blob: dff04a5ef2c640b59fbb4860704d74f457a38d9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This Polymer element shows media controls for a route that is currently cast
* to a device.
* @implements {RouteControlsInterface}
is: 'route-controls',
properties: {
* Set of possible options for playing fullscreen videos when mirroring.
* @private {!Object}
FullscreenVideoOption_: {
type: Object,
value: {
// Play on remote screen only.
REMOTE_SCREEN: 'remote_screen',
// Play on both remote and local screens.
BOTH_SCREENS: 'both_screens'
* The current time displayed in seconds, before formatting.
* @private {number}
displayedCurrentTime_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The volume shown in the volume control, between 0 and 1.
* @private {number}
displayedVolume_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* True if the Hangouts route is currently using local present mode.
* Valid for Hangouts routes only.
* @private {boolean}
hangoutsLocalPresent_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* The timestamp for when the initial media status was loaded.
* @private {number}
initialLoadTime_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* Set to true when the user is dragging the seek bar. Updates for the
* current time from the browser will be ignored when set to true.
* @private {boolean}
isSeeking_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Set to true when the user is dragging the volume bar. Volume updates from
* the browser will be ignored when set to true.
* @private
isVolumeChanging_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* The timestamp for when the controller last submitted a seek request.
* @private
lastSeekByUser_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The timestamp for when |routeStatus| was last updated.
* @private
lastStatusUpdate_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The timestamp for when the controller last submitted a volume change
* request.
* @private
lastVolumeChangeByUser_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* Keep in sync with media remoting individual user setting.
* @private
mediaRemotingEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
* The route currently associated with this controller.
* @type {?media_router.Route|undefined}
route: {
type: Object,
observer: 'onRouteUpdated_',
* The route description to display. Uses the media route description if
* none is provided by the media route status object.
* @private {string}
routeDescription_: {
type: String,
value: '',
* The timestamp for when the route details view was opened.
* @type {number}
routeDetailsOpenTime: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The status of the media route shown.
* @type {!media_router.RouteStatus}
routeStatus: {
type: Object,
observer: 'onRouteStatusChange_',
value: new media_router.RouteStatus(),
* The ID of the timer currently set to increment the current time of the
* media, or 0 if the current time is not being incremented.
* @private {number}
timeIncrementsTimeoutId_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* Whether the controls should show the media title.
* @private {boolean}
shouldShowRouteStatusTitle_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
behaviors: [
* Called by Polymer when the element loads. Registers the element to be
* notified of route status updates.
ready: function() {
/** @type {RouteControlsInterface} */ (this));
* Current time can be incremented if the media is playing, and either the
* duration is 0 or current time is less than the duration.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
canIncrementCurrentTime_: function() {
return !this.isSeeking_ &&
this.routeStatus.playState === media_router.PlayState.PLAYING &&
(this.routeStatus.duration === 0 ||
this.displayedCurrentTime_ < this.routeStatus.duration);
* Creates an accessibility label for the element showing the media's current
* time.
* @param {number} displayedCurrentTime
* @return {string}
* @private
getCurrentTimeLabel_: function(displayedCurrentTime) {
return `${
} ${this.getFormattedTime_(displayedCurrentTime)}`;
* Creates an accessibility label for the element showing the media's
* duration.
* @param {number} duration
* @return {string}
* @private
getDurationLabel_: function(duration) {
return `${this.i18n('durationLabel')} ${this.getFormattedTime_(duration)}`;
* Converts a number representing an interval of seconds to a string with
* HH:MM:SS format.
* @param {number} timeInSec Must be non-negative. Intervals longer than 100
* hours get truncated silently.
* @return {string}
* @private
getFormattedTime_: function(timeInSec) {
if (timeInSec < 0) {
return '';
var hours = Math.floor(timeInSec / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor(timeInSec / 60) % 60;
var seconds = Math.floor(timeInSec) % 60;
// Show the hours only if it is nonzero.
return (hours ? ('0' + hours).substr(-2) + ':' : '') +
('0' + minutes).substr(-2) + ':' + ('0' + seconds).substr(-2);
* @param {!media_router.RouteStatus} routeStatus
* @return {string} The value for the icon attribute of the mute/unmute
* button.
* @private
getMuteUnmuteIcon_: function(routeStatus) {
return routeStatus.isMuted ? 'route-controls:volume-off' :
* @param {!media_router.RouteStatus} routeStatus
* @return {string} Localized title for the mute/unmute button.
* @private
getMuteUnmuteTitle_: function(routeStatus) {
return routeStatus.isMuted ? this.i18n('unmuteTitle') :
* @param {!media_router.RouteStatus} routeStatus
* @return {string}The value for the icon attribute of the play/pause button.
* @private
getPlayPauseIcon_: function(routeStatus) {
return routeStatus.playState === media_router.PlayState.PAUSED ?
'route-controls:play-arrow' :
* @param {!media_router.RouteStatus} routeStatus
* @return {string} Localized title for the play/pause button.
* @private
getPlayPauseTitle_: function(routeStatus) {
return routeStatus.playState === media_router.PlayState.PAUSED ?
this.i18n('playTitle') :
* @return {string} Text representing the current position on the seek slider.
* @private
getTimeSliderValueText_: function(displayedCurrentTime) {
if (!this.routeStatus) {
return '';
return `${
} / ${this.getFormattedTime_(this.routeStatus.duration)}`;
* @param {number} volume
* @return {string} The volume as a percentage.
* @private
getVolumeSliderValueText_: function(volume) {
return String(Math.round(volume * 100)) + '%';
* Checks whether the media is still playing, and if so, sends a media status
* update incrementing the current time and schedules another call for a
* second later.
