blob: 14be9805362afb86c6e2d2fb61a15474c42fbd34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PaintInvalidationState_h
#define PaintInvalidationState_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintInvalidator.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutRect.h"
#include "platform/graphics/PaintInvalidationReason.h"
#include "platform/transforms/AffineTransform.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBoxModelObject;
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutSVGModelObject;
class LayoutView;
class PaintLayer;
enum VisualRectFlags { DefaultVisualRectFlags = 0, EdgeInclusive = 1 };
// PaintInvalidationState is an optimization used during the paint
// invalidation phase.
// This class is extremely close to LayoutState so see the documentation
// of LayoutState for the class existence and performance benefits.
// The main difference with LayoutState is that it was customized for the
// needs of the paint invalidation systems (keeping visual rectangles
// instead of layout specific information).
// See Source/core/paint/ for more details.
class CORE_EXPORT PaintInvalidationState {
PaintInvalidationState(const PaintInvalidationState& parentState,
const LayoutObject&);
// For root LayoutView, or when sub-frame LayoutView's
// invalidateTreeIfNeeded() is called directly from
// FrameView::invalidateTreeIfNeededRecursive() instead of the owner
// LayoutPart.
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Eliminate the latter case.
const LayoutView&,
Vector<const LayoutObject*>& pendingDelayedPaintInvalidations);
// When a PaintInvalidationState is constructed, it can be used to map
// points/rects in the object's local space (border box space for
// LayoutBoxes). After invalidation of the current object, before invalidation
// of the subtrees, this method must be called to apply clip and scroll offset
// etc. for creating child PaintInvalidationStates.
void updateForChildren(PaintInvalidationReason);
bool hasForcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags() const {
return m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags;
bool forcedSubtreeInvalidationCheckingWithinContainer() const {
return m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags &
void setForceSubtreeInvalidationCheckingWithinContainer() {
m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags |=
bool forcedSubtreeFullInvalidationWithinContainer() const {
return m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags &
bool forcedSubtreeInvalidationRectUpdateWithinContainerOnly() const {
return m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags ==
void setForceSubtreeInvalidationRectUpdateWithinContainer() {
m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags |=
const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer() const {
return *m_paintInvalidationContainer;
// Computes the position of the current object ((0,0) in the space of the
// object) in the space of paint invalidation backing.
LayoutPoint computePositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking() const;
// Returns the rect bounds needed to invalidate paint of this object,
// in the space of paint invalidation backing.
LayoutRect computePaintInvalidationRectInBacking() const;
void mapLocalRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(LayoutRect&) const;
PaintLayer& paintingLayer() const;
const LayoutObject& currentObject() const { return m_currentObject; }
friend class VisualRectMappingTest;
friend class PaintInvalidatorContextAdapter;
void mapLocalRectToPaintInvalidationContainer(LayoutRect&) const;
void updateForCurrentObject(const PaintInvalidationState& parentState);
void updateForNormalChildren();
LayoutRect computePaintInvalidationRectInBackingForSVG() const;
void addClipRectRelativeToPaintOffset(const LayoutRect& localClipRect);
const LayoutObject& m_currentObject;
unsigned m_forcedSubtreeInvalidationFlags;
bool m_clipped;
bool m_clippedForAbsolutePosition;
// Clip rect from paintInvalidationContainer if m_cachedOffsetsEnabled is
// true.
LayoutRect m_clipRect;
LayoutRect m_clipRectForAbsolutePosition;
// x/y offset from the paintInvalidationContainer if m_cachedOffsetsEnabled is
// true.
// It includes relative positioning and scroll offsets.
LayoutSize m_paintOffset;
LayoutSize m_paintOffsetForAbsolutePosition;
// Whether m_paintOffset[XXX] and m_clipRect[XXX] are valid and can be used
// to map a rect from space of the current object to space of
// paintInvalidationContainer.
bool m_cachedOffsetsEnabled;
bool m_cachedOffsetsForAbsolutePositionEnabled;
// The following two fields are never null. Declare them as pointers because
// we need some logic to initialize them in the body of the constructor.
// The current paint invalidation container for normal flow objects.
// It is the enclosing composited object.
const LayoutBoxModelObject* m_paintInvalidationContainer;
// The current paint invalidation container for stacked contents (stacking
// contexts or positioned objects). It is the nearest ancestor composited
// object which establishes a stacking context. See
// Source/core/paint/ ### PaintInvalidationState for details on how
// stacked contents' paint invalidation containers differ.
const LayoutBoxModelObject* m_paintInvalidationContainerForStackedContents;
const LayoutObject& m_containerForAbsolutePosition;
// Transform from the initial viewport coordinate system of an outermost
// SVG root to the userspace _before_ the relevant element. Combining this
// with |m_paintOffset| yields the "final" offset.
AffineTransform m_svgTransform;
// Records objects needing paint invalidation on the next frame. See the
// definition of PaintInvalidationDelayedFull for more details.
Vector<const LayoutObject*>& m_pendingDelayedPaintInvalidations;
PaintLayer& m_paintingLayer;
bool m_didUpdateForChildren;
#if ENABLE(ASSERT) && !defined(NDEBUG)
void assertFastPathAndSlowPathRectsEqual(
const LayoutRect& fastPathRect,
const LayoutRect& slowPathRect) const;
bool m_canCheckFastPathSlowPathEquality;
// This is temporary to adapt legacy PaintInvalidationState to
// PaintInvalidatorContext
class PaintInvalidatorContextAdapter : public PaintInvalidatorContext {
PaintInvalidatorContextAdapter(const PaintInvalidationState&);
void mapLocalRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutObject&,
LayoutRect&) const override;
const PaintInvalidationState& m_paintInvalidationState;
} // namespace blink
#endif // PaintInvalidationState_h