blob: 889cdc6582899301b88045a0888daaba4b8f0791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
* ChromePreferenceManager stores and retrieves various values in Android shared preferences.
public class ChromePreferenceManager {
private static final String TAG = "preferences";
private static final String PROMOS_SKIPPED_ON_FIRST_START = "promos_skipped_on_first_start";
private static final String SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_MAJOR_VERSION =
private static final String SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_ACCOUNT_NAMES =
private static final String ALLOW_LOW_END_DEVICE_UI = "allow_low_end_device_ui";
private static final String PREF_WEBSITE_SETTINGS_FILTER = "website_settings_filter";
private static final String CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_PROMO_OPEN_COUNT =
private static final String CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_TAP_COUNT = "contextual_search_tap_count";
private static final String CHROME_HOME_ENABLED_KEY = "chrome_home_enabled";
private static final String CHROME_HOME_USER_ENABLED_KEY = "chrome_home_user_enabled";
private static final String CHROME_HOME_OPT_OUT_SNACKBAR_SHOWN =
private static final String CHROME_DEFAULT_BROWSER = "applink.chrome_default_browser";
private static final String CHROME_MODERN_DESIGN_ENABLED_KEY = "chrome_modern_design_enabled";
private static final String HOME_PAGE_BUTTON_FORCE_ENABLED_KEY =
private static final String NTP_BUTTON_ENABLED_KEY = "ntp_button_enabled";
private static final String BOTTOM_TOOLBAR_ENABLED_KEY = "bottom_toolbar_enabled";
private static final String CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN_KEY = "content_suggestions_shown";
private static final String NTP_SIGNIN_PROMO_DISMISSED =
private static final String SUCCESS_UPLOAD_SUFFIX = "_crash_success_upload";
private static final String FAILURE_UPLOAD_SUFFIX = "_crash_failure_upload";
public static final String CHROME_HOME_SHARED_PREFERENCES_KEY = "chrome_home_enabled_date";
public static final String CHROME_HOME_INFO_PROMO_SHOWN_KEY = "chrome_home_info_promo_shown";
private static final String SOLE_INTEGRATION_ENABLED_KEY = "sole_integration_enabled";
private static final String COMMAND_LINE_ON_NON_ROOTED_ENABLED_KEY =
private static final String VERIFIED_DIGITAL_ASSET_LINKS =
private static class LazyHolder {
static final ChromePreferenceManager INSTANCE = new ChromePreferenceManager();
private final SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences;
private ChromePreferenceManager() {
mSharedPreferences = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences();
* Get the static instance of ChromePreferenceManager if exists else create it.
* @return the ChromePreferenceManager singleton
public static ChromePreferenceManager getInstance() {
return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
* @return Number of times of successful crash upload.
public int getCrashSuccessUploadCount(@ProcessType String process) {
// Convention to keep all the key in preference lower case.
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(successUploadKey(process), 0);
public void setCrashSuccessUploadCount(@ProcessType String process, int count) {
SharedPreferences.Editor sharedPreferencesEditor;
sharedPreferencesEditor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
// Convention to keep all the key in preference lower case.
sharedPreferencesEditor.putInt(successUploadKey(process), count);
public void incrementCrashSuccessUploadCount(@ProcessType String process) {
setCrashSuccessUploadCount(process, getCrashSuccessUploadCount(process) + 1);
private String successUploadKey(@ProcessType String process) {
return process.toLowerCase(Locale.US) + SUCCESS_UPLOAD_SUFFIX;
* @return Number of times of failure crash upload after reaching the max number of tries.
public int getCrashFailureUploadCount(@ProcessType String process) {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(failureUploadKey(process), 0);
public void setCrashFailureUploadCount(@ProcessType String process, int count) {
SharedPreferences.Editor sharedPreferencesEditor;
sharedPreferencesEditor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
sharedPreferencesEditor.putInt(failureUploadKey(process), count);
public void incrementCrashFailureUploadCount(@ProcessType String process) {
setCrashFailureUploadCount(process, getCrashFailureUploadCount(process) + 1);
private String failureUploadKey(@ProcessType String process) {
return process.toLowerCase(Locale.US) + FAILURE_UPLOAD_SUFFIX;
* @return Whether the promotion for data reduction has been skipped on first invocation.
public boolean getPromosSkippedOnFirstStart() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(PROMOS_SKIPPED_ON_FIRST_START, false);
* Marks whether the data reduction promotion was skipped on first
* invocation.
