blob: d319fca81385f85e713bffb2ecee70a928341b0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/crostini/crostini_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/component_updater/cros_component_installer_chromeos.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/app_launch_params.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cicerone/cicerone_service.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cicerone_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/concierge/service.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/concierge_client.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "device/usb/public/mojom/device_manager.mojom.h"
#include "device/usb/public/mojom/device_manager_client.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
class Profile;
namespace crostini {
// Result types for CrostiniManager::StartTerminaVmCallback etc.
enum class CrostiniResult {
enum class InstallLinuxPackageProgressStatus {
enum class VmState {
enum class UninstallPackageProgressStatus {
UNINSTALLING, // In progress
enum class ExportContainerProgressStatus {
enum class ImportContainerProgressStatus {
struct VmInfo {
VmState state;
vm_tools::concierge::VmInfo info;
struct ContainerInfo {
ContainerInfo(std::string name, std::string username, std::string homedir);
ContainerInfo(const ContainerInfo&);
std::string name;
std::string username;
base::FilePath homedir;
bool sshfs_mounted = false;
// Return type when getting app icons from within a container.
struct Icon {
std::string desktop_file_id;
// Icon file content in PNG format.
std::string content;
struct LinuxPackageInfo {
LinuxPackageInfo(const LinuxPackageInfo&);
bool success;
// A textual reason for the failure, only set when success is false.
std::string failure_reason;
// The remaining fields are only set when success is true.
// package_id is given as "name;version;arch;data".
std::string package_id;
std::string name;
std::string version;
std::string summary;
std::string description;
class LinuxPackageOperationProgressObserver {
// A successfully started package install will continually fire progress
// events until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED or FAILED. The
// |progress_percent| field is given as a percentage of the given step,
virtual void OnInstallLinuxPackageProgress(
const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
InstallLinuxPackageProgressStatus status,
int progress_percent) = 0;
// A successfully started package uninstall will continually fire progress
// events until it returns a status of SUCCEEDED or FAILED.
virtual void OnUninstallPackageProgress(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
UninstallPackageProgressStatus status,
int progress_percent) = 0;
class ExportContainerProgressObserver {
// A successfully started container export will continually fire progress
// events until the original callback from ExportLxdContainer is invoked with
virtual void OnExportContainerProgress(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
ExportContainerProgressStatus status,
int progress_percent,
uint64_t progress_speed) = 0;
class ImportContainerProgressObserver {
// A successfully started container import will continually fire progress
// events until the original callback from ImportLxdContainer is invoked with
virtual void OnImportContainerProgress(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
ImportContainerProgressStatus status,
int progress_percent,
uint64_t progress_speed) = 0;
// CrostiniManager is a singleton which is used to check arguments for
// ConciergeClient and CiceroneClient. ConciergeClient is dedicated to
// communication with the Concierge service, CiceroneClient is dedicated to
// communication with the Cicerone service and both should remain as thin as
// possible. The existence of Cicerone is abstracted behind this class and
// only the Concierge name is exposed outside of here.
class CrostiniManager : public KeyedService,
public chromeos::ConciergeClient::Observer,
public chromeos::CiceroneClient::Observer,
public device::mojom::UsbDeviceManagerClient {
using CrostiniResultCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CrostiniResult result)>;
using BoolCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::StartConcierge.
using StartConciergeCallback = BoolCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::StopConcierge.
using StopConciergeCallback = BoolCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::StartTerminaVm.
using StartTerminaVmCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::CreateDiskImage.
using CreateDiskImageCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CrostiniResult result,
const base::FilePath& disk_path)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::DestroyDiskImage.
using DestroyDiskImageCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::ListVmDisks.
using ListVmDisksCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CrostiniResult result, int64_t total_size)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::StopVm.
using StopVmCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::StartContainer.
using StartContainerCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::ShutdownContainer.
using ShutdownContainerCallback = base::OnceClosure;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::LaunchContainerApplication.
using LaunchContainerApplicationCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::GetContainerAppIcons.
using GetContainerAppIconsCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CrostiniResult result,
const std::vector<Icon>& icons)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::GetLinuxPackageInfo.
using GetLinuxPackageInfoCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const LinuxPackageInfo&)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::InstallLinuxPackage.
using InstallLinuxPackageCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::UninstallPackageOwningFile.
using UninstallPackageOwningFileCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::GetContainerSshKeys.
using GetContainerSshKeysCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(CrostiniResult result,
const std::string& container_public_key,
const std::string& host_private_key,
const std::string& hostname)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::RestartCrostini.
using RestartCrostiniCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::RemoveCrostini.
using RemoveCrostiniCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::AttachUsbDevice
using AttachUsbDeviceCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::DetachUsbDevice
using DetachUsbDeviceCallback = CrostiniResultCallback;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::ListUsbDevices
using ListUsbDevicesCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
CrostiniResult result,
std::vector<device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr> devices)>;
// The type of the callback for CrostiniManager::SearchApp.
using SearchAppCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<std::string>& package_names)>;
using AbortRestartCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
// Observer class for the Crostini restart flow.
class RestartObserver {
virtual ~RestartObserver() {}
virtual void OnComponentLoaded(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnConciergeStarted(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnDiskImageCreated(CrostiniResult result,
vm_tools::concierge::DiskImageStatus status,
int64_t disk_size_available) = 0;
virtual void OnVmStarted(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnContainerDownloading(int32_t download_percent) = 0;
virtual void OnContainerCreated(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnContainerStarted(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnContainerSetup(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
virtual void OnSshKeysFetched(CrostiniResult result) = 0;
static CrostiniManager* GetForProfile(Profile* profile);
explicit CrostiniManager(Profile* profile);
~CrostiniManager() override;
// Returns true if the cros-termina component is installed.
static bool IsCrosTerminaInstalled();
// Returns true if the /dev/kvm directory is present.
static bool IsDevKvmPresent();
// Generate the URL for Crostini terminal application.
static GURL GenerateVshInCroshUrl(
Profile* profile,
const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& terminal_args);
// Generate AppLaunchParams for the Crostini terminal application.
static AppLaunchParams GenerateTerminalAppLaunchParams(Profile* profile);
// Upgrades cros-termina component if the current version is not compatible.
void MaybeUpgradeCrostini();
// Installs the current version of cros-termina component. Attempts to apply
// pending upgrades if a MaybeUpgradeCrostini failed.
void InstallTerminaComponent(CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Unloads and removes the cros-termina component. Returns success/failure.
bool UninstallTerminaComponent();
// Starts the Concierge service. |callback| is called after the method call
// finishes.
void StartConcierge(StartConciergeCallback callback);
// Stops the Concierge service. |callback| is called after the method call
// finishes.
void StopConcierge(StopConciergeCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for creating a new Termina VM disk image. Creates a
// disk image for a Termina VM via ConciergeClient::CreateDiskImage.
// |callback| is called if the arguments are bad, or after the method call
// finishes.
void CreateDiskImage(
// The path to the disk image, including the name of
// the image itself. The image name should match the
// name of the VM that it will be used for.
const base::FilePath& disk_path,
// The storage location for the disk image
vm_tools::concierge::StorageLocation storage_location,
// The logical size of the disk image, in bytes
int64_t disk_size_bytes,
CreateDiskImageCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for destroying a named Termina VM disk image.
// Removes the named Termina VM via ConciergeClient::DestroyDiskImage.
// |callback| is called if the arguments are bad, or after the method call
// finishes.
void DestroyDiskImage(
// The path to the disk image, including the name of
// the image itself.
const base::FilePath& disk_path,
// The storage location of the disk image
vm_tools::concierge::StorageLocation storage_location,
DestroyDiskImageCallback callback);
void ListVmDisks(ListVmDisksCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for starting a Termina VM. Starts a Termina VM via
// ConciergeClient::StartTerminaVm. |callback| is called if the arguments
// are bad, or after the method call finishes.
void StartTerminaVm(
// The human-readable name to be assigned to this VM.
std::string name,
// Path to the disk image on the host.
const base::FilePath& disk_path,
StartTerminaVmCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for stopping a Termina VM. Stops the Termina VM via
// ConciergeClient::StopVm. |callback| is called if the arguments are bad,
// or after the method call finishes.
void StopVm(std::string name, StopVmCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for creating an Lxd container via
// CiceroneClient::CreateLxdContainer. |callback| is called immediately if the
// arguments are bad, or once the container has been created.
