blob: c7df61f3f49550bbc2087a9658a74e4e3af29661 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @typedef {{
type: string,
object: !Object,
name: (string|undefined),
startLocation: (!RawLocation|undefined),
endLocation: (!RawLocation|undefined)
}} */
var Scope;
/** @typedef {{
scriptId: string,
lineNumber: number,
columnNumber: number
}} */
var RawLocation;
/** @typedef {{
id: number,
name: string,
sourceURL: (string|undefined),
sourceMappingURL: (string|undefined),
source: string,
startLine: number,
endLine: number,
startColumn: number,
endColumn: number,
executionContextId: number,
executionContextAuxData: string
}} */
var FormattedScript;
/** @typedef {{
functionName: string,
location: !RawLocation,
this: !Object,
scopeChain: !Array<!Scope>,
functionLocation: (RawLocation|undefined),
returnValue: (*|undefined)
}} */
var JavaScriptCallFrameDetails;
/** @typedef {{
sourceID: function():(number|undefined),
line: function():number,
column: function():number,
thisObject: !Object,
evaluate: function(string):*,
restart: function():undefined,
setVariableValue: function(number, string, *):undefined,
isAtReturn: boolean,
details: function():!JavaScriptCallFrameDetails
}} */
var JavaScriptCallFrame;
* @const
var Debug = {};
Debug.setBreakOnException = function() {}
Debug.clearBreakOnException = function() {}
Debug.setBreakOnUncaughtException = function() {}
* @return {undefined}
Debug.clearBreakOnUncaughtException = function() {}
Debug.clearStepping = function() {}
Debug.clearAllBreakPoints = function() {}
/** @return {!Array<!Script>} */
Debug.scripts = function() {}
* @param {number} scriptId
* @param {number=} line
* @param {number=} column
* @param {string=} condition
* @param {string=} groupId
* @param {Debug.BreakPositionAlignment=} positionAlignment
Debug.setScriptBreakPointById = function(scriptId, line, column, condition, groupId, positionAlignment) {}
* @param {number} breakId
* @return {!Array<!SourceLocation>}
Debug.findBreakPointActualLocations = function(breakId) {}
* @param {number} breakId
* @param {boolean} remove
* @return {!BreakPoint|undefined}
Debug.findBreakPoint = function(breakId, remove) {}
/** @return {!DebuggerFlags} */
Debug.debuggerFlags = function() {}
/** @enum */
const BreakPositionAlignment = {
Statement: 0,
BreakPosition: 1
Debug.BreakPositionAlignment = BreakPositionAlignment;
/** @enum */
Debug.StepAction = { StepOut: 0,
StepNext: 1,
StepIn: 2,
StepFrame: 3 };
/** @enum */
const ScriptCompilationType = { Host: 0,
Eval: 1,
JSON: 2 };
Debug.ScriptCompilationType = ScriptCompilationType;
/** @interface */
function DebuggerFlag() {}
/** @param {boolean} value */
DebuggerFlag.prototype.setValue = function(value) {}
/** @typedef {{
* breakPointsActive: !DebuggerFlag
* }}
var DebuggerFlags;
/** @const */
var LiveEdit = {}
* @param {!Script} script
* @param {string} newSource
* @param {boolean} previewOnly
* @return {!{stack_modified: (boolean|undefined)}}
LiveEdit.SetScriptSource = function(script, newSource, previewOnly, change_log) {}
/** @constructor */
function Failure() {}
LiveEdit.Failure = Failure;
Debug.LiveEdit = LiveEdit;
/** @typedef {{
* type: string,
* syntaxErrorMessage: string,
* position: !{start: !{line: number, column: number}},
* }}
var LiveEditErrorDetails;
/** @typedef {{
* breakpointId: number,
* sourceID: number,
* lineNumber: (number|undefined),
* columnNumber: (number|undefined),
* condition: (string|undefined),
* interstatementLocation: (boolean|undefined),
* }}
var BreakpointInfo;
/** @interface */
function BreakPoint() {}
/** @return {!BreakPoint|undefined} */
BreakPoint.prototype.script_break_point = function() {}
/** @return {number} */
BreakPoint.prototype.number = function() {}
/** @interface */
function CompileEvent() {}
/** @return {!ScriptMirror} */
CompileEvent.prototype.script = function() {}
/** @interface */
function BreakEvent() {}
/** @return {!Array<!BreakPoint>|undefined} */
BreakEvent.prototype.breakPointsHit = function() {}
/** @interface */
function ExecutionState() {}
/** @param {!Debug.StepAction} action */
ExecutionState.prototype.prepareStep = function(action) {}
* @param {string} source
* @param {boolean} disableBreak
* @param {*=} additionalContext
ExecutionState.prototype.evaluateGlobal = function(source, disableBreak, additionalContext) {}
/** @return {number} */
ExecutionState.prototype.frameCount = function() {}
* @param {number} index
* @return {!FrameMirror}
ExecutionState.prototype.frame = function(index) {}
/** @param {number} index */
ExecutionState.prototype.setSelectedFrame = function(index) {}
/** @return {number} */
ExecutionState.prototype.selectedFrame = function() {}
/** @enum */
var ScopeType = { Global: 0,
Local: 1,
With: 2,
Closure: 3,
Catch: 4,
Block: 5,
Script: 6 };
/** @typedef {{
* script: number,
* position: number,
* line: number,
* column:number,
* start: number,
* end: number,
* }}
var SourceLocation;
/** @typedef{{
* id: number,
* context_data: (string|undefined),
* source_url: (string|undefined),
* source_mapping_url: (string|undefined),
* is_debugger_script: boolean,