* @param displayed Whether the promotion was shown.
public void setPromosSkippedOnFirstStart(boolean displayed) {
writeBoolean(PROMOS_SKIPPED_ON_FIRST_START, displayed);
* @return The value for the website settings filter (the one that specifies
* which sites to show in the list).
public String getWebsiteSettingsFilterPreference() {
return mSharedPreferences.getString(
ChromePreferenceManager.PREF_WEBSITE_SETTINGS_FILTER, "");
* Sets the filter value for website settings (which websites to show in the list).
* @param prefValue The type to restrict the filter to.
public void setWebsiteSettingsFilterPreference(String prefValue) {
SharedPreferences.Editor sharedPreferencesEditor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
ChromePreferenceManager.PREF_WEBSITE_SETTINGS_FILTER, prefValue);
* This value may have been explicitly set to false when we used to keep existing low-end
* devices on the normal UI rather than the simplified UI. We want to keep the existing device
* settings. For all new low-end devices they should get the simplified UI by default.
* @return Whether low end device UI was allowed.
public boolean getAllowLowEndDeviceUi() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(ALLOW_LOW_END_DEVICE_UI, true);
* Returns Chrome major version number when signin promo was last shown, or 0 if version number
* isn't known.
public int getSigninPromoLastShownVersion() {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_MAJOR_VERSION, 0);
* Sets Chrome major version number when signin promo was last shown.
public void setSigninPromoLastShownVersion(int majorVersion) {
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
editor.putInt(SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_MAJOR_VERSION, majorVersion).apply();
* Returns a set of account names on the device when signin promo was last shown,
* or null if promo hasn't been shown yet.
public Set<String> getSigninPromoLastAccountNames() {
return mSharedPreferences.getStringSet(SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_ACCOUNT_NAMES, null);
* Stores a set of account names on the device when signin promo is shown.
public void setSigninPromoLastAccountNames(Set<String> accountNames) {
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
editor.putStringSet(SIGNIN_PROMO_LAST_SHOWN_ACCOUNT_NAMES, accountNames).apply();
* @return Number of times the panel was opened with the promo visible.
public int getContextualSearchPromoOpenCount() {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_PROMO_OPEN_COUNT, 0);
* Sets the number of times the panel was opened with the promo visible.
* @param count Number of times the panel was opened with a promo visible.
public void setContextualSearchPromoOpenCount(int count) {
* @return The last time the search provider icon was animated on tap.
public long getContextualSearchLastAnimationTime() {
return mSharedPreferences.getLong(CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_LAST_ANIMATION_TIME, 0);
* Sets the last time the search provider icon was animated on tap.
* @param time The last time the search provider icon was animated on tap.
public void setContextualSearchLastAnimationTime(long time) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
* @return Number of times the promo was triggered to peek by a tap gesture, or a negative value
* if in the disabled state.
public int getContextualSearchTapTriggeredPromoCount() {
* Sets the number of times the promo was triggered to peek by a tap gesture.
* Use a negative value to record that the counter has been disabled.
* @param count Number of times the promo was triggered by a tap gesture, or a negative value
* to record that the counter has been disabled.
public void setContextualSearchTapTriggeredPromoCount(int count) {
* @return Number of tap gestures that have been received since the last time the panel was
* opened.
public int getContextualSearchTapCount() {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_TAP_COUNT, 0);
* Sets the number of tap gestures that have been received since the last time the panel was
* opened.
* @param count Number of taps that have been received since the last time the panel was opened.
public void setContextualSearchTapCount(int count) {
* @return Number of Tap triggered Quick Answers (that "do answer") that have been shown since
* the last time the panel was opened.
public int getContextualSearchTapQuickAnswerCount() {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_TAP_QUICK_ANSWER_COUNT, 0);
* Sets the number of tap triggered Quick Answers (that "do answer") that have been shown since
* the last time the panel was opened.
* @param count Number of Tap triggered Quick Answers (that "do answer") that have been shown
* since the last time the panel was opened.
public void setContextualSearchTapQuickAnswerCount(int count) {
* @return The current week number, persisted for weekly CTR recording.
public int getContextualSearchCurrentWeekNumber() {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(CONTEXTUAL_SEARCH_CURRENT_WEEK_NUMBER, 0);
* Sets the current week number to persist. Used for weekly CTR recording.