* @private
maybeIncrementCurrentTime_: function() {
if (this.canIncrementCurrentTime_()) {
var updatedCurrentTime = this.routeStatus.currentTime +
Math.floor(( - this.lastStatusUpdate_) / 1000);
this.displayedCurrentTime_ = this.routeStatus.duration === 0 ?
updatedCurrentTime :
Math.min(updatedCurrentTime, this.routeStatus.duration);
if (this.routeStatus.duration === 0 ||
this.displayedCurrentTime_ < this.routeStatus.duration) {
this.timeIncrementsTimeoutId_ =
setTimeout(() => this.maybeIncrementCurrentTime_(), 1000);
} else {
this.timeIncrementsTimeoutId_ = 0;
* Called when the "smooth motion" box for Hangouts is changed by the user.
* @param {!{target: !HTMLElement}} e
* @private
onHangoutsLocalPresentChange_: function(e) {
* Called when the user toggles the mute status of the media. Sends a mute or
* unmute command to the browser.
* @private
onMuteUnmute_: function() {
* Called when the user toggles between playing and pausing the media. Sends a
* play or pause command to the browser.
* @private
onPlayPause_: function() {
if (this.routeStatus.playState === media_router.PlayState.PAUSED) {
} else {
* Updates seek and volume bars if the user is not currently dragging on
* them.
* @param {!media_router.RouteStatus} newRouteStatus
* @private
onRouteStatusChange_: function(newRouteStatus) {
this.lastStatusUpdate_ =;
if (this.shouldAcceptCurrentTimeUpdates_()) {
this.displayedCurrentTime_ = newRouteStatus.currentTime;
if (this.shouldAcceptVolumeUpdates_()) {
const volume = Math.round(newRouteStatus.volume * 100);
this.$['route-volume-slider'].value = volume;
this.displayedVolume_ = volume / 100;
if (!this.initialLoadTime_) {
this.initialLoadTime_ =;
this.initialLoadTime_ - this.routeDetailsOpenTime);
if (this.canIncrementCurrentTime_()) {
this.timeIncrementsTimeoutId_ =
setTimeout(() => this.maybeIncrementCurrentTime_(), 1000);
this.hangoutsLocalPresent_ = !!newRouteStatus.hangoutsExtraData &&
if (newRouteStatus.mirroringExtraData) {
// Manually update the selected value on the
// mirroring-fullscreen-video-dropdown dropbox.
// TODO(imcheng): Avoid doing this by wrapping the dropbox in a Polymer
// template, or introduce <paper-dropdown-menu> to the Polymer library.
this.$['mirroring-fullscreen-video-dropdown'].value =
newRouteStatus.mirroringExtraData.mediaRemotingEnabled ?
this.FullscreenVideoOption_.REMOTE_SCREEN :
this.shouldShowRouteStatusTitle_ = !!newRouteStatus.title &&
newRouteStatus.title != '' &&
newRouteStatus.title != this.routeDescription_;
* Called when the route is updated. Updates the description shown if it has
* not been provided by status updates.
* @param {?media_router.Route} route
* @private
onRouteUpdated_: function(route) {
if (!route) {
if (route) {
this.routeDescription_ = route.description;
/** @private */
updateTime_: function() {
this.displayedCurrentTime_ = this.$['route-time-slider'].value;
if (!this.isSeeking_) {
this.lastSeekByUser_ =;
* @param {!{detail: {value: boolean}}} e
* @private
onSeekingChanged_: function(e) {
this.isSeeking_ = e.detail.value;
/** @private */
onSeekSliderValueChanged_: function() {
/** @private */
updateVolume_: function() {
this.lastVolumeChangeByUser_ =;
const volume = this.$['route-volume-slider'].value / 100;
if (volume == this.displayedVolume_)
this.displayedVolume_ = volume;
* Called when the user updates volume with the slider.
* @private
onVolumeChanged_: function() {
/** @const */ var currentTime =;
// We limit the frequency of volume change requests during dragging to
// limit the number of Mojo calls to the component extension.
if (currentTime - this.lastVolumeChangeByUser_ < 300)
* @param {!{detail: {value: boolean}}} e
* @private
onVolumeDraggingChanged_: function(e) {
if (!!this.isVolumeChanging_ == !!e.detail.value)
this.isVolumeChanging_ = e.detail.value;
if (!this.isVolumeChanging_)
* Called when the value on the mirroring-fullscreen-video-dropdown dropdown
* menu changes.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onFullscreenVideoDropdownChange_: function(e) {
/** @const */ var dropdownValue =
dropdownValue == this.FullscreenVideoOption_.REMOTE_SCREEN);
* Resets the route controls. Called when the route details view is closed.
reset: function() {
this.routeStatus = new media_router.RouteStatus();
* @return {boolean} Whether external current time updates should be reflected
* on the seek slider.
* @private
shouldAcceptCurrentTimeUpdates_: function() {
// Ignore external updates immediately after internal updates, because it's
// likely to just be internal updates coming back from the device, and could
// make the slider knob jump around.
return !this.isSeeking_ && - this.lastSeekByUser_ > 1000;
* @return {boolean} Whether external volume updates should be reflected on
* the volume slider.
* @private
shouldAcceptVolumeUpdates_: function() {
// Ignore external updates immediately after internal updates, because it's
// likely to just be internal updates coming back from the device, and could
// make the slider knob jump around.
return !this.isVolumeChanging_ && - this.lastVolumeChangeByUser_ > 1000;
* If it is currently incrementing the current time shown, then stops doing
* so.
* @private
stopIncrementingCurrentTime_: function() {
if (this.timeIncrementsTimeoutId_) {
this.timeIncrementsTimeoutId_ = 0;