blob: 02101c9c704c5903c1371bbf6b95711ca48441de [file] [log] [blame]
Tests layout of absolutely positioned modal dialogs.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
showModal() should center in the viewport.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
The computed top and bottom of a centered dialog should still have position auto.
PASS window.getComputedStyle(dialog).top is "auto"
PASS window.getComputedStyle(dialog).bottom is "auto"
Dialog should be recentered if showModal() is called after close().
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
Dialog should not recenter on relayout.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is expectedTop
A tall dialog should be positioned at the top of the viewport.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is 0
The dialog should be centered regardless of the presence of a horizontal scrollbar.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
Centering should work when dialog is inside positioned containers.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
A centered dialog's position should survive becoming display:none temporarily.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is expectedTop
Dialog should lose centering when removed from the document.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is relativeContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top
Dialog's specified position should survive after close() and showModal().
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is expectedTop
Dialog should be recentered if showModal() is called after removing 'open'.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is centeredTop
Dialog should not be centered if showModal() was called when an ancestor had display 'none'.
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top is document.body.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
A dialog with specified 'top' should be positioned as usual
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY is offset
A dialog with specified 'bottom' should be positioned as usual
PASS dialog.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY is window.innerHeight - offset
PASS successfullyParsed is true