blob: 07e17ea583310344c222eed538caa9cfebf4ba35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
namespace {
// PRIVATE: Control Flow Guard test things
// - MS binary indirect call tests.
// These structures hold chunks of binary. No padding wanted.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#if defined(_WIN64)
const USHORT kCmpRsi = 0x3B48;
const BYTE kRax = 0xF0;
const USHORT kJzLoc = 0x0074;
const ULONG kMovRcxRsiCall = 0xFFCE8B48;
const BYTE kPadding = 0x00;
const ULONG kMovEcxEbxCallRsi = 0xD6FFCB8B;
const ULONG kMovRcxRsiAdd = 0x48CE8B48;
const ULONG kRcx10hNop = 0x9010C183;
// Sequence of bytes in GetSystemMetrics.
struct Signature {
// This struct contains roughly the following code:
// cmp rsi, rax
// jz jmp_addr
// mov rcx, rsi
// call ULONG_addr <-- CFG check function
// mov ecx, ebx
// call rsi <-- Actual call to GetSystemMetrics
// Patch will start here and be 8 bytes.
USHORT cmp_rsi; // = 48 3B
BYTE rax; // = F0
USHORT jz_loc; // = 74 XX
ULONG mov_rcx_rsi_call; // = 48 8B CE FF
ULONG guard_check_icall_fptr; // = XX XX XX XX
BYTE padding; // = 00
ULONG mov_ecx_ebx_call_rsi; // = 8B CB FF D6
struct Patch {
// Just add 16 to the existing function address.
// This ensures a 16-byte aligned address that is
// definitely not a valid function address.
// mov rcx, rsi = 48 4B CE
// add rcx, 10h = 48 83 C1 10
// nop = 90
ULONG first_four_bytes; // = 48 4B CE 48
ULONG second_four_bytes; // = 83 C1 10 90
#else // x86
const USHORT kCmpEbx = 0x0081;
const USHORT kJzLoc = 0x0074;
const ULONG kMovEcxEbxCall = 0x15FFCB8B;
const USHORT kCallEbx = 0xD3FF;
const ULONG kMovEcxEbxAddEcx = 0xC183CB8B;
const ULONG k16Nops = 0x90909010;
const USHORT kTwoNops = 0x9090;
// Sequence of bytes in GetSystemMetrics, x86.
struct Signature {
// This struct contains roughly the following code:
// cmp ebx, offset
// jz jmp_addr
// mov ecx, ebx
// call ULONG_addr <-- CFG check function
// call ebx <-- Actual call to GetSystemMetrics
// Patch will start here and be 10 bytes.
USHORT cmp_ebx; // = 81 XX
ULONG addr; // = XX XX XX XX
USHORT jz_loc; // = 74 XX
ULONG mov_ecx_ebx_call; // = 8B CB FF 15
ULONG guard_check_icall_fptr; // = XX XX XX XX
USHORT call_ebx; // = FF D3
struct Patch {
// Just add 16 to the existing function address.
// This ensures a 16-byte aligned address that is
// definitely not a valid function address.
// mov ecx, ebx = 8B CB
// add ecx, 10h = 83 C1 10 90
// nop = 90 90 90 90
ULONG first_four_bytes; // = 8B CB 83 C1
ULONG second_four_bytes; // = 10 90 90 90
USHORT last_two_bytes; // = 90 90
#endif // _WIN64
#pragma pack(pop)
// - Search binary starting at |address_start| for a matching chunk of
// |binary_to_find|, of size |size_to_match|.
// - A byte of value 0 in |binary_to_find|, is a wildcard for anything.
// - Give a |max_distance| to find the chunk within, before failing.
// - If return value is true, |out_offset| will hold the offset from
// |address_start| that the match starts.
bool FindBinary(BYTE* binary_to_find,
DWORD size_to_match,
BYTE* address_start,
DWORD max_distance,
DWORD* out_offset) {
assert(size_to_match <= max_distance);
assert(size_to_match > 0);
BYTE* max_byte = address_start + max_distance - size_to_match;
BYTE* temp_ptr = address_start;
// Yes, it's a double while loop.
while (temp_ptr <= max_byte) {
size_t i = 0;
// 0 is a wildcard match.
while (binary_to_find[i] == 0 || temp_ptr[i] == binary_to_find[i]) {
// Check if this is the last byte.
if (i == size_to_match - 1) {
*out_offset = temp_ptr - address_start;
return true;
return false;
// - Will write patch starting at |start_addr| with the patch for x86
// or x64.
