blob: aee286e45e189269c5203c2da35c1d31f65d3375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
V(Quadragenarian, A) \
V(Quinquagenarian, A) \
V(Sexagenarian, A) \
V(Septuagenarian, A) \
V(Octogenarian, A)
V(ToBeExecutedOnce) \
V(NotExecuted) \
V(ExecutedOnce) \
V(NoAge) \
#define DECLARE_CODE_AGE_BUILTIN(C, V) V(Make##C##CodeYoungAgain)
// CPP: Builtin in C++. Entered via BUILTIN_EXIT frame.
// Args: name
// API: Builtin in C++ for API callbacks. Entered via EXIT frame.
// Args: name
// TFJ: Builtin in Turbofan, with JS linkage (callable as Javascript function).
// Args: name, arguments count, explicit argument names...
// TFS: Builtin in Turbofan, with CodeStub linkage.
// Args: name, interface descriptor, return_size
// TFH: Handlers in Turbofan, with CodeStub linkage.
// Args: name, code kind, extra IC state, interface descriptor
// ASM: Builtin in platform-dependent assembly.
// Args: name
// DBG: Builtin in platform-dependent assembly, used by the debugger.
// Args: name
ASM(Abort) \
/* Code aging */ \
/* Declared first for dependency reasons */ \
ASM(CompileLazy) \
TFS(ToObject, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(FastNewObject, FastNewObject, 1) \
TFS(HasProperty, HasProperty, 1) \
/* Calls */ \
ASM(ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline) \
/* ES6 section 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) */ \
ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsAny) \
ASM(TailCallFunction_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(TailCallFunction_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(TailCallFunction_ReceiverIsAny) \
/* ES6 section [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) */ \
ASM(CallBoundFunction) \
ASM(TailCallBoundFunction) \
/* ES6 section 7.3.12 Call(F, V, [argumentsList]) */ \
ASM(Call_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(Call_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(Call_ReceiverIsAny) \
ASM(TailCall_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(TailCall_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined) \
ASM(TailCall_ReceiverIsAny) \
ASM(CallWithSpread) \
ASM(CallForwardVarargs) \
ASM(CallFunctionForwardVarargs) \
/* Construct */ \
/* ES6 section 9.2.2 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) */ \
ASM(ConstructFunction) \
/* ES6 section [[Construct]] (argumentsList, newTarget) */ \
ASM(ConstructBoundFunction) \
ASM(ConstructedNonConstructable) \
/* ES6 section 9.5.14 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) */ \
ASM(ConstructProxy) \
/* ES6 section 7.3.13 Construct (F, [argumentsList], [newTarget]) */ \
ASM(Construct) \
ASM(ConstructWithSpread) \
ASM(JSConstructStubApi) \
ASM(JSConstructStubGeneric) \
ASM(JSBuiltinsConstructStub) \
ASM(JSBuiltinsConstructStubForDerived) \
TFS(FastNewClosure, FastNewClosure, 1) \
TFS(FastNewFunctionContextEval, FastNewFunctionContext, 1) \
TFS(FastNewFunctionContextFunction, FastNewFunctionContext, 1) \
TFS(FastNewStrictArguments, FastNewArguments, 1) \
TFS(FastNewSloppyArguments, FastNewArguments, 1) \
TFS(FastNewRestParameter, FastNewArguments, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneRegExp, FastCloneRegExp, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowArrayTrack, FastCloneShallowArray, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowArrayDontTrack, FastCloneShallowArray, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject0, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject1, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject2, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject3, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject4, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject5, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
TFS(FastCloneShallowObject6, FastCloneShallowObject, 1) \
/* Apply and entries */ \
ASM(Apply) \
ASM(JSEntryTrampoline) \
ASM(JSConstructEntryTrampoline) \
ASM(ResumeGeneratorTrampoline) \
/* Stack and interrupt check */ \
ASM(InterruptCheck) \
ASM(StackCheck) \
/* String helpers */ \
TFS(StringCharAt, StringCharAt, 1) \
TFS(StringCharCodeAt, StringCharCodeAt, 1) \
TFS(StringEqual, Compare, 1) \
TFS(StringGreaterThan, Compare, 1) \
TFS(StringGreaterThanOrEqual, Compare, 1) \
TFS(StringIndexOf, StringIndexOf, 1) \
TFS(StringLessThan, Compare, 1) \
TFS(StringLessThanOrEqual, Compare, 1) \
/* Interpreter */ \
ASM(InterpreterEntryTrampoline) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndCall) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndCallFunction) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndCallWithFinalSpread) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndTailCall) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndTailCallFunction) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndConstruct) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndConstructFunction) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndConstructArray) \
ASM(InterpreterPushArgsAndConstructWithFinalSpread) \
ASM(InterpreterEnterBytecodeAdvance) \
ASM(InterpreterEnterBytecodeDispatch) \
ASM(InterpreterOnStackReplacement) \
/* Code life-cycle */ \
ASM(CompileOptimized) \
ASM(CompileOptimizedConcurrent) \
ASM(InOptimizationQueue) \
ASM(InstantiateAsmJs) \
