blob: 836673ffffc2f2707a8a61f1b1a63576a13ebf1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ECMAScript 402 API implementation.
* Intl object is a single object that has some named properties,
* all of which are constructors.
(function(global, utils) {
"use strict";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports
var ArrayJoin;
var ArrayPush;
var GlobalDate = global.Date;
var GlobalIntl = global.Intl;
var GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat = GlobalIntl.DateTimeFormat;
var GlobalIntlNumberFormat = GlobalIntl.NumberFormat;
var GlobalIntlCollator = GlobalIntl.Collator;
var GlobalIntlPluralRules = GlobalIntl.PluralRules;
var GlobalIntlv8BreakIterator = GlobalIntl.v8BreakIterator;
var GlobalRegExp = global.RegExp;
var GlobalString = global.String;
var GlobalArray = global.Array;
var IntlFallbackSymbol = utils.ImportNow("intl_fallback_symbol");
var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray;
var MathMax = global.Math.max;
var ObjectHasOwnProperty = global.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var ObjectKeys = global.Object.keys;
var resolvedSymbol = utils.ImportNow("intl_resolved_symbol");
var StringSubstr = GlobalString.prototype.substr;
var StringSubstring = GlobalString.prototype.substring;
utils.Import(function(from) {
ArrayJoin = from.ArrayJoin;
ArrayPush = from.ArrayPush;
// Utilities for definitions
macro NUMBER_IS_NAN(arg)
(%IS_VAR(arg) !== arg)
// To avoid ES2015 Function name inference.
(0, (fn))
function IntlConstruct(receiver, constructor, create, newTarget, args,
compat) {
var locales = args[0];
var options = args[1];
var instance = create(locales, options);
if (compat && IS_UNDEFINED(newTarget) && receiver instanceof constructor) {
%object_define_property(receiver, IntlFallbackSymbol, { value: instance });
return receiver;
return instance;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Caches available locales for each service.
__proto__ : null,
'collator': UNDEFINED,
'numberformat': UNDEFINED,
'dateformat': UNDEFINED,
'breakiterator': UNDEFINED,
'pluralrules': UNDEFINED,
'relativetimeformat': UNDEFINED,
'listformat': UNDEFINED,
* Unicode extension regular expression.
function GetUnicodeExtensionRE() {
UNICODE_EXTENSION_RE = new GlobalRegExp('-u(-[a-z0-9]{2,8})+', 'g');
* Matches any Unicode extension.
function GetAnyExtensionRE() {
ANY_EXTENSION_RE = new GlobalRegExp('-[a-z0-9]{1}-.*', 'g');
* Matches valid service name.
function GetServiceRE() {
new GlobalRegExp('^(' + %_Call(ArrayJoin, ObjectKeys(AVAILABLE_LOCALES), '|') + ')$');
return SERVICE_RE;
* Returns a getOption function that extracts property value for given
* options object. If property is missing it returns defaultValue. If value
* is out of range for that property it throws RangeError.
function getGetOption(options, caller) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(options)) throw %make_error(kDefaultOptionsMissing, caller);
// Ecma 402 #sec-getoption
var getOption = function (property, type, values, fallback) {
// 1. Let value be ? Get(options, property).
var value = options[property];
// 2. If value is not undefined, then
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(value)) {
switch (type) {
// If type is "boolean", then let value be ToBoolean(value).
case 'boolean':
value = TO_BOOLEAN(value);
// If type is "string", then let value be ToString(value).
case 'string':
value = TO_STRING(value);
// Assert: type is "boolean" or "string".
throw %make_error(kWrongValueType);
// d. If values is not undefined, then
// If values does not contain an element equal to value, throw a
// RangeError exception.
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(values) && %ArrayIndexOf(values, value, 0) === -1) {
throw %make_range_error(kValueOutOfRange, value, caller, property);
return value;
return fallback;
return getOption;
* Ecma 402 9.2.5
* TODO(jshin): relevantExtensionKeys and localeData need to be taken into
* account per spec.
