blob: a44ecf9283daa8d5f509927dd4e7e93f4d9b1236 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "src/asmjs/asm-typer.h"
#include "src/asmjs/asm-types.h"
#include "src/ast/ast-value-factory.h"
#include "src/ast/ast.h"
#include "src/ast/scopes.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/compiler.h"
#include "src/parsing/parse-info.h"
#include "src/parsing/parser.h"
#include "src/v8.h"
#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
using namespace v8::internal;
namespace iw = v8::internal::wasm;
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace {
enum ValidationType {
} // namespace
class AsmTyperHarnessBuilder {
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder(const char* source, ValidationType type)
: source_(source),
ast_value_factory_(zone_, isolate_->heap()->HashSeed()),
script_(factory_->NewScript(source_code_)) {
ParseInfo info(zone_, script_);
Parser parser(&info);
if (!Compiler::ParseAndAnalyze(&info)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to parse:\n" << source_ << "\n";
outer_scope_ = info.script_scope();
module_ =
typer_.reset(new AsmTyper(isolate_, zone_, *script_, module_));
if (validation_type_ == ValidateStatement ||
validation_type_ == ValidateExpression) {
fun_scope_.reset(new AsmTyper::FunctionScope(typer_.get()));
auto* decls = module_->scope()->declarations();
for (int ii = 0; ii < decls->length(); ++ii) {
Declaration* decl = decls->at(ii);
if (FunctionDeclaration* fun_decl = decl->AsFunctionDeclaration()) {
fun_decl_ = fun_decl;
struct VariableName {
VariableName(const char* name, VariableMode mode)
: name_(name), mode_(mode) {}
VariableName(const VariableName&) = default;
VariableName& operator=(const VariableName&) = default;
const char* name_;
const VariableMode mode_;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithLocal(VariableName var_name, AsmType* type) {
CHECK(validation_type_ == ValidateStatement ||
validation_type_ == ValidateExpression);
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
auto* var_info = new (zone_) AsmTyper::VariableInfo(type);
CHECK(typer_->AddLocal(var, var_info));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithGlobal(VariableName var_name, AsmType* type) {
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
auto* var_info = new (zone_) AsmTyper::VariableInfo(type);
CHECK(typer_->AddGlobal(var, var_info));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithGlobal(
VariableName var_name, std::function<AsmType*(Zone*)> type_creator) {
return WithGlobal(var_name, type_creator(zone_));
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithUndefinedGlobal(
VariableName var_name, std::function<AsmType*(Zone*)> type_creator) {
auto* type = type_creator(zone_);
CHECK(type->AsFunctionType() != nullptr ||
type->AsFunctionTableType() != nullptr);
WithGlobal(var_name, type);
auto* var_info = typer_->Lookup(DeclareVariable(var_name));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithImport(VariableName var_name,
AsmTyper::StandardMember standard_member) {
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
AsmTyper::VariableInfo* var_info = nullptr;
auto* stdlib_map = &typer_->stdlib_math_types_;
switch (standard_member) {
case AsmTyper::kHeap:
case AsmTyper::kStdlib:
case AsmTyper::kModule:
case AsmTyper::kNone:
case AsmTyper::kFFI:
stdlib_map = nullptr;
var_info = new (zone_) AsmTyper::VariableInfo(AsmType::FFIType(zone_));
case AsmTyper::kInfinity:
case AsmTyper::kNaN:
stdlib_map = &typer_->stdlib_types_;
if (var_info == nullptr) {
for (auto iter : *stdlib_map) {
if (iter.second->standard_member() == standard_member) {
var_info = iter.second;
CHECK(var_info != nullptr);
var_info = var_info->Clone(zone_);
CHECK(typer_->AddGlobal(var, var_info));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithReturnType(AsmType* type) {
CHECK(typer_->return_type_ == AsmType::None());
typer_->return_type_ = type;
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithStdlib(VariableName var_name) {
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
auto* var_info =
AsmTyper::VariableInfo::ForSpecialSymbol(zone_, AsmTyper::kStdlib);
CHECK(typer_->AddGlobal(var, var_info));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithHeap(VariableName var_name) {
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
auto* var_info =
AsmTyper::VariableInfo::ForSpecialSymbol(zone_, AsmTyper::kHeap);
CHECK(typer_->AddGlobal(var, var_info));
return this;
AsmTyperHarnessBuilder* WithFFI(VariableName var_name) {
auto* var = DeclareVariable(var_name);
auto* var_info =
AsmTyper::VariableInfo::ForSpecialSymbol(zone_, AsmTyper::kFFI);
CHECK(typer_->AddGlobal(var, var_info));
return this;
bool Succeeds() {
CHECK(validation_type_ == ValidateModule ||
validation_type_ == ValidateGlobals ||
validation_type_ == ValidateFunctionTables ||
validation_type_ == ValidateExport ||
validation_type_ == ValidateFunction ||
validation_type_ == ValidateStatement);
if (validation_type_ == ValidateStatement) {
CHECK(typer_->return_type_ != AsmType::None());
if (ValidateAllStatements(fun_decl_)) {
return true;
} else if (typer_->Validate()) {
return true;
std::cerr << "Asm validation failed: " << typer_->error_message() << "\n";
return false;
bool SucceedsWithExactType(AsmType* type) {
CHECK(validation_type_ == ValidateExpression);
auto* validated_as = ValidateExpressionStatment(fun_decl_);