void CreateLxdContainer(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for deleting an Lxd container via
// CiceroneClient::DeleteLxdContainer. |callback| is called immediately if the
// arguments are bad, or once the container has been deleted.
void DeleteLxdContainer(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for starting an Lxd container via
// CiceroneClient::StartLxdContainer. |callback| is called immediately if the
// arguments are bad, or once the container has been created.
void StartLxdContainer(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for setting up an Lxd container user via
// CiceroneClient::SetUpLxdContainerUser. |callback| is called immediately if
// the arguments are bad, or once garcon has been started.
void SetUpLxdContainerUser(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::string container_username,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for exporting an Lxd container via
// CiceroneClient::ExportLxdContainer. |callback| is called immediately if the
// arguments are bad, or after the method call finishes.
void ExportLxdContainer(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
base::FilePath export_path,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Checks the arguments for importing an Lxd container via
// CiceroneClient::ImportLxdContainer. |callback| is called immediately if the
// arguments are bad, or after the method call finishes.
void ImportLxdContainer(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
base::FilePath import_path,
CrostiniResultCallback callback);
// Asynchronously launches an app as specified by its desktop file id.
// |callback| is called with SUCCESS when the relevant process is started
// or LAUNCH_CONTAINER_APPLICATION_FAILED if there was an error somewhere.
void LaunchContainerApplication(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::string desktop_file_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& files,
bool display_scaled,
LaunchContainerApplicationCallback callback);
// Asynchronously gets app icons as specified by their desktop file ids.
// |callback| is called after the method call finishes.
void GetContainerAppIcons(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::vector<std::string> desktop_file_ids,
int icon_size,
int scale,
GetContainerAppIconsCallback callback);
// Asynchronously retrieve information about a Linux Package (.deb) inside the
// container.
void GetLinuxPackageInfo(Profile* profile,
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::string package_path,
GetLinuxPackageInfoCallback callback);
// Asynchronously retrieve information about a Linux Package in the APT
// repository. This uses a package_name to identify a package.
void GetLinuxPackageInfoFromApt(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
const std::string& package_name,
GetLinuxPackageInfoCallback callback);
// Begin installation of a Linux Package inside the container. If the
// installation is successfully started, further updates will be sent to
// added LinuxPackageOperationProgressObservers.
void InstallLinuxPackage(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::string package_path,
InstallLinuxPackageCallback callback);
// Begin installation of a Linux Package inside the container. If the
// installation is successfully started, further updates will be sent to
// added LinuxPackageOperationProgressObservers. Uses a package_id, given
// by "package_name;version;arch;data", to identify the package to install
// from the APT repository.
void InstallLinuxPackageFromApt(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
const std::string& package_id,
InstallLinuxPackageCallback callback);
// Begin uninstallation of a Linux Package inside the container. The package
// is identified by its associated .desktop file's ID; we don't use package_id
// to avoid problems with stale package_ids (such as after upgrades). If the
// uninstallation is successfully started, further updates will be sent to
// added LinuxPackageOperationProgressObservers.
void UninstallPackageOwningFile(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
std::string desktop_file_id,
UninstallPackageOwningFileCallback callback);
// Asynchronously gets SSH server public key of container and trusted SSH
// client private key which can be used to connect to the container.
// |callback| is called after the method call finishes.
void GetContainerSshKeys(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
GetContainerSshKeysCallback callback);
void AttachUsbDevice(const std::string& vm_name,
device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device,
AttachUsbDeviceCallback callback);
void DetachUsbDevice(const std::string& vm_name,
device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device,
DetachUsbDeviceCallback callback);
void ListUsbDevices(const std::string& vm_name,
ListUsbDevicesCallback callback);
// Create the crosh-in-a-window that displays a shell in an container on a VM.
static Browser* CreateContainerTerminal(const AppLaunchParams& launch_params,
const GURL& vsh_in_crosh_url);
// Shows the already created crosh-in-a-window that displays a shell in an
// already running container on a VM.
static void ShowContainerTerminal(const AppLaunchParams& launch_params,
const GURL& vsh_in_crosh_url,
Browser* browser);
// Launches the crosh-in-a-window that displays a shell in an already running
// container on a VM and passes |terminal_args| as parameters to that shell
// which will cause them to be executed as program inside that shell.
void LaunchContainerTerminal(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& terminal_args);
// Searches for not installed packages that have names matching the passed
// plaintext search query and returns a vector containing their names.
void SearchApp(const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name,
const std::string& query,
SearchAppCallback callback);
using RestartId = int;
static const RestartId kUninitializedRestartId = -1;
// Runs all the steps required to restart the given crostini vm and container.