* Compares a BCP 47 language priority list requestedLocales against the locales
* in availableLocales and determines the best available language to meet the
* request. Two algorithms are available to match the locales: the Lookup
* algorithm described in RFC 4647 section 3.4, and an implementation dependent
* best-fit algorithm. Independent of the locale matching algorithm, options
* specified through Unicode locale extension sequences are negotiated
* separately, taking the caller's relevant extension keys and locale data as
* well as client-provided options into consideration. Returns an object with
* a locale property whose value is the language tag of the selected locale,
* and properties for each key in relevantExtensionKeys providing the selected
* value for that key.
function resolveLocale(service, requestedLocales, options) {
requestedLocales = initializeLocaleList(requestedLocales);
var getOption = getGetOption(options, service);
var matcher = getOption('localeMatcher', 'string',
['lookup', 'best fit'], 'best fit');
var resolved;
if (matcher === 'lookup') {
resolved = lookupMatcher(service, requestedLocales);
} else {
resolved = bestFitMatcher(service, requestedLocales);
return resolved;
"resolve_locale", resolveLocale
* Look up the longest non-empty prefix of |locale| that is an element of
* |availableLocales|. Returns undefined when the |locale| is completely
* unsupported by |availableLocales|.
function bestAvailableLocale(availableLocales, locale) {
do {
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(availableLocales[locale])) {
return locale;
// Truncate locale if possible.
var pos = %StringLastIndexOf(locale, '-');
if (pos === -1) {
locale = %_Call(StringSubstring, locale, 0, pos);
} while (true);
* Try to match any mutation of |requestedLocale| against |availableLocales|.
function attemptSingleLookup(availableLocales, requestedLocale) {
// Remove all extensions.
var noExtensionsLocale = %RegExpInternalReplace(
GetAnyExtensionRE(), requestedLocale, '');
var availableLocale = bestAvailableLocale(
availableLocales, requestedLocale);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(availableLocale)) {
// Return the resolved locale and extension.
var extensionMatch = %regexp_internal_match(
GetUnicodeExtensionRE(), requestedLocale);
var extension = IS_NULL(extensionMatch) ? '' : extensionMatch[0];
return {
__proto__: null,
locale: availableLocale,
extension: extension,
localeWithExtension: availableLocale + extension,
* Returns best matched supported locale and extension info using basic
* lookup algorithm.
function lookupMatcher(service, requestedLocales) {
if (IS_NULL(%regexp_internal_match(GetServiceRE(), service))) {
throw %make_error(kWrongServiceType, service);
var availableLocales = getAvailableLocalesOf(service);
for (var i = 0; i < requestedLocales.length; ++i) {
var result = attemptSingleLookup(availableLocales, requestedLocales[i]);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(result)) {
return result;
var defLocale = %GetDefaultICULocale();
// While ECMA-402 returns defLocale directly, we have to check if it is
// supported, as such support is not guaranteed.
var result = attemptSingleLookup(availableLocales, defLocale);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(result)) {
return result;
// Didn't find a match, return default.
return {
__proto__: null,
locale: 'und',
extension: '',
localeWithExtension: 'und',
* Returns best matched supported locale and extension info using
* implementation dependend algorithm.
function bestFitMatcher(service, requestedLocales) {
// TODO(cira): implement better best fit algorithm.
return lookupMatcher(service, requestedLocales);
* Populates internalOptions object with boolean key-value pairs
* from extensionMap and options.
* Returns filtered extension (number and date format constructors use
* Unicode extensions for passing parameters to ICU).
* It's used for extension-option pairs only, e.g. kn-normalization, but not
* for 'sensitivity' since it doesn't have extension equivalent.