if (validated_as == AsmType::None()) {
std::cerr << "Validation failure: " << typer_->error_message() << "\n";
return false;
} else if (validated_as != type) {
std::cerr << "Validation succeeded with wrong type "
<< validated_as->Name() << " (vs. " << type->Name() << ").\n";
return false;
return true;
bool FailsWithMessage(const char* error_message) {
CHECK(validation_type_ == ValidateModule ||
validation_type_ == ValidateGlobals ||
validation_type_ == ValidateFunctionTables ||
validation_type_ == ValidateExport ||
validation_type_ == ValidateFunction ||
validation_type_ == ValidateStatement ||
validation_type_ == ValidateExpression);
bool success;
if (validation_type_ == ValidateStatement) {
CHECK(typer_->return_type_ != AsmType::None());
success = ValidateAllStatements(fun_decl_);
} else if (validation_type_ == ValidateExpression) {
success = ValidateExpressionStatment(fun_decl_) != AsmType::None();
} else {
success = typer_->Validate();
if (success) {
std::cerr << "Asm validation succeeded\n";
return false;
if (std::strstr(typer_->error_message(), error_message) == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Asm validation failed with the wrong error message:\n"
"Expected to contain '"
<< error_message << "'\n"
" Actually is '"
<< typer_->error_message() << "'\n";
return false;
return true;
Variable* DeclareVariable(VariableName var_name) {
auto* name_ast_string = ast_value_factory_.GetOneByteString(var_name.name_);
return var_name.mode_ == DYNAMIC_GLOBAL
? outer_scope_->DeclareDynamicGlobal(name_ast_string,
: module_->scope()->DeclareLocal(name_ast_string, VAR,
bool ValidateAllStatements(FunctionDeclaration* fun_decl) {
AsmTyper::FlattenedStatements iter(zone_, fun_decl->fun()->body());
while (auto* curr = iter.Next()) {
if (typer_->ValidateStatement(curr) == AsmType::None()) {
return false;
return true;
AsmType* ValidateExpressionStatment(FunctionDeclaration* fun_decl) {
AsmTyper::FlattenedStatements iter(zone_, fun_decl->fun()->body());
AsmType* ret = AsmType::None();
bool last_was_expression_statement = false;
while (auto* curr = iter.Next()) {
if (auto* expr_stmt = curr->AsExpressionStatement()) {
last_was_expression_statement = true;
if ((ret = typer_->ValidateExpression(expr_stmt->expression())) ==
AsmType::None()) {
} else {
ret = AsmType::None();
last_was_expression_statement = true;
if (typer_->ValidateStatement(curr) == AsmType::None()) {
CHECK(last_was_expression_statement || ret == AsmType::None());
return ret;
std::string source_;
ValidationType validation_type_;
HandleAndZoneScope handles_;
Zone* zone_;
Isolate* isolate_;
AstValueFactory ast_value_factory_;
Factory* factory_;
Handle<String> source_code_;
Handle<Script> script_;
DeclarationScope* outer_scope_;
FunctionLiteral* module_;
FunctionDeclaration* fun_decl_;
std::unique_ptr<AsmTyper> typer_;
std::unique_ptr<AsmTyper::FunctionScope> fun_scope_;
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
namespace {
struct ValidationInput {
ValidationInput(const std::string& source, iw::ValidationType type)
: source_(source), type_(type) {}
const std::string source_;
const iw::ValidationType type_;
std::unique_ptr<iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder> ValidationOf(
ValidationInput input) {
return std::unique_ptr<iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder>(
new iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder(input.source_.c_str(), input.type_));
ValidationInput Module(const char* source) {
return ValidationInput(source, iw::ValidateModule);
std::string WrapInFunction(const char* source, bool needs_use_asm) {
if (needs_use_asm) {
return std::string(
"function foo() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" ") +
source +
return std::string(
"function bar() {\n"
" ") +
source +
"return {b: bar};\n";
ValidationInput Globals(const char* source) {
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(WrapInFunction(source, kNeedsUseAsm),
ValidationInput FunctionTables(const char* source) {
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(WrapInFunction(source, kNeedsUseAsm),
ValidationInput Export(const char* source) {
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(WrapInFunction(source, kNeedsUseAsm),
ValidationInput Function(const char* source) {
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(WrapInFunction(source, kNeedsUseAsm),
ValidationInput Statement(const char* source) {
static const bool kDoesNotNeedUseAsm = false;
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(
WrapInFunction(WrapInFunction(source, kDoesNotNeedUseAsm).c_str(),
ValidationInput Expression(const char* source) {
static const bool kDoesNotNeedUseAsm = false;
static const bool kNeedsUseAsm = true;
return ValidationInput(
WrapInFunction(WrapInFunction(source, kDoesNotNeedUseAsm).c_str(),
iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder::VariableName Var(const char* name) {
return iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder::VariableName(name, VAR);
iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder::VariableName DynamicGlobal(const char* name) {
return iw::AsmTyperHarnessBuilder::VariableName(name, DYNAMIC_GLOBAL);
TEST(MissingUseAsmDirective) {
// We can't test the empty input ("") because the AsmTyperHarnessBuilder will
// CHECK if there's no function in the top-level scope.
