blob: 89693248d5c12e106346b198d62437b388e03256 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator_h
#define WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/workers/WorkerOrWorkletModuleFetchCoordinator.h"
namespace blink {
class ResourceFetcher;
// An implementation of WorkerOrWorkletModuleFetchCoordinator for
// WorkerGlobalScopes. When the parent context gets destroyed, inflight requests
// are supposed to be canceled via Dispose(). This lives on the main thread.
class CORE_EXPORT WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator>,
public WorkerOrWorkletModuleFetchCoordinator {
static WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator* Create(ResourceFetcher*);
void Fetch(FetchParameters&, Client*) override;
// Called when the associated document is destroyed. Aborts all waiting
// clients and clears the map.
void Dispose();
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
class Request;
explicit WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator(ResourceFetcher*);
void OnFetched(Request*);
Member<ResourceFetcher> resource_fetcher_;
HeapHashSet<Member<Request>> inflight_requests_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WorkerModuleFetchCoordinator_h