blob: 634894e77f74c86723304a3b43cb3edd6bbd20b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# We use a special toolchain to build nacl_helper_bootstrap. This
# seems a bit excessive for compiling one source file. But it is
# the most reasonable way to instantiate the configs with different
# settings such as use_gold=false. The minimal set of configs used
# for that file (see below) will sometimes try to use the switch
# -gsplit-dwarf under use_gold=true. But without some other configs
# that add a -B option pointing at a custom-built binutils, on some
# builders (e.g. on older bots) Clang will fail with -gsplit-dwarf.
# Fortunately, -gsplit-dwarf is pointless for this build anyway
# since there is just one small file. And we're not actually using
# Gold for the link, so use_gold=true is a false statement and might
# cause other problems.
here = get_label_info(".", "dir")
bootstrap_toolchain = here + "/toolchain:nacl_bootstrap_" + target_cpu
compiler = "g++"
if (default_toolchain == "//build/toolchain/cros:target") {
bootstrap_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/cros:nacl_bootstrap"
compiler = cros_target_cxx
} else if (current_cpu == "arm" && !is_android) {
compiler = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++"
} else if (current_cpu == "mipsel" && !is_android) {
compiler = "mipsel-linux-gnu-g++"
if (current_toolchain == bootstrap_toolchain) {
bootstrap_lib_path = "$target_out_dir/libnacl_bootstrap_lib.a"
bootstrap_raw_path = "$target_out_dir/nacl_bootstrap_raw"
bootstrap_exe_path = "$root_out_dir/nacl_helper_bootstrap"
linker_script_path = rebase_path("nacl_bootstrap.x")
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
nacl_reserve_top = "0x0"
linker_emulation = "elf_x86_64"
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
nacl_reserve_top = "0x40000000"
linker_emulation = "elf_i386"
if (current_cpu == "arm") {
nacl_reserve_top = "0x40002000"
linker_emulation = "armelf_linux_eabi"
if (current_cpu == "mipsel") {
nacl_reserve_top = "0x40008000"
linker_emulation = "elf32ltsmip"
static_library("nacl_bootstrap_lib") {
# This code has very specific requirements related to its static
# linking and minimal libc use. It cannot support the normal variety
# of build configs that the rest of the code is built with. So it
# resets the list of configsto empty, and then builds up from scratch
# using only the basics that work here.
configs = []
configs += [
include_dirs = [ "//" ]
cflags = [
# These might be the defaults in the compiler configuration,
# but we want them all disabled for this build.
sources = [
deps = [
action("nacl_bootstrap_raw") {
deps = [
script = ""
sources = [
outputs = [
args = [
# This program is (almost) entirely
# standalone. It has its own startup code, so
# no crt1.o for it. It is statically linked,
# and on x86 it does not use libc at all.
# However, on ARM it needs a few (safe) things
# from libc.
# On x86-64, the default page size with some linkers is 2M
# rather than the real Linux page size of 4K. And on ARM, the
# default page size is 32K. A larger page size is
# incompatible with our custom linker script's special layout.
# NOTE: It's important that this option come before --script!
# Link with custom linker script for special
# layout. The script uses the symbol RESERVE_TOP.
"RESERVE_TOP=" + nacl_reserve_top,
"--script=" + rebase_path(linker_script_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(bootstrap_raw_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(bootstrap_lib_path, root_build_dir),
action("munge_nacl_helper_bootstrap") {
deps = [
script = ""
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = rebase_path(inputs + outputs, root_build_dir)
} else if (is_linux) {
copy("bootstrap") {
bootstrap = ":munge_nacl_helper_bootstrap($bootstrap_toolchain)"
bootstrap_out_dir = get_label_info(bootstrap, "root_out_dir")
deps = [
sources = [
outputs = [
# Mark the compiler arg as used.
compiler = compiler