const char* kTests[] = {"function module(){}",
"function module(){ use_asm; }",
"function module(){ \"use asm \"; }",
"function module(){ \" use asm \"; }",
"function module(){ \"use Asm\"; }"};
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const char* module = kTests[ii];
if (!ValidationOf(Module(module))
->FailsWithMessage("Missing \"use asm\"")) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << module;
TEST(InvalidModuleSignature) {
const struct {
const char* module;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"function eval(){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module name"},
{"function arguments(){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module name"},
{"function module(eval){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(arguments){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, eval){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, arguments){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, eval){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, arguments){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Invalid asm.js identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, heap, eval){ \"use asm\"; }",
"asm.js modules may not have more than three parameters"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, heap, arguments){ \"use asm\"; }",
"asm.js modules may not have more than three parameters"},
{"function module(module){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, module){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, stdlib){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, module){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, stdlib){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
{"function module(stdlib, foreign, foreign){ \"use asm\"; }",
"Redeclared identifier in module parameter"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Module(test->module))
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->module;
TEST(ErrorsInGlobalVariableDefinition) {
const struct {
const char* decl;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"var v;", "Global variable missing initializer"},
{"var v = uninitialized;", "Invalid global variable initializer"},
{"var v = 'use asm';", "type annotation - forbidden literal"},
{"var v = 4294967296;", " - forbidden literal"},
{"var v = not_fround;", "Invalid global variable initializer"},
{"var v = not_fround(1);", "expected call fround(literal)"},
{"var v = __fround__(1.0);", "expected call fround(literal)"},
{"var v = fround(1.0, 1.0);", "expected call fround(literal)"},
{"var v = fround(not_fround);", "literal argument for call to fround"},
{"var v = stdlib.nan", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = stdlib.Math.nan", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = stdlib.Mathh.E", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = stdlib.Math", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = Stdlib.Math.E", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = stdlib.Math.E[0]", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = stdlibb.NaN", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = ffi.NaN[0]", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = heap.NaN[0]", "Invalid import"},
{"var v = * 2.0;", "unrecognized annotation"},
{"var v =|1;", "unrecognized annotation"},
{"var v = ffi()|0;", "must import member"},
{"var v = +ffi();", "must import member"},
{"var v = ffi().a|0;", "object lookup failed"},
{"var v = +ffi().a;", "object lookup failed"},
{"var v = sstdlib.a|0;", "object lookup failed"},
{"var v = +sstdlib.a;", "object lookup failed"},
{"var v = stdlib.NaN|0;", "object is not the ffi"},
{"var v = +stdlib.NaN;", "object is not the ffi"},
{"var v = new f()", "Invalid type after new"},
{"var v = new stdli.Uint8Array(heap)", "Unknown stdlib member in heap"},
{"var v = new stdlib.dd(heap)", "Unknown stdlib member in heap"},
{"var v = new stdlib.Math.fround(heap)", "Type is not a heap view type"},
{"var v = new stdlib.Uint8Array(a, b)", "Invalid number of arguments"},
{"var v = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap())", "should be the module's heap"},
{"var v = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap_)", "instead of heap parameter"},
{"var v = new stdlib.Uint8Array(ffi)", "should be the module's heap"},
{"var eval = 0;", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = 0.0;", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = fround(0.0);", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = +ffi.a;", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = ffi.a|0;", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = ffi.a;", "in global variable"},
{"var eval = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = 0;", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = 0.0;", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = fround(0.0);", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = +ffi.a;", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = ffi.a|0;", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = ffi.a;", "in global variable"},
{"var arguments = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);", "in global variable"},
{"var a = 0, a = 0.0;", "Redefined global variable"},
{"var a = 0; var a = 0;", "Redefined global variable"},
{"var a = 0, b = 0; var a = 0;", "Redefined global variable"},
{"var a = 0, b = 0; var b = 0, a = 0.0;", "Redefined global variable"},
{"var a = stdlib.Int8Array", "Heap view types can not be aliased"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Globals(test->decl))
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("not_fround"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->decl;
TEST(ErrorsInFunctionTableDefinition) {
const struct {
const char* tables;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"var a = [a, a, a];", "Invalid length for function pointer table"},
{"var a = [d2s0()];", "must be a function name"},
{"var a = [d2s44];", "Undefined identifier in function pointer"},
{"var a = [fround];", "not be a member of the standard library"},
{"var a = [imul];", "not be a member of the standard library"},
{"var a = [ffi_import];", "must be an asm.js function"},
{"var a = [dI];", "must be an asm.js function"},
{"var a = [d2s0, d2s1, d2s0, f2s0];", "mismatch in function pointer"},
{"var eval = [d2s0, d2s1];", "asm.js identifier in function table name"},
{"var arguments = [d2s0, d2s1];", "asm.js identifier in function table"},
{"var foo = [d2s0, d2s1];",
"Identifier redefined as function pointer table"},
{"var I = [d2s0, d2s1];",
"Identifier redefined as function pointer table"},
{"var d2s = [d2f0, d2f1];", "redefined as function pointer table"},
{"var d2s_t = [d2s0];", "Function table size mismatch"},
{"var d2s_t = [d2f0, d2f1];", "initializer does not match previous"},
auto d2s = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
return ret;
auto d2s_tbl = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* d2s = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::FunctionTableType(zone, 2, d2s);
return ret;
auto f2s = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
return ret;
auto d2f = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Float());
return ret;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(FunctionTables(test->tables))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("ffi_import"), iw::AsmTyper::kFFI)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("imul"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathImul)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("E"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathE)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("floor"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2s0"), d2s)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2s1"), d2s)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("f2s0"), f2s)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("f2s1"), f2s)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2f0"), d2f)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2f1"), d2f)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("dI"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithGlobal(Var("I"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithUndefinedGlobal(Var("d2s"), d2s)
