blob: 96e5760567e89d5365ff9a3c204d35f37f29eaa1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api, config
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
api.step('default step', ['bash', '-c', 'echo default!'])
noop_context = {}
with api.context(**noop_context):
# nothing happens! this is exactly the same as above, but this optimization
# is helpful when recipes need to calculate contextual values.
api.step('default step', ['bash', '-c', 'echo default!'])
# can change cwd
api.step('mk subdir', ['mkdir', '-p', 'subdir'])
with api.context(cwd=api.path['start_dir'].join('subdir')):
api.step('subdir step', ['bash', '-c', 'pwd'])
api.step('other subdir step', ['bash', '-c', 'echo hi again!'])
# can set envvars, and path prefix.
pants = api.path['start_dir'].join('pants')
shirt = api.path['start_dir'].join('shirt')
with api.context(env={'FOO': 'bar'}):
api.step('env step', ['bash', '-c', 'echo $FOO'])
with api.context(env_prefixes={'FOO': [pants, shirt]}):
api.step('env step with prefix', ['bash', '-c', 'echo $FOO'])
# Path prefix won't append empty environment variables.
with api.context(env={'FOO': ''}, env_prefixes={'FOO': [pants, shirt]}):
result = api.step('env prefixes with empty value',
['bash', '-c', 'echo $FOO'])
# %-formats are errors (for now). Double-% escape them.
bad_examples = ['%format', '%s']
for example in bad_examples:
with api.context(env={'BAD': example}):
assert False # pragma: no cover
except ValueError:
# this is fine though:
with api.context(env={'FINE': '%%format'}):
def GenTests(api):
yield api.test('basic')