blob: 5aa5e9dded8ca527beef74b67262900b053b6a33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
enum VREye {
] interface VRDisplay {
// An identifier for this device unique across VRDisplays.
readonly attribute unsigned long displayId;
// A user-readable name identifying the device.
readonly attribute DOMString displayName;
readonly attribute boolean isConnected;
readonly attribute boolean isPresenting;
// [Constant]?
readonly attribute VRDisplayCapabilities capabilities;
readonly attribute VRStageParameters stageParameters;
boolean getFrameData(VRFrameData frameData);
[DeprecateAs=VRDeprecatedGetPose] VRPose getPose();
void resetPose();
attribute double depthNear;
attribute double depthFar;
VREyeParameters getEyeParameters(VREye whichEye);
long requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);
void cancelAnimationFrame(long handle);
// Begin presenting to the VRDisplay. Must be called in response to a user gesture.
// Repeat calls while already presenting will update the VRLayer being displayed.
[CallWith=ScriptState] Promise requestPresent(sequence<VRLayer> layers);
// Stops presenting to the VRDisplay.
[CallWith=ScriptState] Promise exitPresent();
// Get the sources currently being presented.
sequence<VRLayer> getLayers();
// The VRLayer provided to the `VRDisplay` will be captured and presented
// in the HMD. Calling this function has the same effect on the source
// canvas as any other operation that uses its source image, and canvases
// created without preserveDrawingBuffer set to true will be cleared.
void submitFrame();