->WithUndefinedGlobal(Var("d2s_t"), d2s_tbl)
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->tables;
TEST(ErrorsInModuleExport) {
const struct {
const char* module_export;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"", "Missing asm.js module export"},
{"return;", "Unrecognized expression in asm.js module export expression"},
{"return f;", "Undefined identifier in asm.js module export"},
{"return f();", "Unrecognized expression in asm.js module export"},
{"return d2s_tbl;", "cannot export function tables"},
{"return min;", "cannot export standard library functions"},
{"return ffi;", "cannot export foreign functions"},
{"return I;", "is not an asm.js function"},
{"return {'a': d2s_tbl}", "cannot export function tables"},
{"return {'a': min}", "cannot export standard library functions"},
{"return {'a': ffi}", "cannot export foreign functions"},
{"return {'a': f()}", "must be an asm.js function name"},
{"return {'a': f}", "Undefined identifier in asm.js module export"},
{"function v() { a(); } return {b: d2s}", "Missing definition for forw"},
{"return {b: d2s, 'a': d2s_tbl}", "cannot export function tables"},
{"return {b: d2s, 'a': min}", "cannot export standard library"},
{"return {b: d2s, 'a': ffi}", "cannot export foreign functions"},
{"return {b: d2s, 'a': f()}", "must be an asm.js function name"},
{"return {b: d2s, 'a': f}", "Undefined identifier in asm.js module"},
auto d2s_tbl = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* d2s = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::FunctionTableType(zone, 2, d2s);
return ret;
auto d2s = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
return ret;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Export(test->module_export))
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2s_tbl"), d2s_tbl)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2s"), d2s)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("min"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathMin)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("ffi"), iw::AsmTyper::kFFI)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->module_export;
TEST(ErrorsInFunction) {
auto d2s = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
return ret;
const struct {
const char* function;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"function f(eval) {"
" eval = eval|0;"
"Invalid asm.js identifier in parameter name"},
{"function f(arguments) {"
" arguments = arguments|0;"
"Invalid asm.js identifier in parameter name"},
// The following error should actually be a "redeclared local," but the
// AST "hides" the first parameter from us, so the parameter type checking
// will fail because the validator will think that the a = a|0 is
// annotating the second parameter.
{"function f(a, a) {\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" a = +a;\n"
"Incorrect parameter type annotations"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" if (0) return;\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
"Incorrect parameter type annotations"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" f();\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
"Incorrect parameter type annotations"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" f.a = 0;\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
"Incorrect parameter type annotations"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" b = +b;\n"
"Incorrect parameter type annotations"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" var eval = 0;\n"
"Invalid asm.js identifier in local variable"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" var b = 0;\n"
"Redeclared local"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" var c = 0, c = 1.0;\n"
"Redeclared local"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" var c = 0; var c = 1.0;\n"
"Redeclared local"},
{"function f(b, a) {\n"
" b = +b;\n"
" a = a|0;\n"
" f();\n"
" var c = 0;\n"
"Local variable missing initializer in asm.js module"},
{"function f() {\n"
" function ff() {}\n"
"Functions may only define inner variables"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return a+1;\n"
"Invalid return type annotation"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return ~~x;\n"
"Invalid return type annotation"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return d();\n"
"Invalid function call in return statement"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return 'use asm';\n"
"Invalid literal in return statement"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return 2147483648;\n"
"Invalid literal in return statement"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return stdlib.Math.E;"
"Invalid return type expression"},
{"function f() {\n"
" return E[0];"
"Invalid return type expression"},
{"function I() {}\n", "Identifier redefined as function"},
{"function foo() {}\n", "Identifier redefined as function"},
{"function d2s() {}\n", "Identifier redefined (function name)"},
{"function d2s(x) {\n"
" x = x|0;\n"
" return -1;\n"
"Identifier redefined (function name)"},
{"function d2s(x) {\n"
" x = +x;\n"
" return -1.0;\n"
"Identifier redefined (function name)"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Function(test->function))
->WithGlobal(Var("I"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithGlobal(Var("d2s"), d2s)
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->function;
TEST(ErrorsInStatement) {
const struct {
const char* statement;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"if (fround(1));", "If condition must be type int"},
{"return;", "Type mismatch in return statement"},
{"return +1.0;", "Type mismatch in return statement"},
{"return +d()", "Type mismatch in return statement"},
{"while (fround(1));", "While condition must be type int"},
{"do {} while (fround(1));", "Do {} While condition must be type int"},
{"for (;fround(1););", "For condition must be type int"},
{"switch(flocal){ case 0: return 0; }", "Switch tag must be signed"},
{"switch(slocal){ default: case 0: return 0; }",
"Switch default must appear last"},
{"switch(slocal){ case 1: case 1: return 0; }", "Duplicated case label"},
{"switch(slocal){ case 1: case 0: break; case 1: return 0; }",
"Duplicated case label"},
{"switch(slocal){ case 1.0: return 0; }",
"Case label must be a 32-bit signed integer"},
{"switch(slocal){ case 1.0: return 0; }",
"Case label must be a 32-bit signed integer"},
{"switch(slocal){ case -100000: case 2147483647: return 0; }",
"Out-of-bounds case"},
{"switch(slocal){ case 2147483648: return 0; }",
"Case label must be a 32-bit signed"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Statement(test->statement))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("flocal"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("slocal"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->statement;
TEST(ErrorsInExpression) {
auto d2d = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Double());
return ret;
auto d2s_tbl = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* d2s = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::FunctionTableType(zone, 2, d2s);
return ret;
const struct {
const char* expression;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"noy_a_function();", "Unanotated call to a function must be a call to"},
{"a = 0;", "Undeclared identifier"},
// we can't verify the module's name being referenced here because
// expression validation does not invoke ValidateModule, which sets up the
// module information in the AsmTyper.
