blob: 94228b686564209bcc65769d859f2960e896ebd6 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE WARNING: 'KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier' is deprecated and will be removed in M53, around September 2016. See for more details.
Test that arrow keys do not dispatch keypress events even if there is no default handler.
To test manually, press arrow keys and verify that no keypress events are logged.
target - type - ctrlKey,altKey,shiftKey,metaKey - keyIdentifier - location - keyCode - charCode
BODY - keydown - false,false,false,false - Left - DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD - 37 - 0
BODY - keyup - false,false,false,false - Left - DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD - 37 - 0