blob: d13824dd74fa95eb6d90ea8691e79305e209bad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/frame_sinks/video_capture/interprocess_frame_pool.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/base/shared_memory_utils.h"
using media::VideoFrame;
using media::VideoPixelFormat;
namespace viz {
// static
constexpr base::TimeDelta InterprocessFramePool::kMinLoggingPeriod;
InterprocessFramePool::InterprocessFramePool(int capacity)
: capacity_(std::max(capacity, 0)), weak_factory_(this) {
DCHECK_GT(capacity_, 0u);
InterprocessFramePool::~InterprocessFramePool() = default;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> InterprocessFramePool::ReserveVideoFrame(
VideoPixelFormat format,
const gfx::Size& size) {
// Calling this method is a signal that there is no intention of resurrecting
// the last frame.
resurrectable_buffer_memory_ = nullptr;
const size_t bytes_required = VideoFrame::AllocationSize(format, size);
// Look for an available buffer that's large enough. If one is found, wrap it
// in a VideoFrame and return it.
for (auto it = available_buffers_.rbegin(); it != available_buffers_.rend();
++it) {
if (it->mapping.size() < bytes_required) {
PooledBuffer taken = std::move(*it);
available_buffers_.erase(it.base() - 1);
return WrapBuffer(std::move(taken), format, size);
// Look for the largest available buffer, reallocate it, wrap it in a
// VideoFrame and return it.
while (!available_buffers_.empty()) {
const auto it =
std::max_element(available_buffers_.rbegin(), available_buffers_.rend(),
[](const PooledBuffer& a, const PooledBuffer& b) {
return a.mapping.size() < b.mapping.size();
available_buffers_.erase(it.base() - 1); // Release before allocating more.
PooledBuffer reallocated =
if (!reallocated.IsValid()) {
LOG_IF(WARNING, CanLogSharedMemoryFailure())
<< "Failed to re-allocate " << bytes_required << " bytes.";
continue; // Try again after freeing the next-largest buffer.
return WrapBuffer(std::move(reallocated), format, size);
// There are no available buffers. If the pool is at max capacity, punt.
// Otherwise, allocate a new buffer, wrap it in a VideoFrame and return it.
if (utilized_buffers_.size() >= capacity_) {
return nullptr;
PooledBuffer additional =
if (!additional.IsValid()) {
LOG_IF(WARNING, CanLogSharedMemoryFailure())
<< "Failed to allocate " << bytes_required << " bytes.";
return nullptr;
return WrapBuffer(std::move(additional), format, size);
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> InterprocessFramePool::ResurrectLastVideoFrame(
VideoPixelFormat expected_format,
const gfx::Size& expected_size) {
// Find the tracking entry for the resurrectable buffer. If it is still being
// used, or is not of the expected format and size, punt.
if (resurrectable_buffer_memory_ == nullptr ||
last_delivered_format_ != expected_format ||
last_delivered_size_ != expected_size) {
return nullptr;
const auto it = std::find_if(
available_buffers_.rbegin(), available_buffers_.rend(),
[this](const PooledBuffer& candidate) {
return candidate.mapping.memory() == resurrectable_buffer_memory_;
if (it == available_buffers_.rend()) {
return nullptr;
// Wrap the buffer in a VideoFrame and return it.
PooledBuffer resurrected = std::move(*it);
available_buffers_.erase(it.base() - 1);
auto frame =
WrapBuffer(std::move(resurrected), expected_format, expected_size);
return frame;
base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion InterprocessFramePool::CloneHandleForDelivery(
const VideoFrame* frame) {
// Record that this frame is the last-delivered one, for possible future calls
// to ResurrectLastVideoFrame().
const auto it = utilized_buffers_.find(frame);
DCHECK(it != utilized_buffers_.end());
// Assumption: The first image plane's memory pointer should be the start of
// the writable mapped memory. WrapBuffer() sanity-checks this.
resurrectable_buffer_memory_ = frame->data(0);
last_delivered_format_ = frame->format();
last_delivered_size_ = frame->coded_size();
last_delivered_color_space_ = frame->ColorSpace();
return it->second.Duplicate();
float InterprocessFramePool::GetUtilization() const {
return static_cast<float>(utilized_buffers_.size()) / capacity_;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> InterprocessFramePool::WrapBuffer(
PooledBuffer pooled_buffer,
VideoPixelFormat format,
const gfx::Size& size) {
// Create the VideoFrame wrapper. The two components of |pooled_buffer| are
// split: The shared memory handle is moved off to the side (in a
// |utilized_buffers_| map entry), while the writable mapping is transferred
// to the VideoFrame. When the VideoFrame goes out-of-scope, a destruction
// observer will re-assemble the PooledBuffer from these two components and
// return it to the |available_buffers_| pool.
// The VideoFrame could be held, externally, beyond the lifetime of this
// InterprocessFramePool. However, this is safe because 1) the use of a
// WeakPtr cancels the callback that would return the buffer back to the pool,
// and 2) the mapped memory remains valid until the
// WritableSharedMemoryMapping goes out-of-scope (when the OnceClosure is
// destroyed).
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame = VideoFrame::WrapExternalData(
format, size, gfx::Rect(size), size,
pooled_buffer.mapping.size(), base::TimeDelta());
// Sanity-check the assumption being made in CloneHandleForDelivery():
DCHECK_EQ(frame->data(0), pooled_buffer.mapping.memory());
utilized_buffers_.emplace(frame.get(), std::move(pooled_buffer.region));
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Unretained(frame.get()),
return frame;
void InterprocessFramePool::OnFrameWrapperDestroyed(
const VideoFrame* frame,
base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping mapping) {
// Return the buffer to the pool by moving the PooledBuffer back into
// |available_buffers_|.
const auto it = utilized_buffers_.find(frame);
DCHECK(it != utilized_buffers_.end());
PooledBuffer{std::move(it->second), std::move(mapping)});
DCHECK_LE(available_buffers_.size() + utilized_buffers_.size(), capacity_);
bool InterprocessFramePool::CanLogSharedMemoryFailure() {
const base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if ((now - last_fail_log_time_) >= kMinLoggingPeriod) {
last_fail_log_time_ = now;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace viz