{"stdlib", "accessed by ordinary expressions"},
{"ffi", "accessed by ordinary expressions"},
{"heap", "accessed by ordinary expressions"},
{"d2d", "accessed by ordinary expression"},
{"fround", "accessed by ordinary expression"},
{"d2s_tbl", "accessed by ordinary expression"},
{"ilocal = +1.0", "Type mismatch in assignment"},
{"!dlocal", "Invalid type for !"},
{"2 * dlocal", "Invalid types for intish *"},
{"dlocal * 2", "Invalid types for intish *"},
{"1048577 * ilocal", "Invalid operands for *"},
{"1048577 / ilocal", "Invalid operands for /"},
{"1048577 % dlocal", "Invalid operands for %"},
{"1048577 * dlocal", "Invalid operands for *"},
{"1048577 / dlocal", "Invalid operands for /"},
{"1048577 % ilocal", "Invalid operands for %"},
{"ilocal * dlocal", "Invalid operands for *"},
{"ilocal / dlocal", "Invalid operands for /"},
{"ilocal % dlocal", "Invalid operands for %"},
{"1048577 + dlocal", "Invalid operands for additive expression"},
{"1048577 - dlocal", "Invalid operands for additive expression"},
{"ilocal + dlocal", "Invalid operands for additive expression"},
{"ilocal - dlocal", "Invalid operands for additive expression"},
{"1048577 << dlocal", "Invalid operands for <<"},
{"1048577 >> dlocal", "Invalid operands for >>"},
{"1048577 >>> dlocal", "Invalid operands for >>"},
{"ilocal << dlocal", "Invalid operands for <<"},
{"ilocal >> dlocal", "Invalid operands for >>"},
{"ilocal >>> dlocal", "Invalid operands for >>>"},
{"1048577 < dlocal", "Invalid operands for <"},
{"ilocal < dlocal", "Invalid operands for <"},
{"1048577 > dlocal", "Invalid operands for >"},
{"ilocal > dlocal", "Invalid operands for >"},
{"1048577 <= dlocal", "Invalid operands for <="},
{"ilocal <= dlocal", "Invalid operands for <="},
{"1048577 >= dlocal", "Invalid operands for >="},
{"ilocal >= dlocal", "Invalid operands for >="},
{"1048577 == dlocal", "Invalid operands for =="},
{"ilocal == dlocal", "Invalid operands for =="},
/* NOTE: the parser converts a == b to !(a == b). */
{"1048577 != dlocal", "Invalid operands for =="},
{"ilocal != dlocal", "Invalid operands for =="},
{"dlocal & dlocal", "Invalid operands for &"},
{"1048577 & dlocal", "Invalid operands for &"},
{"ilocal & dlocal", "Invalid operands for &"},
{"dlocal | dlocal2", "Invalid operands for |"},
{"1048577 | dlocal", "Invalid operands for |"},
{"ilocal | dlocal", "Invalid operands for |"},
{"dlocal ^ dlocal2", "Invalid operands for ^"},
{"1048577 ^ dlocal", "Invalid operands for ^"},
{"ilocal ^ dlocal", "Invalid operands for ^"},
{"dlocal ? 0 : 1", "Ternary operation condition should be int"},
{"ilocal ? dlocal : 1", "Type mismatch for ternary operation result"},
{"ilocal ? 1 : dlocal", "Type mismatch for ternary operation result"},
{"eval(10)|0", "Invalid asm.js identifier in (forward) function"},
{"arguments(10)|0", "Invalid asm.js identifier in (forward) function"},
{"not_a_function(10)|0", "Calling something that's not a function"},
{"fround(FFI())", "Foreign functions can't return float"},
{"FFI(fround(0))|0", "Function invocation does not match function type"},
{"FFI(2147483648)|0", "Function invocation does not match function type"},
{"d2d(2.0)|0", "Function invocation does not match function type"},
{"+d2d(2)", "Function invocation does not match function type"},
{"eval[ilocal & 3]()|0", "Invalid asm.js identifier in (forward)"},
{"arguments[ilocal & 3]()|0", "Invalid asm.js identifier in (forward)"},
{"not_a_function[ilocal & 3]()|0", "Identifier does not name a function"},
{"d2s_tbl[ilocal & 3](0.0)|0", "Function table size does not match"},
{"+d2s_tbl[ilocal & 1](0.0)", "does not match previous signature"},
{"d2s_tbl[ilocal & 1](0)|0", "does not match previous signature"},
{"a.b()|0", "Indirect call index must be in the expr & mask form"},
{"HEAP32[0][0] = 0", "Invalid heap access"},
{"heap32[0] = 0", "Undeclared identifier in heap access"},
{"not_a_function[0] = 0", "Identifier does not represent a heap view"},
{"HEAP32[0.0] = 0", "Heap access index must be int"},
{"HEAP32[-1] = 0", "Heap access index must be a 32-bit unsigned integer"},
{"HEAP32[ilocal >> 1] = 0", "Invalid heap access index"},
// *VIOLATION* the following is invalid, but because of desugaring it is
// accepted.
