blob: a6879837e76262fd89476fa345237f49dcc31f83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.StrictModeContext;
import org.chromium.base.SysUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Implements the JNI interface called from the C++ Media Router implementation on Android.
* Owns a list of {@link MediaRouteProvider} implementations and dispatches native calls to them.
public class ChromeMediaRouter implements MediaRouteManager {
private static final String TAG = "MediaRouter";
private static final int MIN_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_APK_VERSION = 12600000;
private static MediaRouteProvider.Factory sRouteProviderFactory =
new MediaRouteProvider.Factory() {
public void addProviders(MediaRouteManager manager) {
// Bypass feature check in tests as ChromeFeatureList might not be initialized
// yet.
if (ChromeFeatureList.isInitialized()
&& ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(
ChromeFeatureList.CAF_MEDIA_ROUTER_IMPL)) {
int googleApiAvailabilityResult =
if (googleApiAvailabilityResult != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
MediaRouteProvider cafProvider = CafMediaRouteProvider.create(manager);
MediaRouteProvider remotingProvider =
} else {
MediaRouteProvider castProvider = CastMediaRouteProvider.create(manager);
MediaRouteProvider remotingProvider =
// The pointer to the native object. Can be null during tests, or when the
// native object has been destroyed.
private long mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge;
private final List<MediaRouteProvider> mRouteProviders = new ArrayList<MediaRouteProvider>();
private final Map<String, MediaRouteProvider> mRouteIdsToProviders =
new HashMap<String, MediaRouteProvider>();
private final Map<String, Map<MediaRouteProvider, List<MediaSink>>> mSinksPerSourcePerProvider =
new HashMap<String, Map<MediaRouteProvider, List<MediaSink>>>();
private final Map<String, List<MediaSink>> mSinksPerSource =
new HashMap<String, List<MediaSink>>();
private static boolean sAndroidMediaRouterSetForTest;
private static MediaRouter sAndroidMediaRouterForTest;
public static void setAndroidMediaRouterForTest(MediaRouter router) {
sAndroidMediaRouterSetForTest = true;
sAndroidMediaRouterForTest = router;
public static void setRouteProviderFactoryForTest(MediaRouteProvider.Factory factory) {
sRouteProviderFactory = factory;
protected List<MediaRouteProvider> getRouteProvidersForTest() {
return mRouteProviders;
protected Map<String, MediaRouteProvider> getRouteIdsToProvidersForTest() {
return mRouteIdsToProviders;
protected Map<String, Map<MediaRouteProvider, List<MediaSink>>>
getSinksPerSourcePerProviderForTest() {
return mSinksPerSourcePerProvider;
protected Map<String, List<MediaSink>> getSinksPerSourceForTest() {
return mSinksPerSource;
* Obtains the {@link MediaRouter} instance given the application context.
* @return Null if the media router API is not supported, the service instance otherwise.
public static MediaRouter getAndroidMediaRouter() {
if (sAndroidMediaRouterSetForTest) return sAndroidMediaRouterForTest;
// Some manufacturers have an implementation that causes StrictMode
// violations. See
try (StrictModeContext unused = StrictModeContext.allowDiskReads()) {
// Pre-MR1 versions of JB do not have the complete MediaRouter APIs,
// so getting the MediaRouter instance will throw an exception.
return MediaRouter.getInstance(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext());
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
return null;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// TODO(mlamouri): happens with Robolectric.
return null;
public void addMediaRouteProvider(MediaRouteProvider provider) {
public void onSinksReceived(
String sourceId, MediaRouteProvider provider, List<MediaSink> sinks) {
if (!mSinksPerSourcePerProvider.containsKey(sourceId)) {
sourceId, new HashMap<MediaRouteProvider, List<MediaSink>>());
// Replace the sinks found by this provider with the new list.
Map<MediaRouteProvider, List<MediaSink>> sinksPerProvider =
sinksPerProvider.put(provider, sinks);
List<MediaSink> allSinksPerSource = new ArrayList<MediaSink>();
for (List<MediaSink> s : sinksPerProvider.values()) allSinksPerSource.addAll(s);
mSinksPerSource.put(sourceId, allSinksPerSource);
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, sourceId, allSinksPerSource.size());
public void onRouteCreated(
String mediaRouteId, String mediaSinkId, int requestId, MediaRouteProvider provider,
boolean wasLaunched) {
mRouteIdsToProviders.put(mediaRouteId, provider);
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
nativeOnRouteCreated(mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, mediaRouteId, mediaSinkId,
requestId, wasLaunched);
public void onRouteRequestError(String errorText, int requestId) {
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
nativeOnRouteRequestError(mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, errorText, requestId);
public void onRouteTerminated(String mediaRouteId) {
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
nativeOnRouteTerminated(mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, mediaRouteId);
public void onRouteClosed(String mediaRouteId, String error) {
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
nativeOnRouteClosed(mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, mediaRouteId, error);
public void onMessage(String mediaRouteId, String message) {
if (mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge != 0) {
nativeOnMessage(mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, mediaRouteId, message);
* Initializes the media router and its providers.
* @param nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge the handler for the native counterpart of this instance
* @return an initialized {@link ChromeMediaRouter} instance
public static ChromeMediaRouter create(long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge) {
ChromeMediaRouter router = new ChromeMediaRouter(nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge);
return router;
* Starts background monitoring for available media sinks compatible with the given
* |sourceUrn| if the device is in a state that allows it.
