blob: 8e421b41abee4992ed9430ef969c4254ae0c2d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/texture_in_use_response.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/surface_handle.h"
#include "ui/events/latency_info.h"
#include "ui/gfx/swap_result.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "ui/base/cocoa/remote_layer_api.h"
#include "ui/gfx/mac/io_surface.h"
namespace IPC {
class MessageFilter;
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class FeatureInfo;
struct GPU_EXPORT SwapBuffersCompleteParams {
SwapBuffersCompleteParams(SwapBuffersCompleteParams&& other);
SwapBuffersCompleteParams& operator=(SwapBuffersCompleteParams&& other);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Mac-specific parameters used to present CALayers hosted in the GPU process.
// TODO(ccameron): Remove these parameters once the CALayer tree is hosted in
// the browser process.
// Only one of ca_context_id or io_surface may be non-0.
CAContextID ca_context_id;
bool fullscreen_low_power_ca_context_valid;
CAContextID fullscreen_low_power_ca_context_id;
gfx::ScopedRefCountedIOSurfaceMachPort io_surface;
gfx::Size pixel_size;
float scale_factor;
gpu::TextureInUseResponses in_use_responses;
std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo> latency_info;
gfx::SwapResult result;
class GPU_EXPORT ImageTransportSurfaceDelegate {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Tells the delegate that a child window was created with the provided
// SurfaceHandle.
virtual void DidCreateAcceleratedSurfaceChildWindow(
SurfaceHandle parent_window,
SurfaceHandle child_window) = 0;
// Tells the delegate that SwapBuffers returned and passes latency info.
virtual void DidSwapBuffersComplete(SwapBuffersCompleteParams params) = 0;
// Returns the features available for the ContextGroup.
virtual const gles2::FeatureInfo* GetFeatureInfo() const = 0;
using LatencyInfoCallback =
base::Callback<void(const std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo>&)>;
// |callback| is called when the delegate has updated LatencyInfo available.
virtual void SetLatencyInfoCallback(const LatencyInfoCallback& callback) = 0;
// Informs the delegate about updated vsync parameters.
virtual void UpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
base::TimeDelta interval) = 0;
// Add IPC message filter.
virtual void AddFilter(IPC::MessageFilter* message_filter) = 0;
// Gets route ID for sending / receiving IPC messages.
virtual int32_t GetRouteID() const = 0;
virtual ~ImageTransportSurfaceDelegate() {}
} // namespace gpu