blob: e91ae6196cf454aa0d79ad207e0958d51ce57368 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGAbsoluteUtils_h
#define NGAbsoluteUtils_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/MinMaxSize.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_logical_size.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_physical_size.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Optional.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class NGConstraintSpace;
struct NGStaticPosition;
struct CORE_EXPORT NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition {
NGPhysicalBoxStrut inset;
NGPhysicalSize size;
String ToString() const;
// The following routines implement absolute size resolution algorithm.
// The size is computed as NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition.
// It needs to be computed in 4 stages:
// 1. If AbsoluteNeedsChildInlineSize compute estimated inline_size using
// MinMaxSize.ShrinkToFit.
// 2. Compute part of PhysicalPosition that depends upon child inline size
// with ComputePartialAbsoluteWithChildInlineSize.
// 3. If AbsoluteNeedsChildBlockSize compute estimated block_size by
// performing layout with the inline_size calculated from (2).
// 4. Compute full PhysicalPosition by filling it in with parts that depend
// upon child's block_size.
// True if ComputePartialAbsoluteWithChildInlineSize will need
// estimated inline size.
CORE_EXPORT bool AbsoluteNeedsChildInlineSize(const ComputedStyle&);
// True if ComputeFullAbsoluteWithChildBlockSize will need
// estimated block size.
CORE_EXPORT bool AbsoluteNeedsChildBlockSize(const ComputedStyle&);
// Compute part of position that depends on child's inline_size.
// replaced_size should be set if and only if element is replaced element.
// Returns partially filled position.
CORE_EXPORT NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition&,
const Optional<MinMaxSize>& child_minmax,
const Optional<NGLogicalSize>& replaced_size,
const NGWritingMode container_writing_mode,
const TextDirection container_direction);
// Compute rest of NGPhysicalRect that depends on child's block_size.
CORE_EXPORT void ComputeFullAbsoluteWithChildBlockSize(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition&,
const Optional<LayoutUnit>& child_block_size,
const Optional<NGLogicalSize>& replaced_size,
const NGWritingMode container_writing_mode,
const TextDirection container_direction,
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition* position);
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGAbsoluteUtils_h