* source: string,
* line_ends: !Array<number>,
* line_offset: number,
* column_offset: number,
* nameOrSourceURL: function():string,
* compilationType: function():!ScriptCompilationType,
* }}
var Script;
/** @interface */
function ScopeDetails() {}
/** @return {!Object} */
ScopeDetails.prototype.object = function() {}
/** @return {string|undefined} */ = function() {}
/** @return {number} */
ScopeDetails.prototype.type = function() {}
/** @interface */
function FrameDetails() {}
/** @return {!Object} */
FrameDetails.prototype.receiver = function() {}
/** @return {function()} */
FrameDetails.prototype.func = function() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
FrameDetails.prototype.isAtReturn = function() {}
/** @return {number} */
FrameDetails.prototype.sourcePosition = function() {}
/** @return {*} */
FrameDetails.prototype.returnValue = function() {}
/** @return {number} */
FrameDetails.prototype.scopeCount = function() {}
/** @param {boolean} value */
function ToggleMirrorCache(value) {}
* @param {*} value
* @param {boolean=} transient
* @return {!Mirror}
function MakeMirror(value, transient) {}
/** @interface */
function Mirror() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
Mirror.prototype.isFunction = function() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
Mirror.prototype.isGenerator = function() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
Mirror.prototype.isMap = function() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
Mirror.prototype.isSet = function() {}
/** @return {boolean} */
Mirror.prototype.isIterator = function() {}
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function ObjectMirror() {}
/** @return {!Array<!PropertyMirror>} */ = function() {}
* @interface
* @extends {ObjectMirror}
function FunctionMirror () {}
/** @return {number} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.scopeCount = function() {}
* @param {number} index
* @return {!ScopeMirror|undefined}
FunctionMirror.prototype.scope = function(index) {}
/** @return {boolean} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.resolved = function() {}
/** @return {function()} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.value = function() {}
/** @return {string} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.debugName = function() {}
/** @return {!ScriptMirror|undefined} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.script = function() {}
/** @return {!SourceLocation|undefined} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.sourceLocation = function() {}
/** @return {!ContextMirror|undefined} */
FunctionMirror.prototype.context = function() {}
* @constructor
* @param {*} value
function UnresolvedFunctionMirror(value) {}
* @interface
* @extends {ObjectMirror}
function MapMirror () {}
* @param {number=} limit
* @return {!Array<!{key: *, value: *}>}
MapMirror.prototype.entries = function(limit) {}
* @interface
* @extends {ObjectMirror}
function SetMirror () {}
* @param {number=} limit
* @return {!Array<*>}
SetMirror.prototype.values = function(limit) {}
* @interface
* @extends {ObjectMirror}
function IteratorMirror () {}
* @param {number=} limit
* @return {!Array<*>}
IteratorMirror.prototype.preview = function(limit) {}
* @interface
* @extends {ObjectMirror}
function GeneratorMirror () {}
/** @return {string} */
GeneratorMirror.prototype.status = function() {}
/** @return {!SourceLocation|undefined} */
GeneratorMirror.prototype.sourceLocation = function() {}
/** @return {!FunctionMirror} */
GeneratorMirror.prototype.func = function() {}
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function PropertyMirror() {}
/** @return {!Mirror} */
PropertyMirror.prototype.value = function() {}
/** @return {string} */ = function() {}
/** @type {*} */
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function FrameMirror() {}
* @param {boolean=} ignoreNestedScopes
* @return {!Array<!ScopeMirror>}
FrameMirror.prototype.allScopes = function(ignoreNestedScopes) {}
/** @return {!FrameDetails} */
FrameMirror.prototype.details = function() {}
* @param {string} source
* @param {boolean} disableBreak
FrameMirror.prototype.evaluate = function(source, disableBreak) {}
FrameMirror.prototype.restart = function() {}
/** @param {number} index */
FrameMirror.prototype.scope = function(index) {}
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function ScriptMirror() {}
/** @return {!Script} */
ScriptMirror.prototype.value = function() {}
/** @return {number} */ = function() {}
* @param {number} position
* @param {boolean=} includeResourceOffset
ScriptMirror.prototype.locationFromPosition = function(position, includeResourceOffset) {}
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function ScopeMirror() {}
/** @return {!ScopeDetails} */
ScopeMirror.prototype.details = function() {}
* @param {string} name
* @param {*} newValue
ScopeMirror.prototype.setVariableValue = function(name, newValue) {}
* @interface
* @extends {Mirror}
function ContextMirror() {}
/** @return {string|undefined} */ = function() {}