blob: 34f3f3f9d8ae23842ff7a1d02091854a84918004 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlockFlow.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutText.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_bidi_paragraph.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_box_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_line_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_inline_items_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_text_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_text_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_text_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/CachingWordShapeIterator.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/CachingWordShaper.h"
#include "wtf/text/CharacterNames.h"
namespace blink {
NGInlineNode::NGInlineNode(LayoutObject* start_inline,
const ComputedStyle* block_style)
: NGLayoutInputNode(NGLayoutInputNodeType::kLegacyInline),
block_style_(block_style) {
: NGLayoutInputNode(NGLayoutInputNodeType::kLegacyInline),
block_style_(nullptr) {}
NGInlineNode::~NGInlineNode() {}
NGLayoutInlineItemRange NGInlineNode::Items(unsigned start, unsigned end) {
return NGLayoutInlineItemRange(&items_, start, end);
void NGInlineNode::PrepareLayout() {
// Scan list of siblings collecting all in-flow non-atomic inlines. A single
// NGInlineNode represent a collection of adjacent non-atomic inlines.
last_inline_ = start_inline_;
for (LayoutObject* curr = start_inline_; curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
last_inline_ = curr;
CollectInlines(start_inline_, last_inline_);
if (is_bidi_enabled_)
// Depth-first-scan of all LayoutInline and LayoutText nodes that make up this
// NGInlineNode object. Collects LayoutText items, merging them up into the
// parent LayoutInline where possible, and joining all text content in a single
// string to allow bidi resolution and shaping of the entire block.
void NGInlineNode::CollectInlines(LayoutObject* start, LayoutObject* last) {
NGLayoutInlineItemsBuilder builder(&items_);
CollectInlines(start, last, &builder);
text_content_ = builder.ToString();
is_bidi_enabled_ = !text_content_.isEmpty() &&
!(text_content_.is8Bit() && !builder.HasBidiControls());
void NGInlineNode::CollectInlines(LayoutObject* start,
LayoutObject* last,
NGLayoutInlineItemsBuilder* builder) {
LayoutObject* node = start;
while (node) {
if (node->isText()) {
builder->Append(toLayoutText(node)->text(), node->style(), node);
} else if (node->isFloating() || node->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// Skip positioned objects.
} else if (!node->isInline()) {
// TODO(kojii): Implement when inline has block children.
} else {
// For atomic inlines add a unicode "object replacement character" to
// signal the presence of a non-text object to the unicode bidi algorithm.
if (node->isAtomicInlineLevel()) {
builder->Append(objectReplacementCharacter, nullptr, node);
// Otherwise traverse to children if they exist.
else if (LayoutObject* child = node->slowFirstChild()) {
node = child;
while (true) {
if (LayoutObject* next = node->nextSibling()) {
node = next;
node = node->parent();
if (node == start || node == start->parent())
void NGInlineNode::SegmentText() {
// TODO(kojii): Move this to caller, this will be used again after line break.
NGBidiParagraph bidi;
if (!bidi.SetParagraph(text_content_, block_style_.get())) {
// On failure, give up bidi resolving and reordering.
is_bidi_enabled_ = false;
if (bidi.Direction() == UBIDI_LTR) {
// All runs are LTR, no need to reorder.
is_bidi_enabled_ = false;
unsigned item_index = 0;
for (unsigned start = 0; start < text_content_.length();) {
UBiDiLevel level;
unsigned end = bidi.GetLogicalRun(start, &level);
DCHECK_EQ(items_[item_index].start_offset_, start);
item_index =
NGLayoutInlineItem::SetBidiLevel(items_, item_index, end, level);
start = end;
DCHECK_EQ(item_index, items_.size());
// Set bidi level to a list of NGLayoutInlineItem from |index| to the item that
// ends with |end_offset|.
// If |end_offset| is mid of an item, the item is split to ensure each item has
// one bidi level.
// @param items The list of NGLayoutInlineItem.
// @param index The first index of the list to set.
// @param end_offset The exclusive end offset to set.
// @param level The level to set.
// @return The index of the next item.
unsigned NGLayoutInlineItem::SetBidiLevel(Vector<NGLayoutInlineItem>& items,
unsigned index,
unsigned end_offset,
UBiDiLevel level) {
for (; items[index].end_offset_ < end_offset; index++)
items[index].bidi_level_ = level;
items[index].bidi_level_ = level;
if (items[index].end_offset_ > end_offset)
Split(items, index, end_offset);
return index + 1;
// Split |items[index]| to 2 items at |offset|.
