blob: 86091a4e7e331468bdc244340234dae266313949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
namespace content {
namespace devtools {
namespace page {
class PageHandler;
} // namespace page
// Used to allow the DevTools client to optionally cancel navigations via the
// Page.setControlNavigations and Page.processNavigation commands.
class PageNavigationThrottle : public content::NavigationThrottle {
PageNavigationThrottle(base::WeakPtr<page::PageHandler> page_handler,
int navigation_id,
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
~PageNavigationThrottle() override;
// content::NavigationThrottle implementation:
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override;
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult WillRedirectRequest() override;
int navigation_id() const { return navigation_id_; }
// Tells the PageNavigationThrottle to not throttle anything!
void AlwaysProceed();
// Resumes a deferred navigation request. Does nothing if a response isn't
// expected.
void Resume();
// Cancels a deferred navigation request. Does nothing if a response isn't
// expected.
void CancelDeferredNavigation(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
// An opaque ID assigned by the PageHandler, used to allow the protocol client
// to refer to this navigation throttle.
const int navigation_id_;
// The PageHandler that this navigation throttle is associated with.
base::WeakPtr<page::PageHandler> page_handler_;
// Whether or not a navigation was deferred. If deferred we expect a
// subsequent call to AlwaysProceed, Resume or CancelDeferredNavigation.
bool navigation_deferred_;
} // namespace devtools
} // namespace content