ASM(MarkCodeAsToBeExecutedOnce) \
ASM(MarkCodeAsExecutedOnce) \
ASM(MarkCodeAsExecutedTwice) \
ASM(NotifyDeoptimized) \
ASM(NotifySoftDeoptimized) \
ASM(NotifyLazyDeoptimized) \
ASM(NotifyStubFailure) \
ASM(NotifyStubFailureSaveDoubles) \
ASM(OnStackReplacement) \
/* API callback handling */ \
API(HandleApiCall) \
API(HandleApiCallAsFunction) \
API(HandleApiCallAsConstructor) \
/* Adapters for Turbofan into runtime */ \
ASM(AllocateInNewSpace) \
ASM(AllocateInOldSpace) \
/* TurboFan support builtins */ \
TFS(CopyFastSmiOrObjectElements, CopyFastSmiOrObjectElements, 1) \
TFS(GrowFastDoubleElements, GrowArrayElements, 1) \
TFS(GrowFastSmiOrObjectElements, GrowArrayElements, 1) \
TFS(NewUnmappedArgumentsElements, NewArgumentsElements, 1) \
/* Debugger */ \
DBG(FrameDropperTrampoline) \
DBG(HandleDebuggerStatement) \
DBG(Return_DebugBreak) \
DBG(Slot_DebugBreak) \
/* Type conversions */ \
TFS(ToBoolean, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(OrdinaryToPrimitive_Number, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(OrdinaryToPrimitive_String, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_Default, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_Number, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_String, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(StringToNumber, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ToName, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(NonNumberToNumber, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ToNumber, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ToString, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ToInteger, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ToLength, TypeConversion, 1) \
TFS(ClassOf, Typeof, 1) \
TFS(Typeof, Typeof, 1) \
TFS(GetSuperConstructor, Typeof, 1) \
/* Handlers */ \
TFH(LoadICProtoArray, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadICProtoArray) \
TFH(LoadICProtoArrayThrowIfNonexistent, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, \
LoadICProtoArray) \
TFH(KeyedLoadIC_Megamorphic, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedLoadIC_Miss, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedLoadIC_Slow, HANDLER, Code::LOAD_IC, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedLoadIC_IndexedString, HANDLER, Code::LOAD_IC, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Megamorphic, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Megamorphic_Strict, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, \
StoreWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Miss, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Slow, HANDLER, Code::STORE_IC, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(LoadGlobalIC_Miss, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadGlobalWithVector) \
TFH(LoadGlobalIC_Slow, HANDLER, Code::LOAD_GLOBAL_IC, LoadGlobalWithVector) \
TFH(LoadField, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadField) \
TFH(LoadIC_FunctionPrototype, HANDLER, Code::LOAD_IC, LoadWithVector) \
ASM(LoadIC_Getter_ForDeopt) \
TFH(LoadIC_Miss, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(LoadIC_Slow, HANDLER, Code::LOAD_IC, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(LoadIC_Uninitialized, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(StoreIC_Miss, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
ASM(StoreIC_Setter_ForDeopt) \
TFH(StoreIC_Uninitialized, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(StoreICStrict_Uninitialized, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFS(ResolveNativePromise, ResolveNativePromise, 1) \
TFS(RejectNativePromise, RejectNativePromise, 1) \
TFS(PerformNativePromiseThen, PerformNativePromiseThen, 1) \
/* Built-in functions for Javascript */ \
/* Special internal builtins */ \
CPP(EmptyFunction) \
CPP(Illegal) \
CPP(RestrictedFunctionPropertiesThrower) \
CPP(RestrictedStrictArgumentsPropertiesThrower) \
CPP(UnsupportedThrower) \
TFJ(ReturnReceiver, 0) \
/* Array */ \
ASM(ArrayCode) \
ASM(InternalArrayCode) \
CPP(HasIterationSideEffects) \
CPP(ArrayConcat) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.isarray */ \
TFJ(ArrayIsArray, 1, kArg) \
/* ES7 #sec-array.prototype.includes */ \
TFJ(ArrayIncludes, 2, kSearchElement, kFromIndex) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.indexof */ \
TFJ(ArrayIndexOf, 2, kSearchElement, kFromIndex) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.pop */ \
CPP(ArrayPop) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.push */ \
CPP(ArrayPush) \
TFJ(FastArrayPush, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.shift */ \
CPP(ArrayShift) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.slice */ \
CPP(ArraySlice) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.splice */ \
CPP(ArraySplice) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.unshift */ \
CPP(ArrayUnshift) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.foreach */ \
TFJ(ArrayForEachLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, kObject, \
kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayForEach, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.every */ \
TFJ(ArrayEveryLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, kObject, \
kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayEvery, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.some */ \
TFJ(ArraySomeLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, kObject, \
kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArraySome, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.filter */ \
TFJ(ArrayFilterLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, kObject, \
kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayFilter, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.foreach */ \
TFJ(ArrayMapLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, kObject, \
kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayMap, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.reduce */ \
TFJ(ArrayReduceLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kAccumulator, \
kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayReduce, 2, kCallbackFn, kInitialValue) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.reduceRight */ \
TFJ(ArrayReduceRightLoopContinuation, 7, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, \
kAccumulator, kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo) \
TFJ(ArrayReduceRight, 2, kCallbackFn, kInitialValue) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.entries */ \
TFJ(ArrayPrototypeEntries, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.keys */ \
TFJ(ArrayPrototypeKeys, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.values */ \
TFJ(ArrayPrototypeValues, 0) \
/* ES6 */ \
TFJ(ArrayIteratorPrototypeNext, 0) \
/* ArrayBuffer */ \
CPP(ArrayBufferConstructor) \
CPP(ArrayBufferConstructor_ConstructStub) \
CPP(ArrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitialize) \
CPP(ArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLength) \
CPP(ArrayBufferIsView) \
CPP(ArrayBufferPrototypeSlice) \
/* AsyncFunction */ \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitCaught, 3, kGenerator, kAwaited, kOuterPromise) \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitUncaught, 3, kGenerator, kAwaited, kOuterPromise) \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitRejectClosure, 1, kSentError) \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitResolveClosure, 1, kSentValue) \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionPromiseCreate, 0) \
TFJ(AsyncFunctionPromiseRelease, 1, kPromise) \
/* Boolean */ \
CPP(BooleanConstructor) \
CPP(BooleanConstructor_ConstructStub) \
/* ES6 #sec-boolean.prototype.tostring */ \
TFJ(BooleanPrototypeToString, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-boolean.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(BooleanPrototypeValueOf, 0) \
/* CallSite */ \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetColumnNumber) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetEvalOrigin) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFileName) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFunction) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionName) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetLineNumber) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetMethodName) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetPosition) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURL) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetThis) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetTypeName) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsConstructor) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsEval) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsNative) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsToplevel) \
CPP(CallSitePrototypeToString) \
/* DataView */ \
CPP(DataViewConstructor) \
CPP(DataViewConstructor_ConstructStub) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt8) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt8) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint8) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint8) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt16) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt16) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint16) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint16) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64) \
CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64) \
/* Date */ \
CPP(DateConstructor) \
CPP(DateConstructor_ConstructStub) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getdate */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetDate, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getday */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetDay, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getfullyear */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetFullYear, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gethours */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetHours, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getmilliseconds */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getminutes */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMinutes, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getmonth */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMonth, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getseconds */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetSeconds, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gettime */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetTime, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gettimezoneoffset */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcdate */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCDate, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcday */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCDay, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcfullyear */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutchours */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCHours, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcmilliseconds */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcminutes */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcmonth */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcseconds */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeValueOf, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-date.prototype-@@toprimitive */ \
TFJ(DatePrototypeToPrimitive, 1, kHint) \
CPP(DatePrototypeGetYear) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetYear) \
CPP(DateNow) \
CPP(DateParse) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetDate) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetFullYear) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetHours) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetMinutes) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetMonth) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetSeconds) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetTime) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCDate) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCHours) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth) \
CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToDateString) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToISOString) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToUTCString) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToString) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToTimeString) \
CPP(DatePrototypeToJson) \
CPP(DateUTC) \
/* Error */ \
CPP(ErrorConstructor) \
CPP(ErrorCaptureStackTrace) \
CPP(ErrorPrototypeToString) \
CPP(MakeError) \
CPP(MakeRangeError) \
CPP(MakeSyntaxError) \
CPP(MakeTypeError) \
CPP(MakeURIError) \
/* Function */ \
CPP(FunctionConstructor) \
ASM(FunctionPrototypeApply) \
CPP(FunctionPrototypeBind) \
/* ES6 #sec-function.prototype.bind */ \
TFJ(FastFunctionPrototypeBind, \
SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
ASM(FunctionPrototypeCall) \
/* ES6 #sec-function.prototype-@@hasinstance */ \
TFJ(FunctionPrototypeHasInstance, 1, kV) \
/* ES6 #sec-function.prototype.tostring */ \
CPP(FunctionPrototypeToString) \
/* Belongs to Objects but is a dependency of GeneratorPrototypeResume */ \
TFS(CreateIterResultObject, CreateIterResultObject, 1) \
/* Generator and Async */ \
CPP(GeneratorFunctionConstructor) \
/* ES6 */ \
TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeNext, 1, kValue) \
/* ES6 #sec-generator.prototype.return */ \
TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeReturn, 1, kValue) \
/* ES6 #sec-generator.prototype.throw */ \
TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeThrow, 1, kException) \
CPP(AsyncFunctionConstructor) \
/* Global object */ \
CPP(GlobalDecodeURI) \
CPP(GlobalDecodeURIComponent) \
CPP(GlobalEncodeURI) \
CPP(GlobalEncodeURIComponent) \
CPP(GlobalEscape) \
CPP(GlobalUnescape) \
CPP(GlobalEval) \
/* ES6 #sec-isfinite-number */ \
TFJ(GlobalIsFinite, 1, kNumber) \
/* ES6 #sec-isnan-number */ \
TFJ(GlobalIsNaN, 1, kNumber) \
/* JSON */ \
CPP(JsonParse) \
CPP(JsonStringify) \
/* ICs */ \
TFH(LoadIC, LOAD_IC, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(LoadIC_Noninlined, BUILTIN, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(LoadICTrampoline, LOAD_IC, kNoExtraICState, Load) \
TFH(KeyedLoadIC, KEYED_LOAD_IC, kNoExtraICState, LoadWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedLoadICTrampoline, KEYED_LOAD_IC, kNoExtraICState, Load) \
TFH(StoreIC, STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(StoreICTrampoline, STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, Store) \
TFH(StoreICStrict, STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(StoreICStrictTrampoline, STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, Store) \
TFH(KeyedStoreIC, KEYED_STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreICTrampoline, KEYED_STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, Store) \
TFH(KeyedStoreICStrict, KEYED_STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, StoreWithVector) \
TFH(KeyedStoreICStrictTrampoline, KEYED_STORE_IC, kNoExtraICState, Store) \
TFH(LoadGlobalIC, LOAD_GLOBAL_IC, kNoExtraICState, LoadGlobalWithVector) \
TFH(LoadGlobalICInsideTypeof, LOAD_GLOBAL_IC, kNoExtraICState, \
LoadGlobalWithVector) \
TFH(LoadGlobalICTrampoline, LOAD_GLOBAL_IC, kNoExtraICState, LoadGlobal) \
TFH(LoadGlobalICInsideTypeofTrampoline, LOAD_GLOBAL_IC, kNoExtraICState, \
LoadGlobal) \
/* Math */ \
/* ES6 #sec-math.abs */ \
TFJ(MathAbs, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.acos */ \
