blob: e9c0a533ceb1c219cdef0e54ae7f2c23c40b3bb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* The global load time data that contains the localized strings that we will
* get from the main page when this page first loads.
let loadTimeData = null;
* A queue of a sequence of closures that will incrementally build the sys info
* html table.
const tableCreationClosuresQueue = [];
* The time used to post delayed tasks in MS. Currently set to be enough for two
* frames.
function getValueDivForButton(button) {
return $(, - 4));
function getButtonForValueDiv(valueDiv) {
return $( + '-btn');
* Expands the multiline table cell that contains the given valueDiv.
* @param {HTMLElement} button The expand button.
* @param {HTMLElement} valueDiv The div that contains the multiline logs.
* @param {number} delayFactor A value used for increasing the delay after which
* the cell will be expanded. Useful for expandAll() since it expands the
* multiline cells one after another with each expension done slightly after
* the previous one.
function expand(button, valueDiv, delayFactor) {
button.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('sysinfoPageCollapseBtn');
// Show the spinner container.
const valueCell = valueDiv.parentNode;
valueCell.firstChild.hidden = false;
// Expanding huge logs can take a very long time, so we do it after a delay
// to have a chance to render the spinner.
setTimeout(function() {
valueCell.className = 'number-expanded';
// Hide the spinner container.
valueCell.firstChild.hidden = true;
}, STANDARD_DELAY_MS * delayFactor);
* Collapses the multiline table cell that contains the given valueDiv.
* @param {HTMLElement} button The expand button.
* @param {HTMLElement} valueDiv The div that contains the multiline logs.
function collapse(button, valueDiv) {
button.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('sysinfoPageExpandBtn');
valueDiv.parentNode.className = 'number-collapsed';
* Toggles whether an item is collapsed or expanded.
function changeCollapsedStatus() {
const valueDiv = getValueDivForButton(this);
if (valueDiv.parentNode.className == 'number-collapsed')
expand(this, valueDiv, 1);
collapse(this, valueDiv);
* Collapses all log items.
function collapseAll() {
const valueDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('stat-value');
for (let i = 0; i < valueDivs.length; ++i) {
if (valueDivs[i].parentNode.className != 'number-expanded')
const button = getButtonForValueDiv(valueDivs[i]);
if (button)
collapse(button, valueDivs[i]);
* Expands all log items.
function expandAll() {
const valueDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('stat-value');
for (let i = 0; i < valueDivs.length; ++i) {
if (valueDivs[i].parentNode.className != 'number-collapsed')
const button = getButtonForValueDiv(valueDivs[i]);
if (button)
expand(button, valueDivs[i], i + 1);
function createNameCell(key) {
const nameCell = document.createElement('td');
nameCell.setAttribute('class', 'name');
const nameDiv = document.createElement('div');
nameDiv.setAttribute('class', 'stat-name');
return nameCell;
function createButtonCell(key, isMultiLine) {
const buttonCell = document.createElement('td');
buttonCell.setAttribute('class', 'button-cell');
if (isMultiLine) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.setAttribute('id', '' + key + '-value-btn');
button.onclick = changeCollapsedStatus;
button.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('sysinfoPageExpandBtn');
return buttonCell;
function createValueCell(key, value, isMultiLine) {
const valueCell = document.createElement('td');
const valueDiv = document.createElement('div');
valueDiv.setAttribute('class', 'stat-value');
valueDiv.setAttribute('id', '' + key + '-value');
if (isMultiLine) {
valueCell.className = 'number-collapsed';
const loadingContainer = $('spinner-container').cloneNode(true);
loadingContainer.setAttribute('id', '' + key + '-value-loading');
loadingContainer.hidden = true;
} else {
valueCell.className = 'number';
return valueCell;
function createTableRow(key, value) {
const row = document.createElement('tr');
// Avoid using element.scrollHeight as it's very slow.
const isMultiLine = value.split('\n').length > 2 || value.length > 1000;
row.appendChild(createButtonCell(key, isMultiLine));
row.appendChild(createValueCell(key, value, isMultiLine));
return row;
* Finalize the page after the content has been loaded.
function finishPageLoading() {
$('collapseAllBtn').onclick = collapseAll;
$('expandAllBtn').onclick = expandAll;
$('spinner-container').hidden = true;
* Pops a closure from the front of the queue and executes it.
function processQueue() {
const closure = tableCreationClosuresQueue.shift();
if (closure)
if (tableCreationClosuresQueue.length > 0) {
// Post a task to process the next item in the queue.
setTimeout(processQueue, STANDARD_DELAY_MS);
* Creates a closure that creates a table row for the given key and value.
* @param {string} key The name of the log.
* @param {string} value The contents of the log.
* @return {function():void} A closure that creates a row for the given log.
function createTableRowWrapper(key, value) {
return function() {
$('detailsTable').appendChild(createTableRow(key, value));
* Creates closures to build the system information table row by row
* incrementally.
* @param {Object} systemInfo The system information that will be used to fill
* the table.
function createTable(systemInfo) {
for (const key in systemInfo) {
const item = systemInfo[key];
createTableRowWrapper(item['key'], item['value']));
* Initializes the page when the window is loaded.
window.onload = function() {
loadTimeData = getLoadTimeData();
i18nTemplate.process(document, loadTimeData);