blob: 2757bbc491d5d42b410d0ab54eebb3678df1b49d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.webapk.lib.common.WebApkConstants;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Before Lollipop, the only way to create multiple retargetable instances of the same Activity
* was to explicitly define them in the Manifest. Given that the user can potentially have an
* unlimited number of shortcuts for launching these Activities, we have to actively assign
* shortcuts when they launch. Activities are reused in order of when they were last used, with
* the least recently used ones reassigned first.
* In order to accommodate a limited number of WebappActivities with a potentially unlimited number
* of webapps, we have to rotate the available WebappActivities between the webapps we start up.
* Activities are reused in order of when they were last used, with the least recently used
* ones culled first.
* It is impossible to know whether Tasks have been removed from the Recent Task list without the
* GET_TASKS permission. As a result, the list of Activities inside the Recent Task list will
* be highly unlikely to match the list maintained in memory. Instead, we store the mapping as it
* was the last time we changed it, which allows us to launch webapps in the WebappActivity they
* were most recently associated with in cases where a user restarts a webapp from the Recent Tasks.
* Note that in situations where the user manually clears the app data, we will again have an
* incorrect mapping.
* Unless otherwise noted, all methods MUST be called on the UI thread to avoid threading issues.
* - 3 Activities are available for assignment (0, 1, 2).
* - 4 webapps exist (X, Y, Z, W).
* 0) Clean slate (0 -) (1 -) (2 -)
* 1) Start X Assigned to Activity 0 and pushed back. (1 -) (2 -) (0 X)
* 2) Start Y Assigned to Activity 1 and pushed back. (2 -) (0 X) (1 Y)
* 3) Start Z Assigned to Activity 2 and pushed back. (0 X) (1 Y) (2 Z)
* 4) Restart Y Re-assigned to Activity 1 and pushed back. (0 X) (2 Z) (1 Y)
* 4) Start W Assigned to Activity 0 and pushed back. X evicted. (2 Z) (1 Y) (0 W)
* 5) Restart X Assigned to Activity 2 and pushed back. Z evicted. (1 Y) (0 W) (2 X)
public class ActivityAssigner {
private static final String TAG = "ActivityAssigner";
// Don't ever change this. 10 is enough for everyone.
static final int NUM_WEBAPP_ACTIVITIES = 10;
// A sanity check limit to ensure that we aren't reading an unreasonable number of preferences.
// This number is different from above because the number of WebappActivities available may
// change.
static final int MAX_WEBAPP_ACTIVITIES_EVER = 100;
// Don't ever change the package. Left for backwards compatibility.
static final String PREF_PACKAGE[] = {"",
static final String PREF_NUM_SAVED_ENTRIES[] = {"ActivityAssigner.numSavedEntries",
static final String PREF_ACTIVITY_INDEX[] = {"ActivityAssigner.activityIndex",
static final String PREF_WEBAPP_ID[] = {"ActivityAssigner.webappId",
static final int INVALID_ACTIVITY_INDEX = -1;
static final int WEBAPP_ACTIVITY_INDEX = 0;
static final int WEBAPK_ACTIVITY_INDEX = 1;
static final int ACTIVITY_TYPE_COUNT = 2;
private static final Object LOCK = new Object();
private static List<ActivityAssigner> sInstances;
private final Context mContext;
private final List<ActivityEntry> mActivityList;
// The type index of the Activities managed. Either {@link WEBAPP_ACTIVITY_INDEX} or
private final int mActivityTypeIndex;
* Pre-load shared prefs to avoid being blocked on the
* disk access async task in the future.
public static void warmUpSharedPrefs(Context context) {
for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVITY_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_PACKAGE[i], Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
static class ActivityEntry {
final int mActivityIndex;
final String mWebappId;
ActivityEntry(int activity, String webapp) {
mActivityIndex = activity;
mWebappId = webapp;
* Returns the singleton instance, creating it if necessary.
* @param webappId The app ID.
public static ActivityAssigner instance(String webappId) {
synchronized (LOCK) {
if (sInstances == null) {
sInstances = new ArrayList<ActivityAssigner>(ACTIVITY_TYPE_COUNT);
for (int i = 0; i < ACTIVITY_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) {
sInstances.add(new ActivityAssigner(i));
return sInstances.get(ActivityAssigner.getIndex(webappId));
private ActivityAssigner(int activityTypeIndex) {
mContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
mActivityTypeIndex = activityTypeIndex;
mActivityList = new ArrayList<ActivityEntry>();
* Assigns the app with the given ID to one of the available Activity instances.
* If we know that the app was previously launched in one of the Activities, re-use it.
* Otherwise, take the least recently used ID and use that.
* @param webappId ID of the webapp.