// {"HEAP32[0 >> 1] = 0", "Invalid heap access index"},
{"HEAP8[fround(0.0)] = 0", "Invalid heap access index for byte array"},
{"HEAP8[iish] = 0", "Invalid heap access index for byte array"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dlocal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dlocal2"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("not_a_function"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("FFI"), iw::AsmTyper::kFFI)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2d"), d2d)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("d2s_tbl"), d2s_tbl)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("HEAP32"), iw::AsmType::Int32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("HEAP8"), iw::AsmType::Int8Array())
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateNumericLiteral) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* expected_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"0", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"-1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"0.0", iw::AsmType::Double()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->expected_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateIdentifier) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* expected_type;
} kTests[] = {{"afixnum", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"adouble", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"afloat", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"anextern", iw::AsmType::Extern()},
{"avoid", iw::AsmType::Void()}};
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal(test->expression), test->expected_type)
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->expected_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test (local identifiers):\n" << test->expression;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal(test->expression), test->expected_type)
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->expected_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test (global identifiers):\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateCallExpression) {
auto v2f = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Float());
return ret;
const struct {
const char* expression;
} kTests[] = {
char full_test[200];
static const size_t kFullTestSize = arraysize(full_test);
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
CHECK(v8::base::OS::SNPrintF(full_test, kFullTestSize, "fround(%s)",
test->expression) < kFullTestSize);
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(full_test))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("a_float_function"), v2f)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("slocal"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ulocal"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dqlocal"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fishlocal"), iw::AsmType::Floatish())
->SucceedsWithExactType(iw::AsmType::Float())) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << full_test;
const struct {
const char* expression;
const char* error_message;
} kFailureTests[] = {
{"vlocal", "Invalid argument type to fround"},
{"ilocal", "Invalid argument type to fround"},
{"a_double_function()", "Function invocation does not match"},
auto v2d = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Double());
return ret;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kFailureTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kFailureTests + ii;
CHECK(v8::base::OS::SNPrintF(full_test, kFullTestSize, "fround(%s)",
test->expression) < kFullTestSize);
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(full_test))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("vlocal"), iw::AsmType::Void())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("a_double_function"), v2d)
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << full_test;
TEST(ValidateMemberExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"I8[i]", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // Legacy: no shift for 8-bit view.
{"I8[iish >> 0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I8[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I8[2147483648]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[iish >> 0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[i]", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // Legacy: no shift for 8-bit view.
{"U8[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[2147483648]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[iish >> 1]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[1073741824]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U16[iish >> 1]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U16[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U16[1073741824]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I32[iish >> 2]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I32[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I32[536870912]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U32[iish >> 2]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U32[0]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U32[536870912]", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"F32[iish >> 2]", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()},
{"F32[0]", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()},
{"F32[536870912]", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()},
{"F64[iish >> 3]", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F64[0]", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F64[268435456]", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I8"), iw::AsmType::Int8Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U8"), iw::AsmType::Uint8Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I16"), iw::AsmType::Int16Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U16"), iw::AsmType::Uint16Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I32"), iw::AsmType::Int32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U32"), iw::AsmType::Uint32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("F32"), iw::AsmType::Float32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("F64"), iw::AsmType::Float64Array())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("i"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateAssignmentExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Array assignments.
// Storing signed to int heap view.
{"I8[1024] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I8[1024 >> 0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I8[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I8[2147483648] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U8[1024 >> 0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U8[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U8[2147483648] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I16[1024 >> 1] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I16[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I16[1073741824] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U16[1024 >> 1] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U16[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U16[1073741824] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"I32[1024 >> 2] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I32[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"I32[536870912] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U32[1024 >> 2] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U32[0] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"U32[536870912] = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Sroting fixnum to int heap view.
{"I8[1024] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I8[1024 >> 0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I8[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I8[2147483648] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U8[1024 >> 0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U8[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U8[2147483648] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I16[1024 >> 1] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I16[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I16[1073741824] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U16[1024 >> 1] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U16[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U16[1073741824] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"I32[1024 >> 2] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I32[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"I32[536870912] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U32[1024 >> 2] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U32[0] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"U32[536870912] = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing int to int heap view.
{"I8[ilocal] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I8[ilocal >> 0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I8[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I8[2147483648] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U8[ilocal >> 0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U8[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U8[2147483648] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I16[ilocal >> 1] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I16[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I16[1073741824] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U16[ilocal >> 1] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U16[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U16[1073741824] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"I32[ilocal >> 2] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I32[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"I32[536870912] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U32[ilocal >> 2] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U32[0] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"U32[536870912] = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing intish to int heap view.
{"I8[ilocal] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I8[iish >> 0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I8[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I8[2147483648] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[iish >> 0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U8[2147483648] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[iish >> 1] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I16[1073741824] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U16[iish >> 1] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U16[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U16[1073741824] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"I32[iish >> 2] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I32[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"I32[536870912] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // not pre-shifted.
{"U32[iish >> 2] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U32[0] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"U32[536870912] = iish", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing floatish to f32 heap view.
{"F32[iish >> 2] = fish", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"F32[0] = fish", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"F32[536870912] = fish ", iw::AsmType::Floatish()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing double? to f32 heap view.
{"F32[iish >> 2] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F32[0] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F32[536870912] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing float? to f64 heap view.
{"F64[iish >> 3] = fq", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()},
{"F64[0] = fq", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()},
{"F64[268435456] = fq", iw::AsmType::FloatQ()}, // not pre-shifted.
// Storing double? to f64 heap view.
{"F64[iish >> 3] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F64[0] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()},
{"F64[268435456] = dq", iw::AsmType::DoubleQ()}, // not pre-shifted.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scalar assignments.