* @param weekNumber The week number to store.
public void setContextualSearchCurrentWeekNumber(int weekNumber) {
public boolean getCachedChromeDefaultBrowser() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(CHROME_DEFAULT_BROWSER, false);
public void setCachedChromeDefaultBrowser(boolean isDefault) {
writeBoolean(CHROME_DEFAULT_BROWSER, isDefault);
/** Set whether the user dismissed the personalized sign in promo from the Settings. */
public void setSettingsPersonalizedSigninPromoDismissed(boolean isPromoDismissed) {
/** Checks if the user dismissed the personalized sign in promo from the Settings. */
public boolean getSettingsPersonalizedSigninPromoDismissed() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(SETTINGS_PERSONALIZED_SIGNIN_PROMO_DISMISSED, false);
/** Checks if the user dismissed the personalized sign in promo from the new tab page. */
public boolean getNewTabPageSigninPromoDismissed() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(NTP_SIGNIN_PROMO_DISMISSED, false);
/** Set whether the user dismissed the personalized sign in promo from the new tab page. */
public void setNewTabPageSigninPromoDismissed(boolean isPromoDismissed) {
writeBoolean(NTP_SIGNIN_PROMO_DISMISSED, isPromoDismissed);
* Returns timestamp of the suppression period start if signin promos in the New Tab Page are
* temporarily suppressed; zero otherwise.
* @return the epoch time in milliseconds (see {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}).
public long getNewTabPageSigninPromoSuppressionPeriodStart() {
* Sets timestamp of the suppression period start if signin promos in the New Tab Page are
* temporarily suppressed.
* @param timeMillis the epoch time in milliseconds (see {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}).
public void setNewTabPageSigninPromoSuppressionPeriodStart(long timeMillis) {
* Removes the stored timestamp of the suppression period start when signin promos in the New
* Tab Page are no longer suppressed.
public void clearNewTabPageSigninPromoSuppressionPeriodStart() {
* Set whether or not the new tab page button is enabled.
* @param isEnabled If the new tab page button is enabled.
public void setNewTabPageButtonEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
writeBoolean(NTP_BUTTON_ENABLED_KEY, isEnabled);
* Get whether or not the new tab page button is enabled.
* @return True if the new tab page button is enabled.
public boolean isNewTabPageButtonEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(NTP_BUTTON_ENABLED_KEY, false);
* Set whether or not the bottom toolbar is enabled.
* @param isEnabled If the bottom toolbar is enabled.
public void setBottomToolbarEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
writeBoolean(BOTTOM_TOOLBAR_ENABLED_KEY, isEnabled);
* Get whether or not the bottom toolbar is enabled.
* @return True if the bottom toolbar is enabled.
public boolean isBottomToolbarEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(BOTTOM_TOOLBAR_ENABLED_KEY, false);
* Set whether or not Chrome modern design is enabled.
* @param isEnabled Whether the feature is enabled.
public void setChromeModernDesignEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
* @return Whether Chrome modern design is enabled.
public boolean isChromeModernDesignEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(CHROME_MODERN_DESIGN_ENABLED_KEY, false);
* Set whether or not Chrome Home is enabled.
* @param isEnabled If Chrome Home is enabled.
public void setChromeHomeEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
writeBoolean(CHROME_HOME_ENABLED_KEY, isEnabled);
* Get whether or not Chrome Home is enabled.
* @return True if Chrome Home is enabled.
public boolean isChromeHomeEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(CHROME_HOME_ENABLED_KEY, false);
* Set whether or not the home page button is force enabled.
* @param isEnabled If the home page button is force enabled.
public void setHomePageButtonForceEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
* Get whether or not the home page button is force enabled.
* @return True if the home page button is force enabled.
public boolean isHomePageButtonForceEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(HOME_PAGE_BUTTON_FORCE_ENABLED_KEY, false);
* Clean up unused Chrome Home preferences.
public void clearObsoleteChromeHomePrefs() {
/** Marks that the content suggestions surface has been shown. */
public void setSuggestionsSurfaceShown() {
* Set whether or not command line on non-rooted devices is enabled.
