blob: 0c949c18a08ab5e024335e06a76a44c9dadef433 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace base {
namespace win {
class RegKey;
} // namespace win
} // namespace base
namespace chrome_cleaner {
class RegKeyPath;
// Possible error values returned by ReadRegistryValue().
enum class RegistryError : char {
namespace internal {
// This represents a registry value. It is used to log registry values through
// the logging service.
// This struct is related to the RegistryValue proto message that is sent in
// reports. They are kept separate because the data manipulated in the
// cleaner/reporter isn't necessarily the same that we want to transmit to
// Google. Another reason is that protos store strings as UTF-8, whereas the
// functions in base to manipulate user data obtained via the Windows API use
// 16-bits strings.
struct RegistryValue {
base::string16 key_path;
base::string16 value_name;
base::string16 data;
} // namespace internal
// The key for program uninstallers.
extern const wchar_t kUninstallerKeyPath[];
// The key for Chrome policies.
extern const wchar_t kChromePoliciesKeyPath[];
// The keys for the Chrome policy forcelist and whitelist.
extern const wchar_t kChromePoliciesForcelistKeyPath[];
extern const wchar_t kChromePoliciesWhitelistKeyPath[];
// The keys for the Chromium policy forcelist and whitelist.
extern const wchar_t kChromiumPoliciesForcelistKeyPath[];
extern const wchar_t kChromiumPoliciesWhitelistKeyPath[];
// Returns a string representation of the registry value type.
base::string16 RegistryValueTypeToString(DWORD value_type);
// Enumerates matching value names from a registry key against a given pattern
// with wild-cards.
void CollectMatchingRegistryNames(const base::win::RegKey& key,
const base::string16& pattern,
const wchar_t escape_char,
std::vector<base::string16>* names);
// Enumerates matching key paths from a registry key against a given pattern
// with wild-cards. Returns a vector of fully qualified RegPath (i.e. wow64).
void CollectMatchingRegistryPaths(HKEY hkey,
const base::string16& pattern,
const wchar_t escape_char,
std::vector<RegKeyPath>* key_paths);
// Read a registry value of type REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ. On
// success, |content| receives the content of the value and |content_type| the
// type of the value. On failure, return false and, if |error| is not NULL, set
// |error| to indicate the type of error code.
bool ReadRegistryValue(const base::win::RegKey& reg_key,
const wchar_t* value_name,
base::string16* content,
uint32_t* content_type,
RegistryError* error);
// Convenience overload of ReadRegistryValue() that takes a RegKeyPath instead
// of base::win::RegKey. On failure, return false and, if |error| is not NULL,
// set |error| to indicate the type of error code.
bool ReadRegistryValue(const RegKeyPath& key_path,
const wchar_t* value_name,
base::string16* content,
uint32_t* content_type,
RegistryError* error);
// Write a registry value of type REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ. Return
// false on failure.
bool WriteRegistryValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
const base::string16& content,
uint32_t content_type,
base::win::RegKey* reg_key);
// Return a string representation of a potentially non-string registry type
// value. For string types, |raw_content| is simply copied into |content|, so
// caller must make sure that |raw_content| is properly null terminated. Note
// that |raw_content_bytes| is not the number of wchar_t in raw_content but the
// number of bytes.
void GetRegistryValueAsString(const wchar_t* raw_content,
size_t raw_content_bytes,
DWORD value_type,
base::string16* content);
} // namespace chrome_cleaner