TFJ(MathAcos, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.acosh */ \
TFJ(MathAcosh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.asin */ \
TFJ(MathAsin, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.asinh */ \
TFJ(MathAsinh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.atan */ \
TFJ(MathAtan, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.atanh */ \
TFJ(MathAtanh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.atan2 */ \
TFJ(MathAtan2, 2, kY, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.cbrt */ \
TFJ(MathCbrt, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.ceil */ \
TFJ(MathCeil, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.clz32 */ \
TFJ(MathClz32, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.cos */ \
TFJ(MathCos, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.cosh */ \
TFJ(MathCosh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.exp */ \
TFJ(MathExp, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.expm1 */ \
TFJ(MathExpm1, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.floor */ \
TFJ(MathFloor, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.fround */ \
TFJ(MathFround, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.hypot */ \
CPP(MathHypot) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.imul */ \
TFJ(MathImul, 2, kX, kY) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.log */ \
TFJ(MathLog, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.log1p */ \
TFJ(MathLog1p, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.log10 */ \
TFJ(MathLog10, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.log2 */ \
TFJ(MathLog2, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.max */ \
TFJ(MathMax, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.min */ \
TFJ(MathMin, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.pow */ \
TFJ(MathPow, 2, kBase, kExponent) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.random */ \
TFJ(MathRandom, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.round */ \
TFJ(MathRound, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.sign */ \
TFJ(MathSign, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.sin */ \
TFJ(MathSin, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.sinh */ \
TFJ(MathSinh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.sqrt */ \
TFJ(MathTan, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.tan */ \
TFJ(MathTanh, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.tanh */ \
TFJ(MathSqrt, 1, kX) \
/* ES6 #sec-math.trunc */ \
TFJ(MathTrunc, 1, kX) \
/* Number */ \
/* ES6 section Number ( [ value ] ) for the [[Call]] case */ \
ASM(NumberConstructor) \
/* ES6 section Number ( [ value ] ) for the [[Construct]] case */ \
ASM(NumberConstructor_ConstructStub) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.isfinite */ \
TFJ(NumberIsFinite, 1, kNumber) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.isinteger */ \
TFJ(NumberIsInteger, 1, kNumber) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.isnan */ \
TFJ(NumberIsNaN, 1, kNumber) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.issafeinteger */ \
TFJ(NumberIsSafeInteger, 1, kNumber) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.parsefloat */ \
TFJ(NumberParseFloat, 1, kString) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.parseint */ \
TFJ(NumberParseInt, 2, kString, kRadix) \
CPP(NumberPrototypeToExponential) \
CPP(NumberPrototypeToFixed) \
CPP(NumberPrototypeToLocaleString) \
CPP(NumberPrototypeToPrecision) \
CPP(NumberPrototypeToString) \
/* ES6 #sec-number.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(NumberPrototypeValueOf, 0) \
TFS(Add, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(Subtract, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(Multiply, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(Divide, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(Modulus, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(BitwiseAnd, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(BitwiseOr, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(BitwiseXor, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(ShiftLeft, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(ShiftRight, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(ShiftRightLogical, BinaryOp, 1) \
TFS(LessThan, Compare, 1) \
TFS(LessThanOrEqual, Compare, 1) \
TFS(GreaterThan, Compare, 1) \
TFS(GreaterThanOrEqual, Compare, 1) \
TFS(Equal, Compare, 1) \
TFS(StrictEqual, Compare, 1) \
TFS(AddWithFeedback, BinaryOpWithVector, 1) \
TFS(SubtractWithFeedback, BinaryOpWithVector, 1) \
TFS(MultiplyWithFeedback, BinaryOpWithVector, 1) \
TFS(DivideWithFeedback, BinaryOpWithVector, 1) \
TFS(ModulusWithFeedback, BinaryOpWithVector, 1) \
/* Object */ \
CPP(ObjectAssign) \
/* ES #sec-object.create */ \
TFJ(ObjectCreate, 2, kPrototype, kProperties) \
CPP(ObjectDefineGetter) \
CPP(ObjectDefineProperties) \
CPP(ObjectDefineProperty) \
CPP(ObjectDefineSetter) \
CPP(ObjectEntries) \
CPP(ObjectFreeze) \
CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor) \
CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors) \
CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames) \
CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols) \
CPP(ObjectGetPrototypeOf) \
CPP(ObjectSetPrototypeOf) \
/* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.hasownproperty */ \
TFJ(ObjectHasOwnProperty, 1, kKey) \
CPP(ObjectIs) \
CPP(ObjectIsExtensible) \
CPP(ObjectIsFrozen) \
CPP(ObjectIsSealed) \
CPP(ObjectKeys) \
CPP(ObjectLookupGetter) \
CPP(ObjectLookupSetter) \
CPP(ObjectPreventExtensions) \
/* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.tostring */ \
TFJ(ObjectProtoToString, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(ObjectPrototypeValueOf, 0) \
CPP(ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerable) \
CPP(ObjectPrototypeGetProto) \
CPP(ObjectPrototypeSetProto) \
CPP(ObjectSeal) \
CPP(ObjectValues) \
/* instanceof */ \
TFS(OrdinaryHasInstance, Compare, 1) \
TFS(InstanceOf, Compare, 1) \
/* for-in */ \
TFS(ForInFilter, ForInFilter, 1) \
TFS(ForInNext, ForInNext, 1) \
TFS(ForInPrepare, ForInPrepare, 3) \
/* Promise */ \
/* ES6 #sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions */ \
TFJ(PromiseGetCapabilitiesExecutor, 2, kResolve, kReject) \
/* ES6 #sec-newpromisecapability */ \
TFJ(NewPromiseCapability, 2, kConstructor, kDebugEvent) \
/* ES6 #sec-promise-executor */ \
TFJ(PromiseConstructor, 1, kExecutor) \
TFJ(PromiseInternalConstructor, 1, kParent) \
TFJ(IsPromise, 1, kObject) \
/* ES #sec-promise-resolve-functions */ \
TFJ(PromiseResolveClosure, 1, kValue) \
/* ES #sec-promise-reject-functions */ \
TFJ(PromiseRejectClosure, 1, kValue) \
/* ES #sec-promise.prototype.then */ \
TFJ(PromiseThen, 2, kOnFullfilled, kOnRejected) \
/* ES #sec-promise.prototype.catch */ \
TFJ(PromiseCatch, 1, kOnRejected) \
/* ES #sec-fulfillpromise */ \
TFJ(ResolvePromise, 2, kPromise, kValue) \
TFS(PromiseHandleReject, PromiseHandleReject, 1) \
TFJ(PromiseHandle, 5, kValue, kHandler, kDeferredPromise, \
kDeferredOnResolve, kDeferredOnReject) \
/* ES #sec-promise.resolve */ \
TFJ(PromiseResolve, 1, kValue) \
/* ES #sec-promise.reject */ \
TFJ(PromiseReject, 1, kReason) \
TFJ(InternalPromiseReject, 3, kPromise, kReason, kDebugEvent) \
TFJ(PromiseFinally, 1, kOnFinally) \
TFJ(PromiseThenFinally, 1, kValue) \
TFJ(PromiseCatchFinally, 1, kReason) \
TFJ(PromiseValueThunkFinally, 0) \
TFJ(PromiseThrowerFinally, 0) \
/* Proxy */ \
CPP(ProxyConstructor) \
CPP(ProxyConstructor_ConstructStub) \
/* Reflect */ \
ASM(ReflectApply) \
ASM(ReflectConstruct) \
CPP(ReflectDefineProperty) \
CPP(ReflectDeleteProperty) \
CPP(ReflectGet) \
CPP(ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor) \
CPP(ReflectGetPrototypeOf) \
CPP(ReflectHas) \
CPP(ReflectIsExtensible) \
CPP(ReflectOwnKeys) \
CPP(ReflectPreventExtensions) \
CPP(ReflectSet) \
CPP(ReflectSetPrototypeOf) \
/* RegExp */ \
TFS(RegExpPrototypeExecSlow, RegExpPrototypeExecSlow, 1) \
CPP(RegExpCapture1Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture2Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture3Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture4Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture5Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture6Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture7Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture8Getter) \
CPP(RegExpCapture9Getter) \
/* ES #sec-regexp-pattern-flags */ \
TFJ(RegExpConstructor, 2, kPattern, kFlags) \
TFJ(RegExpInternalMatch, 2, kRegExp, kString) \
CPP(RegExpInputGetter) \
CPP(RegExpInputSetter) \
CPP(RegExpLastMatchGetter) \
CPP(RegExpLastParenGetter) \
CPP(RegExpLeftContextGetter) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.compile */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeCompile, 2, kPattern, kFlags) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.exec */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeExec, 1, kString) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.dotAll */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeDotAllGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeFlagsGetter, 0) \
/* ES */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeGlobalGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.ignorecase */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeIgnoreCaseGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@match */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeMatch, 1, kString) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.multiline */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeMultilineGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@search */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSearch, 1, kString) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.source */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSourceGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.sticky */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeStickyGetter, 0) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.test */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeTest, 1, kString) \
CPP(RegExpPrototypeToString) \
/* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.unicode */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter, 0) \
CPP(RegExpRightContextGetter) \
TFS(RegExpReplace, RegExpReplace, 1) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeReplace, 2, kString, kReplaceValue) \