// The optional |observer| tracks progress.
RestartId RestartCrostini(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
RestartCrostiniCallback callback,
RestartObserver* observer = nullptr);
// Aborts a restart. A "next" restarter with the same <vm_name,
// container_name> will run, if there is one. |callback| will be called once
// the restart has finished aborting
void AbortRestartCrostini(RestartId restart_id,
AbortRestartCallback callback);
// Returns true if the Restart corresponding to |restart_id| is not yet
// complete.
bool IsRestartPending(RestartId restart_id);
// Adds a callback to receive notification of container shutdown.
void AddShutdownContainerCallback(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
ShutdownContainerCallback shutdown_callback);
// Adds a callback to receive uninstall notification.
void AddRemoveCrostiniCallback(RemoveCrostiniCallback remove_callback);
// Add/remove observers for package install and uninstall progress.
void AddLinuxPackageOperationProgressObserver(
LinuxPackageOperationProgressObserver* observer);
void RemoveLinuxPackageOperationProgressObserver(
LinuxPackageOperationProgressObserver* observer);
// Add/remove observers for container export/import.
void AddExportContainerProgressObserver(
ExportContainerProgressObserver* observer);
void RemoveExportContainerProgressObserver(
ExportContainerProgressObserver* observer);
void AddImportContainerProgressObserver(
ImportContainerProgressObserver* observer);
void RemoveImportContainerProgressObserver(
ImportContainerProgressObserver* observer);
// ConciergeClient::Observer:
void OnContainerStartupFailed(
const vm_tools::concierge::ContainerStartedSignal& signal) override;
// CiceroneClient::Observer:
void OnContainerStarted(
const vm_tools::cicerone::ContainerStartedSignal& signal) override;
void OnContainerShutdown(
const vm_tools::cicerone::ContainerShutdownSignal& signal) override;
void OnInstallLinuxPackageProgress(
const vm_tools::cicerone::InstallLinuxPackageProgressSignal& signal)
void OnUninstallPackageProgress(
const vm_tools::cicerone::UninstallPackageProgressSignal& signal)
void OnLxdContainerCreated(
const vm_tools::cicerone::LxdContainerCreatedSignal& signal) override;
void OnLxdContainerDeleted(
const vm_tools::cicerone::LxdContainerDeletedSignal& signal) override;
void OnLxdContainerDownloading(
const vm_tools::cicerone::LxdContainerDownloadingSignal& signal) override;
void OnTremplinStarted(
const vm_tools::cicerone::TremplinStartedSignal& signal) override;
void OnLxdContainerStarting(
const vm_tools::cicerone::LxdContainerStartingSignal& signal) override;
void OnExportLxdContainerProgress(
const vm_tools::cicerone::ExportLxdContainerProgressSignal& signal)
void OnImportLxdContainerProgress(
const vm_tools::cicerone::ImportLxdContainerProgressSignal& signal)
void RemoveCrostini(std::string vm_name,
RemoveCrostiniCallback callback);
void SetVmState(std::string vm_name, VmState vm_state);
bool IsVmRunning(std::string vm_name);
// Returns null if VM is not running.
base::Optional<VmInfo> GetVmInfo(std::string vm_name);
void AddRunningVmForTesting(std::string vm_name);
void SetContainerSshfsMounted(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name);
// Returns null if VM or container is not running.
base::Optional<ContainerInfo> GetContainerInfo(std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name);
void AddRunningContainerForTesting(std::string vm_name, ContainerInfo info);
// If the Crostini reporting policy is set, save the last app launch
// time window and the Termina version in prefs for asynchronous reporting.
void UpdateLaunchMetricsForEnterpriseReporting();
// Clear the lists of running VMs and containers.
