blob: caebf67a7e0ff28c7b5bfbcaee1846532ae0126f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if !defined(OS_WIN)
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace crash_reporter {
class CrashReporterClient;
// Setter and getter for the client. The client should be set early, before any
// crash reporter code is called, and should stay alive throughout the entire
// runtime.
void SetCrashReporterClient(CrashReporterClient* client);
// The components's embedder API should only be used by the component.
CrashReporterClient* GetCrashReporterClient();
// Interface that the embedder implements.
class CrashReporterClient {
virtual ~CrashReporterClient();
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Sets the crash reporting client ID, a unique identifier for the client
// that is sending crash reports. After it is set, it should not be changed.
// |client_guid| may either be a full GUID or a GUID that was already stripped
// from its dashes.
// On macOS, Windows, and Android this is the responsibility of Crashpad, and
// can not be set directly by the client.
virtual void SetCrashReporterClientIdFromGUID(const std::string& client_guid);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Returns true if the pipe name to connect to breakpad should be computed and
// stored in the process's environment block. By default, returns true for the
// "browser" process.
virtual bool ShouldCreatePipeName(const base::string16& process_type);
// Returns true if an alternative location to store the minidump files was
// specified. Returns true if |crash_dir| was set.
virtual bool GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation(base::string16* crash_dir);
// Returns a textual description of the product type and version to include
// in the crash report.
virtual void GetProductNameAndVersion(const base::string16& exe_path,
base::string16* product_name,
base::string16* version,
base::string16* special_build,
base::string16* channel_name);
// Returns true if a restart dialog should be displayed. In that case,
// |message| and |title| are set to a message to display in a dialog box with
// the given title before restarting, and |is_rtl_locale| indicates whether
// to display the text as RTL.
virtual bool ShouldShowRestartDialog(base::string16* title,
base::string16* message,
bool* is_rtl_locale);
// Returns true if it is ok to restart the application. Invoked right before
// restarting after a crash.
virtual bool AboutToRestart();
// Returns true if the crash report uploader supports deferred uploads.
virtual bool GetDeferredUploadsSupported(bool is_per_user_install);
// Returns true if the running binary is a per-user installation.
virtual bool GetIsPerUserInstall();
// Returns true if larger crash dumps should be dumped.
virtual bool GetShouldDumpLargerDumps();
// Returns the result code to return when breakpad failed to respawn a
// crashed process.
virtual int GetResultCodeRespawnFailed();
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
// Returns a textual description of the product type and version to include
// in the crash report. Neither out parameter should be set to NULL.
// TODO(jperaza): Remove the 2-parameter overload of this method once all
// Linux-ish breakpad clients have transitioned to crashpad.
virtual void GetProductNameAndVersion(const char** product_name,
const char** version);
virtual void GetProductNameAndVersion(std::string* product_name,
std::string* version,
std::string* channel);
virtual base::FilePath GetReporterLogFilename();
// Custom crash minidump handler after the minidump is generated.
// Returns true if the minidump is handled (client); otherwise, return false
// to fallback to default handler.
// WARNING: this handler runs in a compromised context. It may not call into
// libc nor allocate memory normally.
virtual bool HandleCrashDump(const char* crashdump_filename);
// The location where minidump files should be written. Returns true if
// |crash_dir| was set. Windows has to use base::string16 because this code
// needs to work in chrome_elf, where only kernel32.dll is allowed, and
// base::FilePath and its dependencies pull in other DLLs.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
virtual bool GetCrashDumpLocation(base::string16* crash_dir);
virtual bool GetCrashDumpLocation(base::FilePath* crash_dir);
// The location where metrics files should be written. Returns true if
// |metrics_dir| was set. Windows has to use base::string16 because this code
// needs to work in chrome_elf, where only kernel32.dll is allowed, and
// base::FilePath and its dependencies pull in other DLLs.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
virtual bool GetCrashMetricsLocation(base::string16* metrics_dir);
virtual bool GetCrashMetricsLocation(base::FilePath* metrics_dir);
virtual bool UseCrashKeysWhiteList();
// Returns a NULL-terminated array of crash keys to whitelist.
virtual const char* const* GetCrashKeyWhiteList();
// Returns true if running in unattended mode (for automated testing).
virtual bool IsRunningUnattended();
// Returns true if the user has given consent to collect stats.
virtual bool GetCollectStatsConsent();
// Returns true if the client is currently in the chosen sample that will
// report stats and crashes. Crashes should only be reported if this function
// returns true and GetCollectStatsConsent returns true.
virtual bool GetCollectStatsInSample();
// Returns true if crash reporting is enforced via management policies. In
// that case, |breakpad_enabled| is set to the value enforced by policies.
virtual bool ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(bool* breakpad_enabled);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Used by WebView to sample crashes without generating the unwanted dumps. If
// the returned value is less than 100, crash dumping will be sampled to that
// percentage.
virtual unsigned int GetCrashDumpPercentageForWebView();
// Returns true if |ptype| was set to a value to override the default `ptype`
// annotation used for the browser process.
virtual bool GetBrowserProcessType(std::string* ptype);
// Returns the descriptor key of the android minidump global descriptor.
virtual int GetAndroidMinidumpDescriptor();
// Returns the file descriptor of the pipe used to inform apps of
// webview renderer crashes.
virtual int GetAndroidCrashSignalFD();
// Returns true if breakpad microdumps should be enabled. This orthogonal to
// the standard minidump uploader (which depends on the user consent).
virtual bool ShouldEnableBreakpadMicrodumps();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_LINUX)
// Configures sanitization of crash dumps.
// |annotations_whitelist| is a nullptr terminated array of NUL-terminated
// strings of allowed annotation names or nullptr if all annotations are
// allowed. |target_module| is a pointer to a location inside a module to
// target or nullptr if there is no target module. Crash dumps are not
// produced when the crashing thread's stack and program counter do not
// reference the target module. |sanitize_stacks| is true if stacks should be
// sanitized for possible PII. If they are sanitized, only small integers and
// pointers to modules and stacks will be preserved.
virtual void GetSanitizationInformation(
const char* const** annotations_whitelist,
void** target_module,
bool* sanitize_stacks);
// This method should return true to configure a crash reporter capable of
// monitoring itself for its own crashes to do so, even if self-monitoring
// would be expensive. "Expensive" self-monitoring dedicates an additional
// crash handler process to handle the crashes of the initial crash handler
// process.
// In some cases, inexpensive self-monitoring may also be available. When it
// is, it may be used when this method returns false. If only expensive
// self-monitoring is available, returning false from this function will
// prevent the crash handler process from being monitored for crashes at all.
// The default implementation returns false.
virtual bool ShouldMonitorCrashHandlerExpensively();
// Returns true if breakpad should run in the given process type.
virtual bool EnableBreakpadForProcess(const std::string& process_type);
} // namespace crash_reporter