blob: cea8301f35cb9b4eac2452f4290b4d14a8899e90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGPhysicalFragment_h
#define NGPhysicalFragment_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_units.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class LayoutObject;
// The NGPhysicalFragment contains the output geometry from layout. The
// fragment stores all of its information in the physical coordinate system for
// use by paint, hit-testing etc.
// The fragment keeps a pointer back to the LayoutObject which generated it.
// Once we have transitioned fully to LayoutNG it should be a const pointer
// such that paint/hit-testing/etc don't modify it.
// Layout code should only access geometry information through the
// NGFragment wrapper classes which transforms information into the logical
// coordinate system.
class CORE_EXPORT NGPhysicalFragment : public RefCounted<NGPhysicalFragment> {
enum NGFragmentType { kFragmentBox = 0, kFragmentText = 1 };
NGFragmentType Type() const { return static_cast<NGFragmentType>(type_); }
bool IsBox() const { return Type() == NGFragmentType::kFragmentBox; }
bool IsText() const { return Type() == NGFragmentType::kFragmentText; }
// Override RefCounted's deref() to ensure operator delete is called on the
// appropriate subclass type.
void deref() const {
if (derefBase())
// The accessors in this class shouldn't be used by layout code directly,
// instead should be accessed by the NGFragmentBase classes. These accessors
// exist for paint, hit-testing, etc.
// Returns the border-box size.
NGPhysicalSize Size() const { return size_; }
LayoutUnit Width() const { return size_.width; }
LayoutUnit Height() const { return size_.height; }
// Returns the total size, including the contents outside of the border-box.
LayoutUnit WidthOverflow() const { return overflow_.width; }
LayoutUnit HeightOverflow() const { return overflow_.height; }
// Returns the offset relative to the parent fragement's content-box.
LayoutUnit LeftOffset() const {
return offset_.left;
LayoutUnit TopOffset() const {
NGPhysicalOffset Offset() const {
return offset_;
// Should only be used by the parent fragement's layout.
void SetOffset(NGPhysicalOffset offset) {
offset_ = offset;
is_placed_ = true;
NGBreakToken* BreakToken() const { return break_token_.get(); }
const ComputedStyle& Style() const;
// GetLayoutObject should only be used when necessary for compatibility
// with LegacyLayout.
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const { return layout_object_; }
bool IsPlaced() const { return is_placed_; }
NGPhysicalFragment(LayoutObject* layout_object,
NGPhysicalSize size,
NGPhysicalSize overflow,
NGFragmentType type,
RefPtr<NGBreakToken> break_token = nullptr);
LayoutObject* layout_object_;
NGPhysicalSize size_;
NGPhysicalSize overflow_;
NGPhysicalOffset offset_;
RefPtr<NGBreakToken> break_token_;
unsigned type_ : 1;
unsigned is_placed_ : 1;
void destroy() const;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGPhysicalFragment_h