blob: 933c54dffa3616ce842931388eb93582a5d26a6c [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='../resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='../resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<script src='resources/shadow-dom.js'></script>
<!-- This is a micro benchmark to catch an unintentional regression.
If the reason of a regression is clear, it is okay.
We do not have to optimize the result of the benchmark. -->
<div id='d1'>
<template data-mode='open' data-expose-as='d1_shadow'>
<slot name='d1-s1'></slot>
<div id='d2' slot='d1-s1'></div>
'use strict';
async_test((test) => {
const d1_s1 = d1_shadow.querySelector('slot');
assert_array_equals(d1_s1.assignedNodes(), [d2]);
assert_array_equals(d1_s1.assignedNodes({'flatten': true}), [d2]);
d1_s1.addEventListener('slotchange', (e) => {
test.step(() => {
assert_equals(, d1_s1);
assert_array_equals(d1_s1.assignedNodes(), []);
assert_array_equals(d1_s1.assignedNodes({'flatten': true}), []);
d2.setAttribute('slot', 'non-exist');
}, "slotchange event caused by renaming slot name");