Fixed cursor hotspot SVG override and made CSSCursorImageValue constant

Move the hotspot logic out of CSSCursorImageValue to keep it as a
constant object (except for the image cache). This is prework to make
all StyleBuilderFunctions take a const CSSValue&.

This also fixes a bug where the hotspot of an SVG cursor element was
being overridden by the element's specified hotspot even when the
hotspot was specified in CSS. Now the hotspot is only overridden if it
is not specified in the CSS, but is specified in the SVG.

Note: When getting the computed style for SVG cursors, Firefox always
returns the URL to the SVG element, and doesn't support intrinsic
hotspot definition.

Relevant Spec:


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#397061}
4 files changed