blob: 77e53d7fe7675013704240d6df1290d36aa41cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview DragWrapper
* A class for simplifying HTML5 drag and drop. Classes should use this to
* handle the nitty gritty of nested drag enters and leaves.
cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
/** @interface */
const DragWrapperDelegate = function() {};
// TODO(devlin): The only method this "delegate" actually needs is
// shouldAcceptDrag(); the rest can be events emitted by the DragWrapper.
DragWrapperDelegate.prototype = {
* @param {MouseEvent} e The event for the drag.
* @return {boolean} Whether the drag should be accepted. If false,
* subsequent methods (doDrag*) will not be called.
shouldAcceptDrag: assertNotReached,
/** @param {MouseEvent} e */
doDragEnter: assertNotReached,
/** @param {MouseEvent} e */
doDragLeave: assertNotReached,
/** @param {MouseEvent} e */
doDragOver: assertNotReached,
/** @param {MouseEvent} e */
doDrop: assertNotReached,
* Creates a DragWrapper which listens for drag target events on |target| and
* delegates event handling to |delegate|.
* @param {!Element} target
* @param {!cr.ui.DragWrapperDelegate} delegate
* @constructor
function DragWrapper(target, delegate) {
this.initialize(target, delegate);
DragWrapper.prototype = {
initialize: function(target, delegate) {
target.addEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter_.bind(this));
target.addEventListener('dragover', this.onDragOver_.bind(this));
target.addEventListener('drop', this.onDrop_.bind(this));
target.addEventListener('dragleave', this.onDragLeave_.bind(this));
this.target_ = target;
this.delegate_ = delegate;
* The number of un-paired dragenter events that have fired on |this|. This
* is incremented by |onDragEnter_| and decremented by |onDragLeave_|. This
* is necessary because dragging over child widgets will fire additional
* enter and leave events on |this|. A non-zero value does not necessarily
* indicate that |isCurrentDragTarget()| is true.
* @type {number}
* @private
dragEnters_: 0,
* Whether the tile page is currently being dragged over with data it can
* accept.
* @type {boolean}
get isCurrentDragTarget() {
return this.target_.classList.contains('drag-target');
* Delegate for dragenter events fired on |target_|.
* @param {MouseEvent} e A MouseEvent for the drag.
* @private
onDragEnter_: function(e) {
if (++this.dragEnters_ == 1) {
if (this.delegate_.shouldAcceptDrag(e)) {
} else {
// Sometimes we'll get an enter event over a child element without an
// over event following it. In this case we have to still call the
// drag over delegate so that we make the necessary updates (one visible
// symptom of not doing this is that the cursor's drag state will
// flicker during drags).
* Thunk for dragover events fired on |target_|.
* @param {Event} e A MouseEvent for the drag.
* @private
onDragOver_: function(e) {
if (!this.target_.classList.contains('drag-target')) {
* Thunk for drop events fired on |target_|.
* @param {Event} e A MouseEvent for the drag.
* @private
onDrop_: function(e) {
this.dragEnters_ = 0;
if (!this.target_.classList.contains('drag-target')) {
* Thunk for dragleave events fired on |target_|.
* @param {Event} e A MouseEvent for the drag.
* @private
onDragLeave_: function(e) {
if (--this.dragEnters_ > 0) {
return {
DragWrapper: DragWrapper,
DragWrapperDelegate: DragWrapperDelegate,