blob: 87bb12ca6a40cd2aa5d0425d5931f4cebdf5acc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/offline_metrics_collector.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
namespace offline_pages {
// Tracks the types of usage (started/offline/online etc.) of Chrome observed
// throughout a day. The objective of this tracking is to count and report:
// - Days on which the browser was not started.
// - Days on which the browser was started but no navigations happened.
// - Days on which the browser observed only successful online navigations.
// - Days on which the browser observed only successful offline navigations.
// - Days on which the browser observed both successful online and offline
// navigations.
// For each 'type' of the day there is a separate counter which accumulates the
// number of those days over time and the counters are reported via UMA when
// network connectivity is likely given.
// When Chrome is being used (navigating to URLs etc), one of the
// OfflineMetricsCollector interface methods is called (normally from a tab
// helper or some other observer of relevant activity) and the 'current' usage
// is updated.
// When transition from one day to another is detected (by
// comparing the midnight timestamp of when tracking was initialized and current
// time when usage sample arrives), the counters that correspond to the
// end-of-day state are updated. If more then one day passes between samples,
// that means Chrome was not used in the days in between and they have to be
// counted as 'Chrome was not used' days.
// To persist tracking data and counters across Chrome restarts, they are backed
// up in Prefs.
class OfflineMetricsCollectorImpl : public OfflineMetricsCollector {
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// This enum is used for UMA reporting of user-days counts when Chrome was
// used in specific ways regarding navigation to online and offline content.
// It corresponds to OfflinePagesOfflineUsage in enums.xml.
// NOTE: These values should mirror the histogram enum mentioned above. They
// must not be changed or reused and new values should be appended. kMaxValue
// should be updated when needed.
enum class DailyUsageType {
kUnused = 0, // Chrome was not used the whole day.
kStarted = 1, // Started, but no successful navigations happened during the
// day (Error pages, Dine etc)
kOffline = 2, // Successfully navigated to at least one offline page, no
// online navigations(however device may be connected).
kOnline = 3, // Only online navigations happened during the day.
kMixed = 4, // Both offline and online navigations happened during the
// day.
kMaxValue = kMixed,
// This enum is used for UMA reporting of user-days counts categorized by how
// Offline Prefetch performed and had its content accessed by the user. It
// corresponds to OfflinePagesPrefetchUsage in enums.xml.
// NOTE: These values should mirror the histogram enum mentioned above. They
// must not be changed or reused and new values should be appended. kMaxValue
// should be updated when needed.
enum class PrefetchUsageType {
// Prefetch subsystem has unexpired prefetched pages.
// Deprecated: Not useful enough to justify its reporting complexities.
kDeprecated_HasPages = 0,
// New pages has been fetched during the day.
kFetchedNewPages = 1,
// The prefetched offline pages were opened during the day.
kOpenedPages = 2,
// The pages were both fetched and opened during the day.
kFetchedAndOpenedPages = 3,
kMaxValue = kFetchedAndOpenedPages,
explicit OfflineMetricsCollectorImpl(PrefService* prefs);
~OfflineMetricsCollectorImpl() override;
// OfflineMetricsCollector implementation.
void OnAppStartupOrResume() override;
void OnSuccessfulNavigationOnline() override;
void OnSuccessfulNavigationOffline() override;
void OnPrefetchEnabled() override;
void OnSuccessfulPagePrefetch() override;
void OnPrefetchedPageOpened() override;
void ReportAccumulatedStats() override;
void EnsureLoaded();
void SaveToPrefs();
// Sets the specified flag to 'true', saves new tracking state to Prefs if
// the there was a change.
void SetTrackingFlag(bool* flag);
// Moves tracking_day_midnight_ to the midnight that starts the current day if
// necessary and updates the usage counters accordingly. Returns 'true' if the
// past days counters changed and need to be updated on disk.
bool UpdatePastDaysIfNeeded();
// Used to retrieve current time, overrideable in tests.
base::Time Now() const;
// Tracking flags. They reflect the current usage of Chrome through the day,
// starting from 'false' at start of the day and then eventually set to 'true'
// when corresponding usage is observed.
bool chrome_start_observed_ = false;
bool offline_navigation_observed_ = false;
bool online_navigation_observed_ = false;
// Prefetch tracking, boolean bits indicating which prefetch events were
// observed during the day. At the end of the day, they are used to increment
// corresponding prefetch counters.
bool prefetch_is_enabled_observed_ = false;
bool prefetch_fetch_observed_ = false;
bool prefetch_open_observed_ = false;
// The midnight that starts the day for which current tracking is happening.
// It is used to determine if the time of the observable usage is still during
// the same local day (between two consecutive midnights).
// If a usage is observed outside of that range, the accumulated counters
// should be incremented and tracking state initialized for the current day.
base::Time tracking_day_midnight_;
// Accumulated usage counters. There is a counter for each DailyUsageType
// enum value. Count the number of days with specific Chrome usage.
int unused_days_count_ = 0;
int started_days_count_ = 0;
int offline_days_count_ = 0;
int online_days_count_ = 0;
int mixed_days_count_ = 0;
int prefetch_enable_count_ = 0;
int prefetch_fetched_count_ = 0;
int prefetch_opened_count_ = 0;
int prefetch_mixed_count_ = 0;
// Has the same lifetime as profile, so should outlive this subcomponent
// of profile's PrefetchService.
PrefService* prefs_ = nullptr;
} // namespace offline_pages