blob: 9b50a53744cef1a9f92eb16516f144d51fc9878e [file] [log] [blame]
function registration_tests(register_method, check_error_types) {
// The navigator.serviceWorker.register() method guarantees that the newly
// installing worker is available as registration.installing when its promise
// resolves. However these tests are also used to test installation using a
// <link> element where it is possible for the installing worker to have
// already become the waiting or active worker. So This method is used to get
// the newest worker when these tests need access to the ServiceWorker itself.
function get_newest_worker(registration) {
if (registration.installing)
return registration.installing;
if (registration.waiting)
return registration.waiting;
if (
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/registration/normal';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
registration instanceof ServiceWorkerRegistration,
'Successfully registered.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Registering normal scope');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/registration/scope-with-fragment#ref';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
registration instanceof ServiceWorkerRegistration,
'Successfully registered.');
'A fragment should be removed from scope')
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Registering scope with fragment');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
registration instanceof ServiceWorkerRegistration,
'Successfully registered.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Registering same scope as the script directory');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registering same scope as the script directory without the last ' +
'slash should fail with SecurityError.');
}, 'Registering same scope as the script directory without the last slash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = 'different-directory/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration scope outside the script directory should fail ' +
'with SecurityError.');
}, 'Registration scope outside the script directory');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/registration-worker.js';
var scope = '';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration scope outside domain should fail with SecurityError.');
}, 'Registering scope outside domain');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = '';
var scope = '';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration script outside domain should fail with SecurityError.');
}, 'Registering script outside domain');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/no-such-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/no-such-worker';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of non-existent script should fail.');
}, 'Registering non-existent script');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/invalid-chunked-encoding/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of invalid chunked encoding script should fail.');
}, 'Registering invalid chunked encoding script');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/invalid-chunked-encoding-with-flush/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of invalid chunked encoding script should fail.');
}, 'Registering invalid chunked encoding script with flush');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/no-mime-type-worker/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of no MIME type script should fail.');
}, 'Registering script with no MIME type');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/bad-mime-type-worker/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of plain text script should fail.');
}, 'Registering script with bad MIME type');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/' +
var scope = 'resources/scope/redirect/';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of redirected script should fail.');
}, 'Registering redirected script');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/parse-error';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of script including parse error should fail.');
}, 'Registering script including parse error');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/undefined-error';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of script including undefined error should fail.');
}, 'Registering script including undefined error');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/uncaught-exception';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of script including uncaught exception should fail.');
}, 'Registering script including uncaught exception');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/caught-exception';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
registration instanceof ServiceWorkerRegistration,
'Successfully registered.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Registering script including caught exception');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/import-malformed-script';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of script importing malformed script should fail.');
}, 'Registering script importing malformed script');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/';
var scope = 'resources/scope/import-no-such-script';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registration of script importing non-existent script should fail.');
}, 'Registering script importing non-existent script');
promise_test(function(t) {
// URL-encoded full-width 'scope'.
var name = '%ef%bd%93%ef%bd%83%ef%bd%8f%ef%bd%90%ef%bd%85';
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/' + name + '/escaped-multibyte-character-scope';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'URL-encoded multibyte characters should be available.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Scope including URL-encoded multibyte characters');
promise_test(function(t) {
// Non-URL-encoded full-width "scope".
var name = String.fromCodePoint(0xff53, 0xff43, 0xff4f, 0xff50, 0xff45);
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/' + name + '/non-escaped-multibyte-character-scope';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'Non-URL-encoded multibyte characters should be available.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Scope including non-escaped multibyte characters');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources%2fempty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/encoded-slash-in-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded slash in the script URL should be rejected.');
}, 'Script URL including URL-encoded slash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources%2Fempty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/encoded-slash-in-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded slash in the script URL should be rejected.');
}, 'Script URL including uppercase URL-encoded slash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope%2fencoded-slash-in-scope';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded slash in the scope should be rejected.');
}, 'Scope including URL-encoded slash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources%5cempty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/encoded-slash-in-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded backslash in the script URL should be rejected.');
}, 'Script URL including URL-encoded backslash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources%5Cempty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/encoded-slash-in-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded backslash in the script URL should be rejected.');
}, 'Script URL including uppercase URL-encoded backslash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope%5cencoded-slash-in-scope';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? new TypeError : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'URL-encoded backslash in the scope should be rejected.');
}, 'Scope including URL-encoded backslash');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/././empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/parent-reference-in-script-url';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'Script URL including self-reference should be normalized.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Script URL including self-reference');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/././scope/self-reference-in-scope';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'Scope including self-reference should be normalized.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Scope including self-reference');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/../resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/parent-reference-in-script-url';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'Script URL including parent-reference should be normalized.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Script URL including parent-reference');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/../resources/scope/parent-reference-in-scope';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
'Scope including parent-reference should be normalized.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Scope including parent-reference');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/../scope/parent-reference-in-scope';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Scope not under the script directory should be rejected.');
}, 'Scope including parent-reference and not under the script directory');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources////empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope/consecutive-slashes-in-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Consecutive slashes in the script url should not be unified.');
}, 'Script URL including consecutive slashes');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'resources/scope////consecutive-slashes-in-scope';
return register_method(script, {scope: scope})
.then(function(registration) {
// Although consecutive slashes in the scope are not unified, the
// scope is under the script directory and registration should
// succeed.
'Should successfully be registered.');
return registration.unregister();
}, 'Scope including consecutive slashes');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'filesystem:' + normalizeURL('resources/empty-worker.js');
var scope = 'resources/scope/filesystem-script-url';
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registering a script which has same-origin filesystem: URL should ' +
'fail with SecurityError.');
}, 'Script URL is same-origin filesystem: URL');
promise_test(function(t) {
var script = 'resources/empty-worker.js';
var scope = 'filesystem:' + normalizeURL('resources/scope/filesystem-scope-url');
return promise_rejects(t,
check_error_types ? 'SecurityError' : null,
register_method(script, {scope: scope}),
'Registering with the scope that has same-origin filesystem: URL ' +
'should fail with SecurityError.');
}, 'Scope URL is same-origin filesystem: URL');