blob: 8a0069e9ebe2dd4c4f3da98bbe18f66ffd28d2c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineItemResult_h
#define NGInlineItemResult_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_box_strut.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_text_end_effect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGInlineItem;
class NGInlineNode;
struct NGInlineItemsData;
// The result of measuring NGInlineItem.
// This is a transient context object only while building line boxes.
// Produced while determining the line break points, but these data are needed
// to create line boxes.
// NGLineBreaker produces, and NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm consumes.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItemResult {
// The NGInlineItem and its index.
const NGInlineItem* item;
unsigned item_index;
// The range of text content for this item.
unsigned start_offset;
unsigned end_offset;
// Inline size of this item.
LayoutUnit inline_size;
// ShapeResult for text items. Maybe different from NGInlineItem if re-shape
// is needed in the line breaker.
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> shape_result;
// NGLayoutResult for atomic inline items.
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result;
// Margins, borders, and padding for open tags.
// Margins are set for atomic inlines too.
NGLineBoxStrut margins;
NGLineBoxStrut borders;
NGLineBoxStrut padding;
// Has start/end edge for open/close tags.
bool has_edge = false;
// Inside of this may be breakable. False means there are no break
// opportunities, or has CSS properties that prohibit breaking.
// Used only during line breaking.
bool may_break_inside = false;
// Lines can break after this item. Set for all items.
// Used only during line breaking.
bool can_break_after = false;
// True if this item contains only trailing spaces.
// Trailing spaces are measured differently that they are split from other
// text items.
// Used only when 'white-space: pre-wrap', because collapsible spaces are
// removed, and if 'pre', trailing spaces are not different from other
// characters.
bool has_only_trailing_spaces = false;
// We don't create "certain zero-height line boxes".
// Such line boxes do not prevent two margins being "adjoining", and thus
// collapsing.
// This field should be initialized to the previous value in the
// NGInlineItemResults list. If line breaker rewinds NGInlineItemResults
// list, we can still look at the last value in the list to determine if we
// need a line box. E.g.
// [float should_create_line_box: false], [text should_create_line_box: true]
// If "text" doesn't fit, and we rewind so that we only have "float", we can
// correctly determine that we don't need a line box.
bool should_create_line_box = false;
// End effects for text items.
// The effects are included in |shape_result|, but not in text content.
NGTextEndEffect text_end_effect = NGTextEndEffect::kNone;
NGInlineItemResult(const NGInlineItem*,
unsigned index,
unsigned start,
unsigned end,
bool should_create_line_box);
void CheckConsistency(bool during_line_break = false) const;
// Represents a set of NGInlineItemResult that form a line box.
using NGInlineItemResults = Vector<NGInlineItemResult, 32>;
// Represents a line to build.
// This is a transient context object only while building line boxes.
// NGLineBreaker produces, and NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm consumes.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLineInfo {
const NGInlineItemsData& ItemsData() const {
return *items_data_;
// The style to use for the line.
const ComputedStyle& LineStyle() const {
return *line_style_;
void SetLineStyle(const NGInlineNode&,
const NGInlineItemsData&,
const NGConstraintSpace&,
bool is_first_formatted_line,
bool use_first_line_style,
bool is_after_forced_break);
// Use ::first-line style if true.
// This is false for the "first formatted line" if '::first-line' rule is not
// used in the document.
bool UseFirstLineStyle() const { return use_first_line_style_; }
// The last line of a block, or the line ends with a forced line break.
bool IsLastLine() const { return is_last_line_; }
void SetIsLastLine(bool is_last_line) { is_last_line_ = is_last_line; }
// If the line is marked as empty, it means that there's no content that
// requires it to be present at all, e.g. when there are only close tags with
// no margin/border/padding.
bool IsEmptyLine() const { return is_empty_line_; }
void SetIsEmptyLine() { is_empty_line_ = true; }
// NGInlineItemResults for this line.
NGInlineItemResults* MutableResults() { return &results_; }
const NGInlineItemResults& Results() const { return results_; }
LayoutUnit TextIndent() const { return text_indent_; }
NGBfcOffset BfcOffset() const { return bfc_offset_; }
LayoutUnit AvailableWidth() const { return available_width_; }
LayoutUnit Width() const { return width_.ClampNegativeToZero(); }
LayoutUnit WidthForAlignment() const { return width_; }
LayoutUnit ComputeWidth() const;
void SetBfcOffset(const NGBfcOffset& bfc_offset) { bfc_offset_ = bfc_offset; }
void SetWidth(LayoutUnit available_width, LayoutUnit width) {
available_width_ = available_width;
width_ = width;
// Start text offset of this line.
unsigned StartOffset() const { return start_offset_; }
void SetStartOffset(unsigned offset) { start_offset_ = offset; }
// The base direction of this line for the bidi algorithm.
TextDirection BaseDirection() const { return base_direction_; }
void SetBaseDirection(TextDirection direction) {
base_direction_ = direction;
// Fragment to append to the line end. Used by 'text-overflow: ellipsis'.
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalTextFragment>& LineEndFragment() {
return line_end_fragment_;
void SetLineEndFragment(scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalTextFragment>);
const NGInlineItemsData* items_data_ = nullptr;
const ComputedStyle* line_style_ = nullptr;
NGInlineItemResults results_;
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalTextFragment> line_end_fragment_;
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset_;
LayoutUnit available_width_;
LayoutUnit width_;
LayoutUnit text_indent_;
unsigned start_offset_;
TextDirection base_direction_ = TextDirection::kLtr;
bool use_first_line_style_ = false;
bool is_last_line_ = false;
bool is_empty_line_ = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineItemResult_h