* Extensions like nu and ca don't have options equivalent, so we place
* undefined in the to denote that.
function setOptions(inOptions, extensionMap, keyValues, getOption, outOptions) {
var extension = '';
var updateExtension = function updateExtension(key, value) {
return '-' + key + '-' + TO_STRING(value);
var updateProperty = function updateProperty(property, type, value) {
if (type === 'boolean' && (typeof value === 'string')) {
value = (value === 'true') ? true : false;
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(property)) {
%DefineWEProperty(outOptions, property, value);
for (var key in keyValues) {
if (HAS_OWN_PROPERTY(keyValues, key)) {
var value = UNDEFINED;
var map = keyValues[key];
// This may return true if user specifies numeric: 'false', since
// Boolean('nonempty') === true.
value = getOption(, map.type, map.values);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(value)) {
updateProperty(, map.type, value);
extension += updateExtension(key, value);
// User options didn't have it, check Unicode extension.
// Here we want to convert strings 'true', 'false' into proper Boolean
// values (not a user error).
if (HAS_OWN_PROPERTY(extensionMap, key)) {
value = extensionMap[key];
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(value)) {
updateProperty(, map.type, value);
extension += updateExtension(key, value);
} else if (map.type === 'boolean') {
// Boolean keys are allowed not to have values in Unicode extension.
// Those default to true.
updateProperty(, map.type, true);
extension += updateExtension(key, true);
return extension === ''? '' : '-u' + extension;
* Given an array-like, outputs an Array with the numbered
* properties copied over and defined
* configurable: false, writable: false, enumerable: true.
* When |expandable| is true, the result array can be expanded.
function freezeArray(input) {
var array = [];
var l = input.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (i in input) {
%object_define_property(array, i, {value: input[i],
configurable: false,
writable: false,
enumerable: true});
%object_define_property(array, 'length', {value: l, writable: false});
return array;
/* Make JS array[] out of InternalArray */
function makeArray(input) {
var array = [];
%MoveArrayContents(input, array);
return array;
* Returns an Object that contains all of supported locales for a given
* service.
* In addition to the supported locales we add xx-ZZ locale for each xx-Yyyy-ZZ
* that is supported. This is required by the spec.
function getAvailableLocalesOf(service) {
// Cache these, they don't ever change per service.
return AVAILABLE_LOCALES[service];
var available = %AvailableLocalesOf(service);
for (var i in available) {
if (HAS_OWN_PROPERTY(available, i)) {
var parts = %regexp_internal_match(
/^([a-z]{2,3})-([A-Z][a-z]{3})-([A-Z]{2})$/, i);
if (!IS_NULL(parts)) {
// Build xx-ZZ. We don't care about the actual value,
// as long it's not undefined.
available[parts[1] + '-' + parts[3]] = null;
AVAILABLE_LOCALES[service] = available;
return available;
* Defines a property and sets writable, enumerable and configurable to true.
function defineWECProperty(object, property, value) {
%object_define_property(object, property, {value: value,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true});
* Returns an InternalArray where all locales are canonicalized and duplicates
* removed.
* Throws on locales that are not well formed BCP47 tags.
* ECMA 402 8.2.1 steps 1 (ECMA 402 9.2.1) and 2.
function canonicalizeLocaleList(locales) {
var seen = new InternalArray();
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(locales)) {
// We allow single string localeID.
if (typeof locales === 'string') {
%_Call(ArrayPush, seen, %CanonicalizeLanguageTag(locales));
return seen;
var o = TO_OBJECT(locales);
var len = TO_LENGTH(o.length);
for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) {
if (k in o) {
var value = o[k];
var tag = %CanonicalizeLanguageTag(value);
if (%ArrayIndexOf(seen, tag, 0) === -1) {
%_Call(ArrayPush, seen, tag);
return seen;
// TODO(ftang): remove the %InstallToContext once
// initializeLocaleList is available in C++
"canonicalize_locale_list", canonicalizeLocaleList
function initializeLocaleList(locales) {
return freezeArray(canonicalizeLocaleList(locales));
// ECMA 402 section 8.2.1
getCanonicalLocales(locales) {
return makeArray(canonicalizeLocaleList(locales));
select(value) {
return %PluralRulesSelect(this, TO_NUMBER(value) + 0);
* NumberFormat resolvedOptions method.
resolvedOptions() {
return %NumberFormatResolvedOptions(this);
* Initializes the given object so it's a valid DateTimeFormat instance.