TFS(RegExpSplit, RegExpSplit, 1) \
/* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@split */ \
TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSplit, 2, kString, kLimit) \
/* SharedArrayBuffer */ \
CPP(SharedArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLength) \
CPP(SharedArrayBufferPrototypeSlice) \
TFJ(AtomicsLoad, 2, kArray, kIndex) \
TFJ(AtomicsStore, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue) \
TFJ(AtomicsExchange, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue) \
TFJ(AtomicsCompareExchange, 4, kArray, kIndex, kOldValue, kNewValue) \
CPP(AtomicsAdd) \
CPP(AtomicsSub) \
CPP(AtomicsAnd) \
CPP(AtomicsOr) \
CPP(AtomicsXor) \
CPP(AtomicsIsLockFree) \
CPP(AtomicsWait) \
CPP(AtomicsWake) \
/* String */ \
ASM(StringConstructor) \
ASM(StringConstructor_ConstructStub) \
CPP(StringFromCodePoint) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.fromcharcode */ \
TFJ(StringFromCharCode, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.charat */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeCharAt, 1, kPosition) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.charcodeat */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, 1, kPosition) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.concat */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeConcat, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.endswith */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeEndsWith) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.includes */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeIncludes) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.indexof */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeIndexOf, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.lastindexof */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeLastIndexOf) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.localecompare */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeLocaleCompare) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.replace */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeReplace, 2, kSearch, kReplace) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.split */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeSplit, 2, kSeparator, kLimit) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.substr */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeSubstr, 2, kStart, kLength) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.substring */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeSubstring, 2, kStart, kEnd) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.startswith */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeStartsWith) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.tostring */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeToString, 0) \
/* ES #sec-string.prototype.tolocalelowercase */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCase) \
/* ES #sec-string.prototype.tolocaleuppercase */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCase) \
/* (obsolete) Unibrow version */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToLowerCase) \
/* (obsolete) Unibrow version */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToUpperCase) \
CPP(StringPrototypeTrim) \
CPP(StringPrototypeTrimLeft) \
CPP(StringPrototypeTrimRight) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeValueOf, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-string.prototype-@@iterator */ \
TFJ(StringPrototypeIterator, 0) \
/* StringIterator */ \
/* ES6 */ \
TFJ(StringIteratorPrototypeNext, 0) \
/* Symbol */ \
CPP(SymbolConstructor) \
CPP(SymbolConstructor_ConstructStub) \
/* ES6 #sec-symbol.for */ \
CPP(SymbolFor) \
/* ES6 #sec-symbol.keyfor */ \
CPP(SymbolKeyFor) \
/* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype-@@toprimitive */ \
TFJ(SymbolPrototypeToPrimitive, 1, kHint) \
/* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype.tostring */ \
TFJ(SymbolPrototypeToString, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype.valueof */ \
TFJ(SymbolPrototypeValueOf, 0) \
/* TypedArray */ \
/* ES6 #sec-typedarray-buffer-byteoffset-length */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayConstructByArrayBuffer, 5, kHolder, kBuffer, kByteOffset, \
kLength, kElementSize) \
TFJ(TypedArrayConstructByArrayLike, 4, kHolder, kArrayLike, kLength, \
kElementSize) \
/* ES6 #sec-typedarray-length */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayConstructByLength, 3, kHolder, kLength, kElementSize) \
TFJ(TypedArrayInitialize, 6, kHolder, kLength, kBuffer, kByteOffset, \
kByteLength, kInitialize) \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeBuffer) \
/* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.bytelength */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeByteLength, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.byteoffset */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeByteOffset, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.length */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeLength, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.entries */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeEntries, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.keys */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeKeys, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.values */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeValues, 0) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.copywithin */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeCopyWithin) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.fill */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeFill) \
