blob: f2cb441ff308afdaabe0cc0f9d5c247fb20e3df3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
if (cr.ui.focusWithoutInk) {
let hideInk = false;
assert(!cr.isIOS, 'pointerdown doesn\'t work on iOS');
document.addEventListener('pointerdown', function() {
hideInk = true;
}, true);
document.addEventListener('keydown', function() {
hideInk = false;
}, true);
* Attempts to track whether focus outlines should be shown, and if they
* shouldn't, removes the "ink" (ripple) from a control while focusing it.
* This is helpful when a user is clicking/touching, because it's not super
* helpful to show focus ripples in that case. This is Polymer-specific.
* @param {!Element} toFocus
const focusWithoutInk = function(toFocus) {
let innerButton = null;
if (toFocus.parentElement &&
toFocus.parentElement.tagName == 'PAPER-ICON-BUTTON-LIGHT') {
innerButton = toFocus;
toFocus = toFocus.parentElement;
if (!('noink' in toFocus)) {
// |toFocus| does not have a 'noink' property, so it's unclear whether the
// element has "ink" and/or whether it can be suppressed. Just focus().
// Make sure the element is in the document we're listening to events on.
assert(document == toFocus.ownerDocument);
let origNoInk;
if (hideInk) {
origNoInk = toFocus.noink;
toFocus.noink = true;
// For paper-icon-button-light elements, focus() needs to be called on the
// inner native <button> for it to work.
if (innerButton) {
} else {
if (hideInk) {
toFocus.noink = origNoInk;
return {focusWithoutInk: focusWithoutInk};