blob: f5140099a195aaa4e1327306f254abdabeaecdf4 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
class MockVRDisplay {
constructor(displayInfo, service) {
this.bindingSet_ = new mojo.BindingSet(device.mojom.VRDisplay);
this.displayClient_ = new device.mojom.VRDisplayClientPtr();
this.displayInfo_ = displayInfo;
this.service_ = service;
this.presentation_provider_ = new MockVRPresentationProvider();
if (service.client_) {
requestPresent(secureOrigin, submitFrameClient, request) {
this.presentation_provider_.bind(submitFrameClient, request);
return Promise.resolve({success: true});
setPose(pose) {
if (pose == null) {
this.presentation_provider_.pose_ = null;
} else {
getNextMagicWindowPose() {
return Promise.resolve({
pose: this.presentation_provider_.pose_,
forceActivate(reason) {
notifyClientOfDisplay() {
let displayPtr = new device.mojom.VRDisplayPtr();
let request = mojo.makeRequest(displayPtr);
let binding = new mojo.Binding(device.mojom.VRDisplay, this, request);
let clientRequest = mojo.makeRequest(this.displayClient_);
this.service_.client_.onDisplayConnected(displayPtr, clientRequest,
class MockVRPresentationProvider {
constructor() {
this.binding_ = new mojo.Binding(device.mojom.VRPresentationProvider, this);
this.pose_ = null;
bind(client, request) {
this.submitFrameClient_ = client;
submitFrame(frameId, mailboxHolder) {
// Trigger the submit completion callbacks here. WARNING: The
// Javascript-based mojo mocks are *not* re-entrant. In the current
// default implementation, Javascript calls display.submitFrame, and the
// corresponding C++ code uses a reentrant mojo call that waits for
// onSubmitFrameTransferred to indicate completion. This never finishes
// when using the mocks since the incoming calls are queued until the
// current execution context finishes. As a workaround, use the alternate
// "WebVRExperimentalRendering" mode which works without reentrant calls,
// the code only checks for completion on the *next* frame, see the
// corresponding option setting in RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5.
getVSync() {
if (this.pose_) {
// Convert current document time to monotonic time.
var now = / 1000.0;
var diff =
now - window.internals.monotonicTimeToZeroBasedDocumentTime(now);
now += diff;
now *= 1000000;
let retval = Promise.resolve({
pose: this.pose_,
time: {
microseconds: now,
frameId: 0,
status: device.mojom.VRPresentationProvider.VSyncStatus.SUCCESS,
return retval;
initPose() {
this.pose_ = {
orientation: null,
position: null,
angularVelocity: null,
linearVelocity: null,
angularAcceleration: null,
linearAcceleration: null,
poseIndex: 0
fillPose(pose) {
for (var field in pose) {
if (this.pose_.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
this.pose_[field] = pose[field];
class MockVRService {
constructor() {
this.bindingSet_ = new mojo.BindingSet(device.mojom.VRService);
this.mockVRDisplays_ = [];
this.interceptor_ =
new MojoInterfaceInterceptor(;
this.interceptor_.oninterfacerequest =
e => this.bindingSet_.addBinding(this, e.handle);
setVRDisplays(displays) {
this.mockVRDisplays_ = [];
for (let i = 0; i < displays.length; i++) {
displays[i].index = i;
this.mockVRDisplays_.push(new MockVRDisplay(displays[i], this));
addVRDisplay(display) {
if (this.mockVRDisplays_.length) {
display.index =
this.mockVRDisplays_[this.mockVRDisplays_.length - 1] + 1;
} else {
display.index = 0;
this.mockVRDisplays_.push(new MockVRDisplay(display, this));
setClient(client) {
this.client_ = client;
for (let i = 0; i < this.mockVRDisplays_.length; i++) {
let device_number = this.mockVRDisplays_.length;
return Promise.resolve({numberOfConnectedDevices: device_number});
let mockVRService = new MockVRService(mojo.frameInterfaces);
function vr_test(func, vrDisplays, name, properties) {
let t = async_test(name, properties);
func(t, mockVRService);