// - This function is only for writes within this process.
bool DoPatch(BYTE* start_addr) {
Patch patch = {};
#if defined(_WIN64)
patch.first_four_bytes = kMovRcxRsiAdd;
patch.second_four_bytes = kRcx10hNop;
#else // x86
patch.first_four_bytes = kMovEcxEbxAddEcx;
patch.second_four_bytes = k16Nops;
patch.last_two_bytes = kTwoNops;
#endif // _WIN64
DWORD old_protection;
// PAGE_WRITECOPY explicitly allows "copy-on-write" behaviour for
// system DLL patches.
if (!::VirtualProtect(start_addr, sizeof(patch), PAGE_WRITECOPY,
return false;
::memcpy(start_addr, &patch, sizeof(patch));
::VirtualProtect(start_addr, sizeof(patch), old_protection, &old_protection);
return true;
// - Find the offset from |start| that the x86 or x64 signature starts.
bool FindSignature(BYTE* start, DWORD* offset_found) {
Signature signature = {};
#if defined(_WIN64)
signature.cmp_rsi = kCmpRsi;
signature.rax = kRax;
signature.jz_loc = kJzLoc;
signature.mov_rcx_rsi_call = kMovRcxRsiCall;
signature.padding = kPadding;
signature.mov_ecx_ebx_call_rsi = kMovEcxEbxCallRsi;
// This is far enough into GetSystemMetrics that the signature should
// have been found. See disassembly.
DWORD max_area = 0xB0;
#else // x86
signature.cmp_ebx = kCmpEbx;
signature.jz_loc = kJzLoc;
signature.mov_ecx_ebx_call = kMovEcxEbxCall;
signature.call_ebx = kCallEbx;
// This is far enough into GetSystemMetrics x86 that the signature should
// have been found. See disassembly.
DWORD max_area = 0xD9;
#endif // _WIN64
if (!FindBinary(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&signature), sizeof(signature), start,
max_area, offset_found))
return false;
return true;
// - This function tests for CFG in MS system binaries, in process.
// A few words about the patching for this test:
// - In both x86 and x64, the function FindSignature() will scan
// GetSystemMetrics in user32.dll, to find the ideal place chosen
// for this test. It's a spot where a CFG check was compiled into
// a Microsoft system DLL. For more visualization, open user32.dll
// in IDA to follow along (especially if planning to change this test).
// - The CFG security check basically calls __guard_check_icall_fptr, with
// the function address about to be called as the argument in EAX/RAX reg.
// If the address is not in the process' "valid indirect call bitmap", a
// CFG exception will be thrown.
// - The DoPatch() function then overwrites with a small, custom change. This
// change will simply add 16 (0x10) to the real function address in EAX/RAX
// about to be checked. This will maintain the 16-byte alignment required in
// a target address by CFG, but also ensure that it fails the check.
// The whole purpose of this unittest is to ensure that a failed CFG check in
// a Microsoft binary results in an exception. If CFG is not properly
// enabled for a process, no exception will be thrown.
// All Chromium projects should be linked with "common_linker_setup" config
// (build\config\win\, which should result in CFG enabled on the
// process.
// - The patches (x86 or x64) were carefully constructed to be valid and not
// mess up the executing instructions. Need to ensure that the CFG check
// fully happens, and that nothing else goes wrong before OR AFTER that
// point. The only exception expected is a very intentional one.
// **The patches also allow the call to GetSystemMetrics to SUCCEED if CFG is
// NOT enabled for the process! This makes for very clear behaviour.
void TestMsIndirect() {
base::ScopedNativeLibrary user32(base::FilePath(L"user32.dll"));
if (!user32.is_valid())
using GetSystemMetricsFunction = decltype(&::GetSystemMetrics);
GetSystemMetricsFunction get_system_metrics =
if (!get_system_metrics)
// Sanity check the function works fine pre-patch. Tests should only be
// running from normal boot (0).
if (0 != get_system_metrics(SM_CLEANBOOT))
BYTE* target = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(get_system_metrics);
DWORD offset = 0;
if (!FindSignature(target, &offset))
// Now patch the function. Don't bother saving original code,
// as this process will end very soon.
if (!DoPatch(target + offset))
// Call the patched function!
} // namespace
// Good ol' main.
// - Exe exits with non-zero return codes for unexpected errors.
// - Return code of zero indicates no issues at all.
// - Else, a CFG exception will result in the process being destroyed.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2)
const char* arg = argv[1];
int iarg = ::atoi(arg);
if (!iarg)
switch (iarg) {
// kSysDllTest
case 1:
// Unsupported argument.
return 0;