// All properties other than offsets are copied to the new item and it is
// inserted at |items[index + 1]|.
// @param items The list of NGLayoutInlineItem.
// @param index The index to split.
// @param offset The offset to split at.
void NGLayoutInlineItem::Split(Vector<NGLayoutInlineItem>& items,
unsigned index,
unsigned offset) {
DCHECK_GT(offset, items[index].start_offset_);
DCHECK_LT(offset, items[index].end_offset_);
items.insert(index + 1, items[index]);
items[index].end_offset_ = offset;
items[index + 1].start_offset_ = offset;
void NGLayoutInlineItem::SetEndOffset(unsigned end_offset) {
DCHECK_GE(end_offset, start_offset_);
end_offset_ = end_offset;
LayoutUnit NGLayoutInlineItem::InlineSize() const {
LayoutUnit inline_size;
for (const auto& result : shape_results_)
inline_size += result->width();
return inline_size;
void NGInlineNode::ShapeText() {
// TODO(layout-dev): Should pass the entire range to the shaper as context
// and then shape each item based on the relevant font.
for (auto& item : items_) {
// Skip object replacement characters and bidi control characters.
if (!item.style_)
StringView item_text(text_content_, item.start_offset_,
item.end_offset_ - item.start_offset_);
const Font& item_font = item.style_->font();
ShapeCache* shape_cache = item_font.shapeCache();
TextRun item_run(item_text);
CachingWordShapeIterator iterator(shape_cache, item_run, &item_font);
RefPtr<const ShapeResult> word_result;
while ( {
NGPhysicalFragment* NGInlineNode::Layout(NGConstraintSpace*) {
return nullptr;
void NGInlineNode::LayoutInline(NGConstraintSpace* constraint_space,
NGLineBuilder* line_builder) {
// NOTE: We don't need to change the coordinate system here as we are an
// inline.
NGConstraintSpace* child_constraint_space =
NGTextLayoutAlgorithm(this, child_constraint_space)
NGInlineNode* NGInlineNode::NextSibling() {
if (!next_sibling_) {
LayoutObject* next_sibling =
last_inline_ ? last_inline_->nextSibling() : nullptr;
next_sibling_ = next_sibling
? new NGInlineNode(next_sibling, block_style_.get())
: nullptr;
return next_sibling_;
LayoutObject* NGInlineNode::GetLayoutObject() {
return GetLayoutBlockFlow();
// Find the first LayoutBlockFlow in the ancestor chain of |start_inilne_|.
LayoutBlockFlow* NGInlineNode::GetLayoutBlockFlow() const {
for (LayoutObject* layout_object = start_inline_->parent(); layout_object;
layout_object = layout_object->parent()) {
if (layout_object->isLayoutBlockFlow())
return toLayoutBlockFlow(layout_object);
return nullptr;
// Compute the delta of text offsets between NGInlineNode and LayoutText.
// This map is needed to produce InlineTextBox since its offsets are to
// LayoutText.
// TODO(kojii): Since NGInlineNode has text after whitespace collapsed, the
// length may not match with LayoutText. This function updates LayoutText to
// match, but this needs more careful coding, if we keep copying to layoutobject
// tree.
void NGInlineNode::GetLayoutTextOffsets(
Vector<unsigned, 32>* text_offsets_out) {
LayoutText* current_text = nullptr;
unsigned current_offset = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) {
const NGLayoutInlineItem& item = items_[i];
LayoutObject* next_object = item.GetLayoutObject();
LayoutText* next_text = next_object && next_object->isText()
? toLayoutText(next_object)
: nullptr;
if (next_text != current_text) {
if (current_text &&
current_text->textLength() != item.StartOffset() - current_offset) {
current_text->setText(Text(current_offset, item.StartOffset()).impl());
current_text = next_text;
current_offset = item.StartOffset();
(*text_offsets_out)[i] = current_offset;
if (current_text &&
current_text->textLength() != text_content_.length() - current_offset) {
current_text->setText(Text(current_offset, text_content_.length()).impl());
Vector<NGLayoutInlineItem>* items,
unsigned start_index,
unsigned end_index)
: start_item_(&(*items)[start_index]),
size_(end_index - start_index),
start_index_(start_index) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(start_index <= end_index && end_index <= items->size());
} // namespace blink