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<title>CSSTransformValue tests</title>
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'use strict';
const EPSILON = 1e-6;
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new CSSTransformValue());
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new CSSTransformValue([]));
}, 'Constructing a CSSTransformValue with no components throws TypeError');
test(() => {
const values = [
new CSSScale(1, 1),
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)),
new CSSRotation(CSS.deg(90))
const transform = new CSSTransformValue(values);
assert_style_value_array_equals(transform, values);
}, 'CSSTransformValue can be constructed with multiple transforms');
test(() => {
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSScale(1, 1),
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)),
new CSSScale(1, 1)
assert_equals(transform.is2D, false);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.is2D is false when given mix of 2D and 3D transforms');
test(() => {
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSScale(1, 1),
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)),
new CSSScale(1, 1)
assert_equals(transform.is2D, true);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.is2D is true when given only 2D transforms');
test(() => {
let transform = new CSSTransformValue([new CSSScale(1, 2)]);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => transform.is2D = false);
assert_equals(transform.is2D, true);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.is2D is readonly');
test(() => {
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2), CSS.px(3))
const expectedMatrix = (new DOMMatrixReadOnly()).translate(1, 2, 3);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, 1e-8);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSTranslation');
test(() => {
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSRotation(CSS.number(1), CSS.number(2), CSS.number(3), CSS.deg(90))
const expectedMatrix = (new DOMMatrixReadOnly()).rotateAxisAngle(1, 2, 3, 90);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSRotation');
test(() => {
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSScale(CSS.number(1), CSS.number(2), CSS.number(3))
const expectedMatrix = (new DOMMatrixReadOnly()).scale(1, 2, 3);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSScale');
test(() => {
const alpha = 10;
const beta = 20;
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSSkew(CSS.rad(alpha), CSS.rad(beta))
const expectedMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(
[1, Math.tan(beta), 0, 0, Math.tan(alpha), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSSkew');
test(() => {
const length = 10;
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSPerspective(CSS.px(length))
const expectedMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(
[1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, -1/length,
0, 0, 0, 1]);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSPerspective');
test(() => {
const matrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]);
const transform = new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSMatrixComponent(matrix)
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), matrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix returns correct matrix for CSSMatrixComponent');
test(() => {
const transformMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]);
const transformArray = [
new CSSScale(2, 2),
new CSSMatrixComponent(transformMatrix),
new CSSScale(5, 6)
let expectedMatrix = new DOMMatrix();
expectedMatrix.scaleSelf(2, 2);
expectedMatrix.scaleSelf(5, 6);
const transform = new CSSTransformValue(transformArray);
assert_matrix_approx_equals(transform.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, 'CSSTransformValue.toMatrix multiplies its component matrices');
test(() => {
const transformArray = [
new CSSScale(2, 2),
new CSSMatrixComponent(new DOMMatrixReadOnly([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])),
new CSSScale(5, 6)
const transformValue = new CSSTransformValue(transformArray);
const newTransformArray = [...transformValue];
assert_style_value_array_equals([...transformValue], transformArray);
}, 'Can iterate through CSSTransformValue components');