blob: 036c332866a35ffde0867c506d403efc7509e449 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/smb_provider_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace smb_client {
// An SmbTask is a call to SmbProviderClient with a bound SmbFileSystem callback
// that runs when SmbProviderClient receives a D-Bus message response.
using SmbTask = base::OnceClosure;
// SmbTaskQueue handles the queuing of SmbTasks. Tasks are 'pending' while
// SmbProviderClient awaits a D-Bus Message Response. Tasks are added to
// the queue via SmbTaskQueue::AddTask. Upon the SmbFileSystem callback in the
// task running, the caller must call SmbTaskQueue::TaskFinished to allow the
// next task to run.
// Example:
// void CreateDirectory(FilePath directory_path, bool recursive,
// StatusCallback callback) {
// auto reply = base::BindOnce(&SmbFileSystem::HandleStatusCallback,
// AsWeakPtr(), callback);
// SmbTask task = base::BindOnce(&SmbProviderClient::CreateDirectory,
// base::Unretained(GetSmbProviderClient()),
// GetMountId(),
// directory_path,
// recursive,
// std::move(reply));
// tq_.AddTask(std::move(task));
// }
// void HandleStatusCallback(StatusCallback callback, ErrorType error) {
// tq_.TaskFinished();
// callback.Run(error);
// }
class SmbTaskQueue {
// Adds |task| to the task queue. If fewer that max_pending_ tasks are
// outstanding, |task| will run immediately. Otherwise, it will be added to
// operations_ and run in FIFO order.
void AddTask(SmbTask task);
// Must be called by the owner of this class to indicate that a response to a
// task was received.
void TaskFinished();
explicit SmbTaskQueue(size_t max_pending);
// This runs the next task in operations_ if there is capacity to run an
// additional task, and a task remaing to run.
void RunTaskIfNeccessary();
// Helper method that returns the next task to run.
SmbTask GetNextTask();
// Helper method that runs the next task.
void RunNextTask();
// Helper method that returns whether there are tasks in operations_ to run.
bool IsTaskToRun() const;
// Helper method that returns whether there are fewer than max_pending tasks
// outstanding.
bool IsCapacityToRunTask() const;
const size_t max_pending_;
size_t num_pending_ = 0;
base::queue<SmbTask> operations_;
} // namespace smb_client
} // namespace chromeos