* @return Index of the Activity to use for the webapp.
int assign(String webappId) {
// Reuse a running Activity with the same ID, if it exists.
int activityIndex = checkIfAssigned(webappId);
// Allocate the one in the front of the list.
if (activityIndex == INVALID_ACTIVITY_INDEX) {
activityIndex = mActivityList.get(0).mActivityIndex;
ActivityEntry newEntry = new ActivityEntry(activityIndex, webappId);
mActivityList.set(0, newEntry);
markActivityUsed(activityIndex, webappId);
return activityIndex;
* Returns {@link WEBAPP_ACTIVITY_INDEX} for WebappActivity, {@link WEBAPK_ACTIVITY_INDEX} for
* WebApkActivity whose webappId starts with "webapk:".
static int getIndex(String webappId) {
return webappId.startsWith(WebApkConstants.WEBAPK_ID_PREFIX) ? WEBAPK_ACTIVITY_INDEX
* Checks if the webapp with the given ID has been assigned to an Activity already.
* @param webappId ID of the webapp being displayed.
* @return Index of the Activity for the webapp if assigned, INVALID_ACTIVITY_INDEX otherwise.
int checkIfAssigned(String webappId) {
if (webappId == null) {
// Go backwards in the queue to catch more recent instances of any duplicated webapps.
for (int i = mActivityList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (webappId.equals(mActivityList.get(i).mWebappId)) {
return mActivityList.get(i).mActivityIndex;
* Moves an Activity to the back of the queue, indicating that the app is still in use and
* shouldn't be killed.
* @param activityIndex Index of the Activity in the LRU buffer.
* @param webappId The ID of the app being shown in the Activity.
void markActivityUsed(int activityIndex, String webappId) {
// Find the entry corresponding to the Activity.
int elementIndex = findActivityElement(activityIndex);
if (elementIndex == -1) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to find WebappActivity entry: " + activityIndex + ", " + webappId);
// We have to reassign the app ID in case Activities get repurposed.
ActivityEntry updatedEntry = new ActivityEntry(activityIndex, webappId);
* Finds the index of the ActivityElement corresponding to the given activityIndex.
* @param activityIndex Index of the activity to find.
* @return The index of the ActivityElement in the activity list, or -1 if it couldn't be found.
private int findActivityElement(int activityIndex) {
for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < mActivityList.size(); elementIndex++) {
if (mActivityList.get(elementIndex).mActivityIndex == activityIndex) {
return elementIndex;
return -1;
* Returns the current mapping between Activities and apps.
List<ActivityEntry> getEntries() {
return mActivityList;
* Returns the type index of the Activities managed.
int getActivityTypeIndex() {
return mActivityTypeIndex;
* Restores/creates the mapping between apps and activities.
* The logic is slightly complicated to future-proof against situations where the number of
* Activity is changed.
private void restoreActivityList() {
boolean isMapDirty = false;
// Create a Set of indices corresponding to every possible Activity.
// As ActivityEntries are read, they are and removed from this list to indicate that the
// Activity has already been assigned.
Set<Integer> availableWebapps = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WEBAPP_ACTIVITIES; ++i) {
// Restore any entries that were previously saved. If it seems that the preferences have
// been corrupted somehow, just discard the whole map.
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREF_PACKAGE[mActivityTypeIndex],
try {
long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
final int numSavedEntries = prefs.getInt(PREF_NUM_SAVED_ENTRIES[mActivityTypeIndex], 0);
try {
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError error) {
// Intentionally ignored - it's ok to miss recording the metric occasionally.
if (numSavedEntries <= NUM_WEBAPP_ACTIVITIES) {
for (int i = 0; i < numSavedEntries; ++i) {
String currentActivityIndexPref = PREF_ACTIVITY_INDEX[mActivityTypeIndex] + i;
String currentWebappIdPref = PREF_WEBAPP_ID[mActivityTypeIndex] + i;
int activityIndex = prefs.getInt(currentActivityIndexPref, i);
String webappId = prefs.getString(currentWebappIdPref, null);
ActivityEntry entry = new ActivityEntry(activityIndex, webappId);
if (availableWebapps.remove(entry.mActivityIndex)) {
} else {
// If the same activity was assigned to two different entries, or if the
// number of activities changed, discard it and mark that it needs to be
// rewritten.
isMapDirty = true;
} catch (ClassCastException exception) {
// Something went wrong reading the preferences. Nuke everything.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WEBAPP_ACTIVITIES; ++i) {
// Add entries for any missing Activities.
for (Integer availableIndex : availableWebapps) {
ActivityEntry entry = new ActivityEntry(availableIndex, null);
isMapDirty = true;
if (isMapDirty) {
* Saves the mapping between apps and Activities.
private void storeActivityList() {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREF_PACKAGE[mActivityTypeIndex],
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt(PREF_NUM_SAVED_ENTRIES[mActivityTypeIndex], mActivityList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mActivityList.size(); ++i) {
String currentActivityIndexPref = PREF_ACTIVITY_INDEX[mActivityTypeIndex] + i;
String currentWebappIdPref = PREF_WEBAPP_ID[mActivityTypeIndex] + i;
editor.putInt(currentActivityIndexPref, mActivityList.get(i).mActivityIndex);
editor.putString(currentWebappIdPref, mActivityList.get(i).mWebappId);