// Can be called for testing to skip restart.
void set_skip_restart_for_testing() { skip_restart_for_testing_ = true; }
bool skip_restart_for_testing() { return skip_restart_for_testing_; }
void set_component_manager_load_error_for_testing(
component_updater::CrOSComponentManager::Error error) {
component_manager_load_error_for_testing_ = error;
// device::mojom::UsbDeviceManagerClient::
void OnDeviceAdded(device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device_info) override;
void OnDeviceRemoved(device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device_info) override;
void SetUsbManagerForTesting(device::mojom::UsbDeviceManagerPtr usb_manager);
class CrostiniRestarter;
// Callback for ConciergeClient::CreateDiskImage. Called after the Concierge
// service method finishes.
void OnCreateDiskImage(
CreateDiskImageCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::CreateDiskImageResponse> reply);
// Callback for ConciergeClient::DestroyDiskImage. Called after the Concierge
// service method finishes.
void OnDestroyDiskImage(
DestroyDiskImageCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::DestroyDiskImageResponse> reply);
// Callback for ConciergeClient::ListVmDisks. Called after the Concierge
// service method finishes.
void OnListVmDisks(
ListVmDisksCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::ListVmDisksResponse> reply);
// Callback for ConciergeClient::StartTerminaVm. Called after the Concierge
// service method finishes. Updates running containers list then calls the
// |callback| if the container has already been started, otherwise passes the
// callback to OnStartTremplin.
void OnStartTerminaVm(
std::string vm_name,
StartTerminaVmCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::StartVmResponse> reply);
// Callback for ConciergeClient::TremplinStartedSignal. Called after the
// Tremplin service starts. Updates running containers list and then calls the
// |callback|.
void OnStartTremplin(std::string vm_name,
StartTerminaVmCallback callback,
CrostiniResult result);
// Callback for ConciergeClient::StopVm. Called after the Concierge
// service method finishes.
void OnStopVm(std::string vm_name,
StopVmCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::StopVmResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::InstallCrostiniComponent. Must be called on
// the UI thread.
void OnInstallTerminaComponent(
CrostiniResultCallback callback,
bool is_update_checked,
component_updater::CrOSComponentManager::Error error,
const base::FilePath& result);
// Callback for CrostiniClient::StartConcierge. Called after the
// DebugDaemon service method finishes.
void OnStartConcierge(StartConciergeCallback callback, bool success);
// Callback for CrostiniClient::StopConcierge. Called after the
// DebugDaemon service method finishes.
void OnStopConcierge(StopConciergeCallback callback, bool success);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::CreateLxdContainer. May indicate the container
// is still being created, in which case we will wait for an
// OnLxdContainerCreated event.
void OnCreateLxdContainer(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::CreateLxdContainerResponse> reply);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::DeleteLxdContainer.
void OnDeleteLxdContainer(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::DeleteLxdContainerResponse> reply);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::StartLxdContainer.
void OnStartLxdContainer(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::StartLxdContainerResponse> reply);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::SetUpLxdContainerUser.
void OnSetUpLxdContainerUser(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
CrostiniResultCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::SetUpLxdContainerUserResponse> reply);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::ExportLxdContainer.
void OnExportLxdContainer(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::ExportLxdContainerResponse> reply);
// Callback for CiceroneClient::ImportLxdContainer.
void OnImportLxdContainer(
std::string vm_name,
std::string container_name,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::ImportLxdContainerResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::LaunchContainerApplication.
void OnLaunchContainerApplication(
LaunchContainerApplicationCallback callback,
// Callback for CrostiniManager::GetContainerAppIcons. Called after the
// Concierge service finishes.
void OnGetContainerAppIcons(
GetContainerAppIconsCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::ContainerAppIconResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::GetLinuxPackageInfo and
// CrostiniManager::GetLinuxPackageInfoFromApt.
void OnGetLinuxPackageInfo(
GetLinuxPackageInfoCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::LinuxPackageInfoResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::InstallLinuxPackage.
void OnInstallLinuxPackage(
InstallLinuxPackageCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::InstallLinuxPackageResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::UninstallPackageOwningFile.
void OnUninstallPackageOwningFile(
UninstallPackageOwningFileCallback callback,
// Callback for CrostiniManager::GetContainerSshKeys. Called after the
// Concierge service finishes.
