blob: f0fe8746348c24f45ded10df66ab6876254c4917 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Object to communicate between the renderer and the browser.
* @type {!BrowserBridge}
let g_browser = null;
* This class is the root view object of the page. It owns all the other
* views, and manages switching between them. It is also responsible for
* initializing the views and the BrowserBridge.
const MainView = (function() {
'use strict';
// We inherit from WindowView
const superClass = WindowView;
* Main entry point. Called once the page has loaded.
* @constructor
function MainView() {
if (hasTouchScreen())
// This must be initialized before the tabs, so they can register as
// observers.
g_browser = BrowserBridge.getInstance();
// Create the tab switcher.
this.initTabs_();, this.tabSwitcher_);
// Trigger initial layout.
window.onhashchange = this.onUrlHashChange_.bind(this);
// Select the initial view based on the current URL.
MainView.prototype = {
// Inherit the superclass's methods.
__proto__: superClass.prototype,
// This is exposed for testing.
tabSwitcher: function() {
return this.tabSwitcher_;
initTabs_: function() {
this.tabIdToHash_ = {};
this.hashToTabId_ = {};
this.tabSwitcher_ = new TabSwitcherView(this.onTabSwitched_.bind(this));
// Helper function to add a tab given the class for a view singleton.
const addTab = function(viewClass) {
const tabId = viewClass.TAB_ID;
const tabHash = viewClass.TAB_HASH;
const tabName = viewClass.TAB_NAME;
const view = viewClass.getInstance();
if (!tabId || !view || !tabHash || !tabName) {
throw Error('Invalid view class for tab');
if (tabHash.charAt(0) != '#') {
throw Error('Tab hashes must start with a #');
this.tabSwitcher_.addTab(tabId, view, tabName, tabHash);
this.tabIdToHash_[tabId] = tabHash;
this.hashToTabId_[tabHash] = tabId;
// Populate the main tabs. Even tabs that don't contain information for
// the running OS should be created, so they can load log dumps from other
// OSes.
this.tabSwitcher_.showTabLink(CrosView.TAB_ID, cr.isChromeOS);
* This function is called by the tab switcher when the current tab has been
* changed. It will update the current URL to reflect the new active tab,
* so the back can be used to return to previous view.
onTabSwitched_: function(oldTabId, newTabId) {
// Change the URL to match the new tab.
const newTabHash = this.tabIdToHash_[newTabId];
const parsed = parseUrlHash_(window.location.hash);
if (parsed.tabHash != newTabHash) {
window.location.hash = newTabHash;
onUrlHashChange_: function() {
const parsed = parseUrlHash_(window.location.hash);
if (!parsed)
// Redirect deleted pages to #events page, which contains instructions
// about migrating to using net-export and the external netlog_viewer.
if ([
'#capture', '#import', '#export', '#timeline', '#alt-svc', '#http2',
'#quic', '#reporting', '#httpCache', '#modules', '#bandwidth',
].includes(parsed.tabHash)) {
parsed.tabHash = EventsView.TAB_HASH;
if (!parsed.tabHash) {
// Default to the events tab.
parsed.tabHash = EventsView.TAB_HASH;
const tabId = this.hashToTabId_[parsed.tabHash];
if (tabId) {
if (parsed.parameters) {
const view = this.tabSwitcher_.getTabView(tabId);
* Takes the current hash in form of "#tab&param1=value1&param2=value2&..."
* and parses it into a dictionary.
* Parameters and values are decoded with decodeURIComponent().
function parseUrlHash_(hash) {
const parameters = hash.split('&');
let tabHash = parameters[0];
if (tabHash == '' || tabHash == '#') {
tabHash = undefined;
// Split each string except the first around the '='.
let paramDict = null;
for (let i = 1; i < parameters.length; i++) {
const paramStrings = parameters[i].split('=');
if (paramStrings.length != 2)
if (paramDict == null)
paramDict = {};
const key = decodeURIComponent(paramStrings[0]);
const value = decodeURIComponent(paramStrings[1]);
paramDict[key] = value;
return {tabHash: tabHash, parameters: paramDict};
return MainView;