* @param isEnabled If command line on non-rooted devices is enabled.
public void setCommandLineOnNonRootedEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
/** Retunr whether command line on non-rooted devices is enabled. */
public boolean getCommandLineOnNonRootedEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(COMMAND_LINE_ON_NON_ROOTED_ENABLED_KEY, false);
/** Returns whether the content suggestions surface has ever been shown. */
public boolean getSuggestionsSurfaceShown() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN_KEY, false);
* Get whether or not Sole integration is enabled.
* @return True if Sole integration is enabled.
public boolean isSoleEnabled() {
return mSharedPreferences.getBoolean(SOLE_INTEGRATION_ENABLED_KEY, true);
* Set whether or not Sole integration is enabled.
* @param isEnabled If Sole integration is enabled.
public void setSoleEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
writeBoolean(SOLE_INTEGRATION_ENABLED_KEY, isEnabled);
* Gets a set of Strings representing digital asset links that have been verified.
* Set by {@link #setVerifiedDigitalAssetLinks(Set)}.
public Set<String> getVerifiedDigitalAssetLinks() {
// From the official docs, modifying the result of a SharedPreferences.getStringSet can
// cause bad things to happen including exceptions or ruining the data.
return new HashSet<>(mSharedPreferences.getStringSet(VERIFIED_DIGITAL_ASSET_LINKS,
* Sets a set of digital asset links (represented a strings) that have been verified.
* Can be retrieved by {@link #getVerifiedDigitalAssetLinks()}.
public void setVerifiedDigitalAssetLinks(Set<String> links) {
mSharedPreferences.edit().putStringSet(VERIFIED_DIGITAL_ASSET_LINKS, links).apply();
* Private convenience method to create a Preferences Key to hold the last time the given
* package displayed a "Running in Chrome" disclosure while opening a Trusted Web Activity.
private static String getTrustedWebActivityDisclosureTimeKey(String packageName) {
* Gets the last time a disclosure was shown while opening a Trusted Web Activity for the given
* package. Returns a Date object representing the Unix epoch if no data was found.
public Date getTrustedWebActivityLastDisclosureTime(String packageName) {
return new Date(readLong(getTrustedWebActivityDisclosureTimeKey(packageName), 0));
* Sets the last time a disclosure was shown while opening a Trusted Web Activity for the given
* package.
public void setTrustedWebActivityLastDisclosureTime(String packageName, Date time) {
writeLong(getTrustedWebActivityDisclosureTimeKey(packageName), time.getTime());
* Wipes all recordings of the last disclosure times for packages opening TWAs.
public void clearAllTrustedWebActivityLastDisclosureTimes() {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
for (String key : mSharedPreferences.getAll().keySet()) {
* Writes the given int value to the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value for the preference.
public void writeInt(String key, int value) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
ed.putInt(key, value);
* Reads the given int value from the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to return.
* @return The value of the preference.
public int readInt(String key) {
return mSharedPreferences.getInt(key, 0);
* Writes the given long to the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value for the preference.
private void writeLong(String key, long value) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
ed.putLong(key, value);
* Reads the given long value from the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to return.
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
* @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
private long readLong(String key, long defaultValue) {
return mSharedPreferences.getLong(key, defaultValue);
* Writes the given String to the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value for the preference.
private void writeString(String key, String value) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
ed.putString(key, value);
* Writes the given boolean to the named shared preference.
* @param key The name of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value for the preference.
private void writeBoolean(String key, boolean value) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
ed.putBoolean(key, value);
* Removes the shared preference entry.
* @param key The key of the preference to remove.
private void removeKey(String key) {
SharedPreferences.Editor ed = mSharedPreferences.edit();
* Logs the most recent date that Chrome Home was enabled.
* Removes the entry if Chrome Home is disabled.
* @param isChromeHomeEnabled Whether or not Chrome Home is currently enabled.
public static void setChromeHomeEnabledDate(boolean isChromeHomeEnabled) {
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
try {
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences();
long earliestLoggedDate =
sharedPreferences.getLong(CHROME_HOME_SHARED_PREFERENCES_KEY, 0L);
if (isChromeHomeEnabled && earliestLoggedDate == 0L) {
.putLong(CHROME_HOME_SHARED_PREFERENCES_KEY, System.currentTimeMillis())
} else if (!isChromeHomeEnabled && earliestLoggedDate != 0L) {
} finally {