{"ilocal = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"ilocal = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"ilocal = 2147483648", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"ilocal = iglobal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"iglobal = 1024", iw::AsmType::FixNum()},
{"iglobal = -1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iglobal = 2147483648", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"iglobal = ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"dlocal = 0.0", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"dlocal = +make_double()", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"dglobal = 0.0", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"dglobal = +make_double()", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"flocal = fround(0)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"flocal = fround(make_float())", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fglobal = fround(0)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fglobal = fround(make_float())", iw::AsmType::Float()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fq"), iw::AsmType::FloatQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dq"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fish"), iw::AsmType::Floatish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("iglobal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("dglobal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("fglobal"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dlocal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("flocal"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I8"), iw::AsmType::Int8Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U8"), iw::AsmType::Uint8Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I16"), iw::AsmType::Int16Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U16"), iw::AsmType::Uint16Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("I32"), iw::AsmType::Int32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("U32"), iw::AsmType::Uint32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("F32"), iw::AsmType::Float32Array())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("F64"), iw::AsmType::Float64Array())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateUnaryExpression) {
auto v2d = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Double());
return ret;
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"-2147483648", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"-1024", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"-1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"-2147483648.0", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+make_double()", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+dbl()", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"make_double() * 1.0", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"~~fq", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"~~dglobal", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"+slocal", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"slocal * 1.0", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"+ulocal", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"ulocal * 1.0", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"+dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"dq * 1.0", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"+fq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fq * 1.0", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"-ilocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ilocal * -1", iw::AsmType::Intish()}, // Violation.
{"-dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"dq * -1", iw::AsmType::Double()}, // Violation.
{"-fq", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"fq * -1", iw::AsmType::Floatish()}, // Violation.
{"~iish", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish ^ -1", iw::AsmType::Signed()}, // Violation, but OK.
{"!ilocal", iw::AsmType::Int()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fq"), iw::AsmType::FloatQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dq"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("slocal"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ulocal"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("dglobal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("dbl"), v2d)
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateMultiplicativeExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"dq * dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fq * fq", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"slocal / slocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal / ulocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"dq / dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fq / fq", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"slocal % slocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal % ulocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"dq % dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"-1048575 * ilocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ilocal * -1048575", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"1048575 * ilocal", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ilocal * 1048575", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fq"), iw::AsmType::FloatQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dq"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("slocal"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ulocal"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("dglobal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateAdditiveExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"dlocal + dlocal", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fq + fq", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"dq - dq", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fq - fq", iw::AsmType::Floatish()},
{"ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ilocal - 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"slocal + ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"slocal - ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal + ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal - ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal + slocal + ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal + slocal - ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal - slocal + ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"ulocal - slocal - ilocal + 1", iw::AsmType::Intish()},
{"1 + 1", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: intish.
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fq"), iw::AsmType::FloatQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dq"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dlocal"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("slocal"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ulocal"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("ilocal"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateShiftExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"iish << iish", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish >> iish", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish >>> iish", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"1 << 0", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"1 >> 0", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"4294967295 >>> 0", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"-1 >>> 0", iw::AsmType::Unsigned()},
{"2147483647 >>> 0", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: unsigned.
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateComparisonExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Non const <op> Non const
{"s0 == s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 == u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 == f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 == d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 != s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 != u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 != f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 != d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 < s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 < u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 < f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 < d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 <= s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 <= u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 <= f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 <= d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 > s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 > u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 > f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 > d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 >= s1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 >= u1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 >= f1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 >= d1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Non const <op> Const
{"s0 == -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 == 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 == fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 == 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 != -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 != 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 != fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 != 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 < -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 < 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 < fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 < 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 <= -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 <= 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 <= fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 <= 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 > -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 > 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 > fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 > 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"s0 >= -1025", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"u0 >= 123456789", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"f0 >= fround(123456.78)", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"d0 >= 9876543.201", iw::AsmType::Int()},
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Const <op> Non const
{"-1025 == s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 == u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) == f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 == d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"-1025 != s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 != u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) != f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 != d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"-1025 < s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 < u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) < f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 < d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"-1025 <= s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 <= u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) <= f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 <= d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"-1025 > s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 > u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) > f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 > d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"-1025 >= s0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"123456789 >= u0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"fround(123456.78) >= f0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"9876543.201 >= d0", iw::AsmType::Int()},
// TODO(jpp): maybe add Const <op> Const.
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("u0"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("u1"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("s0"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("s1"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("f0"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("f1"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("d0"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("d1"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateBitwiseExpression) {
auto v2s = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Signed());
return ret;
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"iish0 & iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish0 | iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish0 ^ iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish0 & -1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish0 | -1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"iish0 ^ -1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648 & iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648 | iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648 ^ iish1", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648 & 0", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"2147483648 | 0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2147483648 ^ 0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"2134651 & 123", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"2134651 | 123", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"2134651 ^ 123", iw::AsmType::FixNum()}, // Violation: signed.
{"make_signed()|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"signed()|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish1"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish0"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("signed"), v2s)
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateConditionalExpression) {
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
{"i0 ? i0 : i1", iw::AsmType::Int()},
{"i0 ? f0 : f1", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"i0 ? d0 : d1", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"0 ? -1 : 2147483648", iw::AsmType::Int()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("i0"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("i1"), iw::AsmType::Int())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("f0"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("f1"), iw::AsmType::Float())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("d0"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("d1"), iw::AsmType::Double())
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(ValidateCall) {
auto v2f = [](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, iw::AsmType::Float());
return ret;
// ifd2_ is a helper function that returns a lambda for creating a function
// type that accepts an int, a float, and a double. ret_type_factory is a
// pointer to an AsmType*() function, and (*ret_type_factory)() returns the
// desired return type. For example,
// ifd2_(&iw::AsmType::Float)
// returns an AsmType representing an asm.j function with the following
// signature:
// float(int, float, double)
auto ifd2_ = [](iw::AsmType* (
*ret_type_factory)()) -> std::function<iw::AsmType*(Zone*)> {
return [ret_type_factory](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, (*ret_type_factory)());
return ret;
auto ifd2f = ifd2_(&iw::AsmType::Float);
auto ifd2d = ifd2_(&iw::AsmType::Double);
auto ifd2i = ifd2_(&iw::AsmType::Signed);
// Just like ifd2_, but this one returns a type representing a function table.
