blob: 76977630c2a784e71e646b72bf7d09017d55fd16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_units.h"
#include "wtf/NonCopyingSort.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Collects all opportunities from leaves of Layout Opportunity spatial tree.
void CollectAllOpportunities(const NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* node,
NGLayoutOpportunities& opportunities) {
if (!node)
if (node->IsLeafNode())
CollectAllOpportunities(node->left, opportunities);
CollectAllOpportunities(node->bottom, opportunities);
CollectAllOpportunities(node->right, opportunities);
// Whether 2 edges overlap with each other.
bool IsOverlapping(const NGEdge& edge1, const NGEdge& edge2) {
return std::max(edge1.start, edge2.start) <= std::min(edge1.end, edge2.end);
// Whether the exclusion is out of bounds of the LayoutNG constraint space.
bool IsExclusionWithinSpace(const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const NGExclusion& exclusion) {
LayoutUnit left = space.Offset().inline_offset;
LayoutUnit top = space.Offset().block_offset;
LayoutUnit right = left + space.Size().inline_size;
LayoutUnit bottom = top + space.Size().block_size;
return !(exclusion.Right() <= left || exclusion.Bottom() <= top ||
exclusion.Left() >= right || exclusion.Top() >= bottom);
// Creates the *BOTTOM* positioned Layout Opportunity tree node by splitting
// the parent node with the exclusion.
// @param parent_node Node that needs to be split.
// @param exclusion Exclusion existed in the parent node constraint space.
// @return New node or nullptr if the new block size == 0.
NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* CreateBottomNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(
const NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* parent_node,
const NGExclusion& exclusion) {
const NGConstraintSpace& parent_space = *parent_node->space;
LayoutUnit left = parent_space.Offset().inline_offset;
LayoutUnit top = exclusion.Bottom();
LayoutUnit right = left + parent_space.Size().inline_size;
LayoutUnit bottom =
parent_space.Offset().block_offset + parent_space.Size().block_size;
NGEdge exclusion_edge = {exclusion.Left(), exclusion.Right()};
LayoutUnit block_size = bottom - top;
if (block_size > 0) {
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(parent_space, NGLogicalOffset(left, top),
NGLogicalSize(right - left, block_size));
return new NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(space, exclusion_edge);
return nullptr;
// Creates the *LEFT* positioned Layout Opportunity tree node by splitting
// the parent node with the exclusion.
// @param parent_node Node that needs to be split.
// @param exclusion Exclusion existed in the parent node constraint space.
// @return New node or nullptr if the new inline size == 0 or the parent's
// exclusion edge doesn't limit the new node's constraint space.
NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* CreateLeftNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(
const NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* parent_node,
const NGExclusion& exclusion) {
const NGConstraintSpace& parent_space = *parent_node->space;
LayoutUnit left = parent_space.Offset().inline_offset;
LayoutUnit top = parent_space.Offset().block_offset;
LayoutUnit right = exclusion.Left();
LayoutUnit bottom = top + parent_space.Size().block_size;
NGEdge node_edge = {left, right};
LayoutUnit inline_size = right - left;
if (inline_size > 0 &&
IsOverlapping(parent_node->exclusion_edge, node_edge)) {
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(parent_space, NGLogicalOffset(left, top),
NGLogicalSize(inline_size, bottom - top));
return new NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(space);
return nullptr;
// Creates the *RIGHT* positioned Layout Opportunity tree node by splitting
// the parent node with the exclusion.
// @param parent_node Node that needs to be split.
// @param exclusion Exclusion existed in the parent node constraint space.
// @return New node or nullptr if the new inline size == 0 or the parent's
// exclusion edge doesn't limit the new node's constraint space.
NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* CreateRightNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(
const NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* parent_node,
const NGExclusion& exclusion) {
const NGConstraintSpace& parent_space = *parent_node->space;
LayoutUnit left = exclusion.Right();
LayoutUnit top = parent_space.Offset().block_offset;
LayoutUnit right =
parent_space.Offset().inline_offset + parent_space.Size().inline_size;
LayoutUnit bottom = top + parent_space.Size().block_size;
NGEdge node_edge = {left, right};
LayoutUnit inline_size = right - left;
if (inline_size > 0 &&
IsOverlapping(parent_node->exclusion_edge, node_edge)) {
auto* space =
new NGConstraintSpace(parent_space, NGLogicalOffset(left, top),
NGLogicalSize(inline_size, bottom - top));
return new NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(space);
return nullptr;
// Gets/Creates the "TOP" positioned constraint space by splitting
// the parent node with the exclusion.
// @param parent_node Node that needs to be split.
// @param exclusion Exclusion existed in the parent node constraint space.
// @return New node or nullptr if the new block size == 0.
NGConstraintSpace* GetTopSpace(const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const NGExclusion& exclusion) {
LayoutUnit left = space.Offset().inline_offset;
LayoutUnit top = space.Offset().block_offset;
LayoutUnit right = left + space.Size().inline_size;
LayoutUnit bottom = exclusion.Top();
LayoutUnit block_size = bottom - top;
if (block_size > 0)
return new NGConstraintSpace(space, NGLogicalOffset(left, top),
NGLogicalSize(right - left, block_size));
return nullptr;
// Inserts the exclusion into the Layout Opportunity tree.
void InsertExclusion(NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode* node,
const NGExclusion* exclusion,
NGLayoutOpportunities& opportunities) {
// Base case: exclusion is not in the node's constraint space.
if (!IsExclusionWithinSpace(*node->space, *exclusion))
if (node->exclusion) {
InsertExclusion(node->left, exclusion, opportunities);
InsertExclusion(node->bottom, exclusion, opportunities);
InsertExclusion(node->right, exclusion, opportunities);
// Split the current node.
node->left = CreateLeftNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(node, *exclusion);
node->right = CreateRightNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(node, *exclusion);
node->bottom = CreateBottomNGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(node, *exclusion);
if (auto* topSpace = GetTopSpace(*node->space, *exclusion))
node->exclusion = exclusion;
// Compares exclusions by their top position.
bool CompareNGExclusionsByTopAsc(const Member<const NGExclusion>& lhs,
const Member<const NGExclusion>& rhs) {
return rhs->Top() > lhs->Top();
// Compares Layout Opportunities by Start Point.
// Start point is a TopLeft position from where inline content can potentially
// start positioning itself.
bool CompareNGLayoutOpportunitesByStartPoint(
const Member<const NGLayoutOpportunity>& lhs,
const Member<const NGLayoutOpportunity>& rhs) {
// sort by TOP.
if (rhs->Offset().block_offset > lhs->Offset().block_offset) {
return true;
if (rhs->Offset().block_offset < lhs->Offset().block_offset) {
return false;
// TOP is the same -> Sort by LEFT
if (rhs->Offset().inline_offset > lhs->Offset().inline_offset) {
return true;
if (rhs->Offset().inline_offset < lhs->Offset().inline_offset) {
return false;
// TOP and LEFT are the same -> Sort by width
return rhs->Size().inline_size < lhs->Size().inline_size;
} // namespace
NGConstraintSpace* space,
unsigned clear,
bool for_inline_or_bfc)
: constraint_space_(space) {
// TODO(chrome-layout-team): Combine exclusions that shadow each other.
auto exclusions = constraint_space_->PhysicalSpace()->Exclusions();
DCHECK(std::is_sorted(exclusions.begin(), exclusions.end(),
<< "Exclusions are expected to be sorted by TOP";
opportunity_tree_root_ = new NGLayoutOpportunityTreeNode(space);
for (const auto exclusion : exclusions) {
InsertExclusion(opportunity_tree_root_, exclusion, opportunities_);
CollectAllOpportunities(opportunity_tree_root_, opportunities_);
std::sort(opportunities_.begin(), opportunities_.end(),
opportunity_iter_ = opportunities_.begin();
const NGConstraintSpace* NGLayoutOpportunityIterator::Next() {
if (opportunity_iter_ == opportunities_.end())
return nullptr;
auto* opportunity = opportunity_iter_->get();
return opportunity;
} // namespace blink