void OnGetContainerSshKeys(
GetContainerSshKeysCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::ContainerSshKeysResponse> reply);
void OnUsbDeviceOpened(AttachUsbDeviceCallback callback,
device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device,
const std::string& vm_name,
base::File file);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::OnAttachUsbDeviceOpen
void OnAttachUsbDevice(
const std::string& vm_name,
device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device,
AttachUsbDeviceCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDeviceResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::DetachUsbDevice
void OnDetachUsbDevice(
const std::string& vm_name,
uint8_t guest_port,
device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr device,
DetachUsbDeviceCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDeviceResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::ListUsbDevices
void OnListUsbDevices(
const std::string& vm_name,
ListUsbDevicesCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceResponse> reply);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::OnListUsbDevices
void OnListUsbDeviceInfoPtrs(
const std::string& vm_name,
vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceResponse response,
ListUsbDevicesCallback callback,
std::vector<device::mojom::UsbDeviceInfoPtr> device_info);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::SearchApp.
void OnSearchApp(SearchAppCallback callback,
base::Optional<vm_tools::cicerone::AppSearchResponse> reply);
// Helper for CrostiniManager::MaybeUpgradeCrostini. Makes blocking calls to
// check for file paths and registered components.
static void CheckPathsAndComponents();
// Helper for CrostiniManager::MaybeUpgradeCrostini. Separated because the
// checking component registration code may block.
void MaybeUpgradeCrostiniAfterChecks();
void FinishRestart(CrostiniRestarter* restarter, CrostiniResult result);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::AbortRestartCrostini
void OnAbortRestartCrostini(RestartId restart_id,
AbortRestartCallback callback);
// Callback for CrostiniManager::RemoveCrostini.
void OnRemoveCrostini(CrostiniResult result);
void InitializeUsbDeviceManager();
void InitializeUsbDeviceManagerClient();
Profile* profile_;
std::string owner_id_;
bool skip_restart_for_testing_ = false;
component_manager_load_error_for_testing_ =
static bool is_cros_termina_registered_;
bool termina_update_check_needed_ = false;
static bool is_dev_kvm_present_;
// Pending container started callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs.
std::multimap<ContainerId, StartContainerCallback> start_container_callbacks_;
// Pending ShutdownContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs.
std::multimap<ContainerId, ShutdownContainerCallback>
// Pending CreateLxdContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs. These are used if CreateLxdContainer indicates we need to
// wait for an LxdContainerCreate signal.
std::multimap<ContainerId, CrostiniResultCallback>
// Pending DeleteLxdContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs. These are used if DeleteLxdContainer indicates we need to
// wait for an LxdContainerDelete signal.
std::multimap<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, CrostiniResultCallback>
// Pending StartLxdContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs. These are used if StartLxdContainer indicates we need to
// wait for an LxdContainerStarting signal.
std::multimap<ContainerId, CrostiniResultCallback>
// Pending ExportLxdContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs. They are invoked once ExportLxdContainerProgressSignal signal
// indicates that export is finished.
std::map<ContainerId, CrostiniResultCallback> export_lxd_container_callbacks_;
// Pending ImportLxdContainer callbacks are keyed by <vm_name, container_name>
// string pairs. They are invoked once ImportLxdContainerProgressSignal signal
// indicates that import is finished.
std::map<ContainerId, CrostiniResultCallback> import_lxd_container_callbacks_;
// Callbacks to run after Tremplin is started, keyed by vm_name. These are
// used if StartTerminaVm completes but we need to wait from Tremplin to
// start.
std::multimap<std::string, base::OnceClosure> tremplin_started_callbacks_;
std::map<std::string, VmInfo> running_vms_;
// Running containers as keyed by vm name.
std::multimap<std::string, ContainerInfo> running_containers_;
std::vector<RemoveCrostiniCallback> remove_crostini_callbacks_;
// Restarts by <vm_name, container_name>. Only one restarter flow is actually
// running for a given container, other restarters will just have their
// callback called when the running restarter completes.
std::multimap<ContainerId, CrostiniManager::RestartId>
std::map<CrostiniManager::RestartId, scoped_refptr<CrostiniRestarter>>
// A mapping from GUID -> (VM name, guest port) for each attached USB device
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, uint8_t>> attached_usb_devices_;
// A mapping from (VM name, guest port) -> GUID for each attached USB device
std::map<std::pair<std::string, uint8_t>, std::string>
mojo::AssociatedBinding<device::mojom::UsbDeviceManagerClient> binding_;
device::mojom::UsbDeviceManagerPtr usb_manager_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<CrostiniManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace crostini