/* ES7 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.includes */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeIncludes) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.indexof */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeIndexOf) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.lastindexof */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.reverse */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeReverse) \
/* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.slice */ \
CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeSlice) \
/* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.every */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeEvery, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.some */ \
TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeSome, 2, kCallbackFn, kThisArg) \
/* Wasm */ \
ASM(WasmCompileLazy) \
TFS(WasmStackGuard, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapUnreachable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapDivByZero, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapDivUnrepresentable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapRemByZero, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapFloatUnrepresentable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapFuncInvalid, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
TFS(ThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatch, WasmRuntimeCall, 1) \
/* AsyncGenerator */ \
TFS(AsyncGeneratorResolve, AsyncGeneratorResolve, 1) \
TFS(AsyncGeneratorReject, AsyncGeneratorReject, 1) \
TFS(AsyncGeneratorResumeNext, AsyncGeneratorResumeNext, 1) \
/* AsyncGeneratorFunction( p1, p2, ... pn, body ) */ \
/* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgeneratorfunction-constructor */ \
CPP(AsyncGeneratorFunctionConstructor) \
/* ( value ) */ \
/* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-next */ \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeNext, 1, kValue) \
/* AsyncGenerator.prototype.return ( value ) */ \
/* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-return */ \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeReturn, 1, kValue) \
/* AsyncGenerator.prototype.throw ( exception ) */ \
/* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-throw */ \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeThrow, 1, kValue) \
/* Await (proposal-async-iteration/#await), with resume behaviour */ \
/* specific to Async Generators. Internal / Not exposed to JS code. */ \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitCaught, 2, kGenerator, kAwaited) \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitUncaught, 2, kGenerator, kAwaited) \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitResolveClosure, 1, kValue) \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitRejectClosure, 1, kValue) \
/* GeneratorYield (proposal-async-iteration/#sec-generatoryield) with */ \
/* resume behaviour specific to Async Generators. Internal / not exposed */ \
/* to JS code. */ \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorYield, 1, kValue) \
TFJ(AsyncGeneratorRawYield, 1, kValue) \
/* Async-from-Sync Iterator */ \
/* %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% */ \
/* See */ \
/* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%-object) */ \
TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeNext, 1, kValue) \
/* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%.throw */ \
TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeThrow, 1, kReason) \
/* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%.return */ \
TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeReturn, 1, kValue) \
/* #sec-async-iterator-value-unwrap-functions */ \
TFJ(AsyncIteratorValueUnwrap, 1, kValue)
#ifdef V8_I18N_SUPPORT
/* ES #sec-string.prototype.tolowercase */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToLowerCaseI18N) \
/* ES #sec-string.prototype.touppercase */ \
CPP(StringPrototypeToUpperCaseI18N) \
/* ES #sec-string.prototype.normalize */ \
/* (obsolete) Unibrow version */ \
#endif // V8_I18N_SUPPORT
V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeNext) \
V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeReturn) \
V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeThrow) \
V(AsyncFunctionAwaitCaught) \
V(AsyncFunctionAwaitUncaught) \
V(AsyncGeneratorResolve) \
V(AsyncGeneratorAwaitCaught) \
V(AsyncGeneratorAwaitUncaught) \
V(PerformNativePromiseThen) \
V(PromiseConstructor) \
V(PromiseHandle) \
V(PromiseResolve) \
V(PromiseResolveClosure) \
V(RejectNativePromise) \
V(ResolveNativePromise) \
#define IGNORE_BUILTIN(...)
#define BUILTIN_LIST_C(V) \
#define BUILTIN_LIST_A(V) \
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8