blob: 39e9f48b8789f14b0845a150edf281e8ea068fe3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGBlockBreakToken_h
#define NGBlockBreakToken_h
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
namespace blink {
class NGBlockNode;
// Represents a break token for a block node.
class NGBlockBreakToken : public NGBreakToken {
// Creates a break token for a node which did fragment, and can potentially
// produce more fragments.
NGBlockBreakToken(NGBlockNode* node,
LayoutUnit used_block_size,
HeapVector<Member<NGBreakToken>>& child_break_tokens)
: NGBreakToken(kBlockBreakToken, /* is_finished */ false, node),
used_block_size_(used_block_size) {
// Creates a break token for a node which cannot produce any more fragments.
explicit NGBlockBreakToken(NGBlockNode* node)
: NGBreakToken(kBlockBreakToken, /* is_finished */ true, node) {}
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Remove this constructor and break_offset once we've
// switched to new multi-col approach.
NGBlockBreakToken(NGBlockNode* node, LayoutUnit break_offset)
: NGBreakToken(kBlockBreakToken, false, node),
break_offset_(break_offset) {}
// Represents the amount of block size used in previous fragments.
// E.g. if the layout block specifies a block size of 200px, and the previous
// fragments of this block used 150px (used block size), the next fragment
// should have a size of 50px (assuming no additional fragmentation).
LayoutUnit UsedBlockSize() const { return used_block_size_; }
// The break tokens for children of the layout node.
// This is used to resume layout of any children which fragmented, it may
// contain "finished" break tokens so we know which children to skip for the
// next fragment.
const HeapVector<Member<NGBreakToken>>& ChildBreakTokens() const {
return child_break_tokens_;
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Remove this accessor.
LayoutUnit BreakOffset() const { return break_offset_; }
LayoutUnit break_offset_;
LayoutUnit used_block_size_;
HeapVector<Member<NGBreakToken>> child_break_tokens_;
token->Type() == NGBreakToken::kBlockBreakToken,
token.Type() == NGBreakToken::kBlockBreakToken);
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGBlockBreakToken_h