g'); }
}, `${description}6.1.8. If result\'s namespace is not the HTML namespace, then throw a NotSupportedError`);
test_with_window((w) => {
assert_throws(expectNotSupportedError, () => {
define_and_create_element(w, class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); return document.createElement('div'); }
}, `${description}6.1.9. If result\'s local name is not equal to localName, then throw a NotSupportedError`);