* Useful for subclassing.
function CreateDateTimeFormat(locales, options) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(options)) {
options = {__proto__: null};
var locale = resolveLocale('dateformat', locales, options);
options = %ToDateTimeOptions(options, 'any', 'date');
var getOption = getGetOption(options, 'dateformat');
// We implement only best fit algorithm, but still need to check
// if the formatMatcher values are in range.
var matcher = getOption('formatMatcher', 'string',
['basic', 'best fit'], 'best fit');
// ICU prefers options to be passed using -u- extension key/values, so
// we need to build that.
var internalOptions = {__proto__: null};
var extensionMap = %ParseExtension(locale.extension);
* Map of Unicode extensions to option properties, and their values and types,
* for a date/time format.
__proto__: null,
'ca': {__proto__: null, 'property': UNDEFINED, 'type': 'string'},
'nu': {__proto__: null, 'property': UNDEFINED, 'type': 'string'}
var extension = setOptions(options, extensionMap, DATETIME_FORMAT_KEY_MAP,
getOption, internalOptions);
var requestedLocale = locale.locale + extension;
// Still need to store locale and numberingSystem till we move the storage
// to JSDateTimeFormat
var resolved = {__proto__: null};
var dateFormat = %CreateDateTimeFormat(requestedLocale, options, resolved);
%MarkAsInitializedIntlObjectOfType(dateFormat, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_TYPE);
// Still need to store locale and numberingSystem till we move the storage
// to JSDateTimeFormat
dateFormat[resolvedSymbol] = resolved;
return dateFormat;
* Constructs Intl.DateTimeFormat object given optional locales and options
* parameters.
* @constructor
function DateTimeFormatConstructor() {
return IntlConstruct(this, GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat, CreateDateTimeFormat,, arguments, true);
%SetCode(GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatConstructor);
* DateTimeFormat resolvedOptions method.
resolvedOptions() {
return %DateTimeFormatResolvedOptions(this);
// Save references to Intl objects and methods we use, for added security.
var savedObjects = {
__proto__: null,
'collator': GlobalIntlCollator,
'numberformat': GlobalIntlNumberFormat,
'dateformatall': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat,
'dateformatdate': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat,
'dateformattime': GlobalIntlDateTimeFormat
// Default (created with undefined locales and options parameters) collator,
// number and date format instances. They'll be created as needed.
var defaultObjects = {
__proto__: null,
'collator': UNDEFINED,
'numberformat': UNDEFINED,
'dateformatall': UNDEFINED,
'dateformatdate': UNDEFINED,
'dateformattime': UNDEFINED,
function clearDefaultObjects() {
defaultObjects['dateformatall'] = UNDEFINED;
defaultObjects['dateformatdate'] = UNDEFINED;
defaultObjects['dateformattime'] = UNDEFINED;
var date_cache_version = 0;
function checkDateCacheCurrent() {
var new_date_cache_version = %DateCacheVersion();
if (new_date_cache_version == date_cache_version) {
date_cache_version = new_date_cache_version;
* Returns cached or newly created instance of a given service.
* We cache only default instances (where no locales or options are provided).
function cachedOrNewService(service, locales, options, defaults) {
var useOptions = (IS_UNDEFINED(defaults)) ? options : defaults;
if (IS_UNDEFINED(locales) && IS_UNDEFINED(options)) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(defaultObjects[service])) {
defaultObjects[service] = new savedObjects[service](locales, useOptions);
return defaultObjects[service];
return new savedObjects[service](locales, useOptions);
// TODO(ftang) remove the %InstallToContext once
// cachedOrNewService is available in C++
"cached_or_new_service", cachedOrNewService