Pass distillability updates from renderer to browser

The current distillability test does the following:
- In WebContentsObserver, wait for didFinishLoad and didFailLoad events.
  (Was didFinishLoad and documentLoadedInFrame earlier.
- In these events, send feature extraction JavaScript code to renderer.

The problems are:
- Mobile-friendliness detection might not be accurate because layout might
  not have been done in these WebContentsObserver events.
- Executing JavaScript in an isolated world costs extra 8MB of memory.

With the new mechanism added in this CL, the problems can be solved.
- DidMeaningfulLayout guarantees layout is done, so mobile-friendliness
  hint would be accurate.
- Features are extracted in native code (in

The reader mode switch kReaderModeHeuristics is passed to the renderer
process for it to use GetDistillerHeuristicsType().

BUG=509869, 525797

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#359607}
11 files changed