auto tbl_ifd2_ = [](size_t tbl_size, iw::AsmType* (*ret_type_factory)())
-> std::function<iw::AsmType*(Zone*)> {
return [tbl_size, ret_type_factory](Zone* zone) -> iw::AsmType* {
auto* signature = iw::AsmType::Function(zone, (*ret_type_factory)());
auto* ret = iw::AsmType::FunctionTableType(zone, tbl_size, signature);
return ret;
auto ifd2f_tbl = tbl_ifd2_(32, &iw::AsmType::Float);
auto ifd2d_tbl = tbl_ifd2_(64, &iw::AsmType::Double);
auto ifd2i_tbl = tbl_ifd2_(4096, &iw::AsmType::Signed);
const struct {
const char* expression;
iw::AsmType* load_type;
} kTests[] = {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions.
{"fround(v2f())", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fround(fish)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fround(dq)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fround(s)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"fround(u)", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"ffi()|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"ffi(1.0)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"ffi(1.0, 2.0)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"ffi(1.0, 2.0, 3)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"ffi(1.0, 2.0, 3, 4)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
{"+ffi()", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+ffi(1.0)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+ffi(1.0, 2.0)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+ffi(1.0, 2.0, 3)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"+ffi(1.0, 2.0, 3, 4)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"fround(ifd2f(1, fround(1), 1.0))", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"+ifd2d(1, fround(1), 1.0)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"ifd2i(1, fround(1), 1.0)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function tables.
{"fround(ifd2f_tbl[iish & 31](1, fround(1), 1.0))", iw::AsmType::Float()},
{"+ifd2d_tbl[iish & 63](1, fround(1), 1.0)", iw::AsmType::Double()},
{"ifd2i_tbl[iish & 4095](1, fround(1), 1.0)|0", iw::AsmType::Signed()},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Expression(test->expression))
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("fround"), iw::AsmTyper::kMathFround)
->WithImport(DynamicGlobal("ffi"), iw::AsmTyper::kFFI)
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("fish"), iw::AsmType::Floatish())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("dq"), iw::AsmType::DoubleQ())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("s"), iw::AsmType::Signed())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("u"), iw::AsmType::Unsigned())
->WithLocal(DynamicGlobal("iish"), iw::AsmType::Intish())
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("v2f"), v2f)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("ifd2f_tbl"), ifd2f_tbl)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("ifd2d_tbl"), ifd2d_tbl)
->WithGlobal(DynamicGlobal("ifd2i_tbl"), ifd2i_tbl)
->SucceedsWithExactType(test->load_type)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->expression;
TEST(CannotReferenceModuleName) {
const struct {
const char* module;
const char* error_message;
} kTests[] = {
{"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() { asm; }\n"
"accessed by ordinary expressions"},
{"function asm() { 'use asm'; return asm; }", "Module cannot export"},
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
const auto* test = kTests + ii;
if (!ValidationOf(Module(test->module))
->FailsWithMessage(test->error_message)) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << test->module;
TEST(InvalidSourceLayout) {
const char* kTests[] = {
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" return f;\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v1 = 0;\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" var v1 = 0;\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
" var v1 = 0;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" return f;\n"
" var v = 0;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
" var v_v = [f];\n"
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" return f;\n"
" function f() {}\n"
"function __f_59() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function __f_110() {\n"
" return 71;\n"
" }\n"
" function __f_21() {\n"
" var __v_38 = 0;\n"
" return __v_23[__v_38&0]() | 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return {__f_21:__f_21};\n"
" var __v_23 = [__f_110];\n"
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
if (!ValidationOf(Module(kTests[ii]))
->FailsWithMessage("Invalid asm.js source code layout")) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << kTests[ii];
// This issue was triggered because of the "lenient" 8-bit heap access code
// path. The canonical heap access index validation fails because __34 is not an
// intish. Then, during the "lenient" code path for accessing elements in 8-bit
// heap views, the __34 node in the indexing expression would be re-tagged, thus
// causing the assertion failure.
TEST(B63099) {
const char* kTests[] = {
"function __f_109(stdlib, __v_36, buffer) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var __v_34 = new stdlib.Uint8Array(buffer);\n"
" function __f_22() {__v_34[__v_34>>0]|0 + 1 | 0;\n"
" }\n"
"function __f_109(stdlib, __v_36, buffer) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var __v_34 = new stdlib.Int8Array(buffer);\n"
" function __f_22() {__v_34[__v_34>>0]|0 + 1 | 0;\n"
" }\n"
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
if (!ValidationOf(Module(kTests[ii]))
->FailsWithMessage("Invalid heap access index")) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << kTests[ii];
// This issue was triggered because assignments to immutable symbols (e.g., the
// module's name, or any of the asm.js' module parameters) was not being
// handled.
TEST(B640194) {
const char* kTests[] = {
"function asm() {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {\n"
" asm = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm(stdlib) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {\n"
" stdlib = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm(stdlib, foreign) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {\n"
" foreign = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm(stdlib, foreign, heap) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" function f() {\n"
" heap = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm(stdlib, foreign, heap) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var f = stdlib.Math.fround;\n"
" function f() {\n"
" f = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
"function asm(stdlib, foreign, heap) {\n"
" 'use asm';\n"
" var E = stdlib.Math.E;\n"
" function f() {\n"
" E = 0;\n"
" }\n"
" return f;\n"
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kTests); ++ii) {
if (!ValidationOf(Module(kTests[ii]))
->FailsWithMessage("Can't assign to immutable symbol")) {
std::cerr << "Test:\n" << kTests[ii];
} // namespace