* @param sourceId a URL to use for filtering of the available media sinks
* @return whether the monitoring started (ie. was allowed).
public boolean startObservingMediaSinks(String sourceId) {
Log.d(TAG, "startObservingMediaSinks: " + sourceId);
if (SysUtils.isLowEndDevice()) return false;
for (MediaRouteProvider provider : mRouteProviders) {
return true;
* Stops background monitoring for available media sinks compatible with the given
* |sourceUrn|
* @param sourceId a URL passed to {@link #startObservingMediaSinks(String)} before.
public void stopObservingMediaSinks(String sourceId) {
Log.d(TAG, "stopObservingMediaSinks: " + sourceId);
for (MediaRouteProvider provider : mRouteProviders) {
* Returns the URN of the media sink corresponding to the given source URN
* and an index. Essentially a way to access the corresponding {@link MediaSink}'s
* list via JNI.
* @param sourceUrn The URN to get the sink for.
* @param index The index of the sink in the current sink array.
* @return the corresponding sink URN if found or null.
public String getSinkUrn(String sourceUrn, int index) {
return getSink(sourceUrn, index).getUrn();
* Returns the name of the media sink corresponding to the given source URN
* and an index. Essentially a way to access the corresponding {@link MediaSink}'s
* list via JNI.
* @param sourceUrn The URN to get the sink for.
* @param index The index of the sink in the current sink array.
* @return the corresponding sink name if found or null.
public String getSinkName(String sourceUrn, int index) {
return getSink(sourceUrn, index).getName();
* Initiates route creation with the given parameters. Notifies the native client of success
* and failure.
* @param sourceId the id of the {@link MediaSource} to route to the sink.
* @param sinkId the id of the {@link MediaSink} to route the source to.
* @param presentationId the id of the presentation to be used by the page.
* @param origin the origin of the frame requesting a new route.
* @param tabId the id of the tab the requesting frame belongs to.
* @param isIncognito whether the route is being requested from an Incognito profile.
* @param requestId the id of the route creation request tracked by the native side.
public void createRoute(
String sourceId,
String sinkId,
String presentationId,
String origin,
int tabId,
boolean isIncognito,
int requestId) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = getProviderForSource(sourceId);
if (provider == null) {
onRouteRequestError("No provider supports createRoute with source: " + sourceId
+ " and sink: " + sinkId, requestId);
sourceId, sinkId, presentationId, origin, tabId, isIncognito, requestId);
* Initiates route joining with the given parameters. Notifies the native client of success
* or failure.
* @param sourceId the id of the {@link MediaSource} to route to the sink.
* @param sinkId the id of the {@link MediaSink} to route the source to.
* @param presentationId the id of the presentation to be used by the page.
* @param origin the origin of the frame requesting a new route.
* @param tabId the id of the tab the requesting frame belongs to.
* @param requestId the id of the route creation request tracked by the native side.
public void joinRoute(
String sourceId,
String presentationId,
String origin,
int tabId,
int requestId) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = getProviderForSource(sourceId);
if (provider == null) {
onRouteRequestError("Route not found.", requestId);
provider.joinRoute(sourceId, presentationId, origin, tabId, requestId);
* Closes the route specified by the id.
* @param routeId the id of the route to close.
public void closeRoute(String routeId) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = mRouteIdsToProviders.get(routeId);
if (provider == null) return;
* Notifies the specified route that it's not attached to the web page anymore.
* @param routeId the id of the route that was detached.
public void detachRoute(String routeId) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = mRouteIdsToProviders.get(routeId);
if (provider == null) return;
* Sends a string message to the specified route.
* @param routeId The id of the route to send the message to.
* @param message The message to send.
public void sendStringMessage(String routeId, String message) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = mRouteIdsToProviders.get(routeId);
if (provider == null) {
provider.sendStringMessage(routeId, message);
* Gets a media controller to be used by native.
* @param routeId The route ID tied to the CastSession for which we want a media controller.
* @return A MediaControllerBridge if it can be obtained from |routeId|, null otherwise.
public FlingingControllerBridge getFlingingControllerBridge(String routeId) {
MediaRouteProvider provider = mRouteIdsToProviders.get(routeId);
if (provider == null) return null;
FlingingController controller = provider.getFlingingController(routeId);
if (controller == null) return null;
return new FlingingControllerBridge(controller);
protected ChromeMediaRouter(long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge) {
mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge = nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge;
* Called when the native object is being destroyed.
public void teardown() {
// The native object has been destroyed.
mNativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge = 0;
private MediaSink getSink(String sourceId, int index) {
assert mSinksPerSource.containsKey(sourceId);
return mSinksPerSource.get(sourceId).get(index);
private MediaRouteProvider getProviderForSource(String sourceId) {
for (MediaRouteProvider provider : mRouteProviders) {
if (provider.supportsSource(sourceId)) return provider;
return null;
native void nativeOnSinksReceived(
long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String sourceUrn, int count);
native void nativeOnRouteCreated(long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String mediaRouteId,
String mediaSinkId, int createRouteRequestId, boolean wasLaunched);
native void nativeOnRouteRequestError(
long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String errorText, int createRouteRequestId);
native void nativeOnRouteTerminated(long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String mediaRouteId);
native void nativeOnRouteClosed(
long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String mediaRouteId, String message);
native void nativeOnMessage(
long nativeMediaRouterAndroidBridge, String mediaRouteId, String message);