[Findit] Fetch test result from resultdb for swarming task

- Create a template for ResultDBTestResult, which is a subclass of BaseTestResult
- Get Swarming TaskIDs for failed tests
- Query resultDB for swarming task IDs
- Support query for variants with unexpected test results
- Add tests

Bug: 981066
Change-Id: I12192c2d898fb5c85dce3589ac2bc86818979f2a
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/infra/+/2599844
Reviewed-by: Joey Scarr <jsca@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Chan Li <chanli@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Quang Minh Tuan Nguyen <nqmtuan@google.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#37307}
11 files changed
tree: 59f604d78a6cf828bc53bb18835c9cbfb770ef8e
  1. 3pp/
  2. appengine/
  3. appengine_module/
  4. bootstrap/
  5. build/
  6. chromeperf/
  7. cipd/
  8. crdx/
  9. doc/
  10. docker/
  11. glyco/
  12. go/
  13. infra/
  14. node/
  15. packages/
  16. python_pb2/
  17. recipes/
  18. test/
  19. utils/
  20. .gitattributes
  21. .gitignore
  22. .style.yapf
  23. .yapfignore
  24. codereview.settings
  26. DEPS
  28. navbar.md
  29. OWNERS
  30. PRESUBMIT.py
  31. README.md
  32. run.py
  33. test.py

infra.git repository

Testing Welcome to the Chrome Infra repository!

Wondering where to start? Check out General Chrome Infrastructure documentation. In particular, to check out this repo and the rest of the infrastructure code, follow the instructions here. The rest of this page is specific to this repo.

Entry points

  • run.py: wrapper script to run programs contained in subdirectories without having to deal with sys.path modifications.
  • test.py: multi-purpose script to run tests.
  • packages/infra_libs/: generally useful functions and classes
  • infra/services/: standalone programs intended to be run as daemons.
  • infra/tools: command-line tools, intended to be run by developers.
  • appengine/: many Chrome-infra-managed AppEngine applications
  • infra/experimental: for, well, experimental stuff. Once they are stabilized and reviewed, they should be moved in a more permanent place.

Miscellaneous technical stuff

  • bootstrap/: utilities to set up a proper Python virtual environment.
  • infra/path_hacks: submodules of this modules give access to modules in the build/ repository. from infra.path_hacks.common import <stg> is actually getting <stg> from build/scripts/common.
  • utils/: purpose? utils?
  • Need to bump infra/deployed to pick up changes?
    • git push origin <updated hash>:deployed
    • mail chrome-troopers@, include:
      • previously deployed hash (for quick rollback)
      • the hash you just pushed
      • the list of CLs that made this push necessary
      • the output of the git push command

Integrating tests with test.py

If you've added a new module, run your tests with test.py:

  1. Create a .coveragerc file in the root directory of the module you want to test. Take a look at another .coveragerc to see what to include in that.
  2. Create a “test” directory in the root directory of the module you want to test. Move your *_test.py files to this directory.

Double-check that your tests are getting picked up when you want them to be: ./test.py test <path-to-package>.

Tests still not getting picked up by test.py? Double-check to make sure you have __init__.py files in each directory of your module so Python recognizes it as a package.


The preferred style is PEP8 with two-space indent; that is, the Chromium Python style, except functions use lowercase_with_underscores. Use yapf (git cl format) to autoformat new code.