blob: 239cde0df827ca500da2b15bc4e35683e4c01029 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
// require cr.ui.define
// require cr.ui.limitInputWidth
* The number of pixels to indent per level.
* @type {number}
* @const
const INDENT = 20;
* Returns the computed style for an element.
* @param {!Element} el The element to get the computed style for.
* @return {!CSSStyleDeclaration} The computed style.
function getComputedStyle(el) {
return assert(el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el));
* Helper function that finds the first ancestor tree item.
* @param {Node} node The node to start searching from.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} The found tree item or null if not found.
function findTreeItem(node) {
while (node && !(node instanceof TreeItem)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
* Creates a new tree element.
* @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLElement}
const Tree = cr.ui.define('tree');
Tree.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLElement.prototype,
* Initializes the element.
decorate: function() {
// Make list focusable
if (!this.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
this.tabIndex = 0;
this.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick);
this.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown);
this.addEventListener('dblclick', this.handleDblClick);
this.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown);
if (!this.hasAttribute('role')) {
this.setAttribute('role', 'group');
* Returns the tree item that are children of this tree.
get items() {
return this.children;
* Adds a tree item to the tree.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem} treeItem The item to add.
add: function(treeItem) {
this.addAt(treeItem, 0xffffffff);
* Adds a tree item at the given index.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem} treeItem The item to add.
* @param {number} index The index where we want to add the item.
addAt: function(treeItem, index) {
this.insertBefore(treeItem, this.children[index]);
treeItem.setDepth_(this.depth + 1);
* Removes a tree item child.
* TODO(dbeam): this method now conflicts with HTMLElement#remove(), which
* is why the @param is optional. Rename.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem=} treeItem The tree item to remove.
remove: function(treeItem) {
this.removeChild(/** @type {!cr.ui.TreeItem} */ (treeItem));
* The depth of the node. This is 0 for the tree itself.
* @type {number}
get depth() {
return 0;
* Handles click events on the tree and forwards the event to the relevant
* tree items as necesary.
* @param {Event} e The click event object.
handleClick: function(e) {
const treeItem = findTreeItem(/** @type {!Node} */ (;
if (treeItem) {
handleMouseDown: function(e) {
if (e.button == 2) { // right
* Handles double click events on the tree.
* @param {Event} e The dblclick event object.
handleDblClick: function(e) {
const treeItem = findTreeItem(/** @type {!Node} */ (;
if (treeItem) {
treeItem.expanded = !treeItem.expanded;
* Handles keydown events on the tree and updates selection and exanding
* of tree items.
* @param {Event} e The click event object.
handleKeyDown: function(e) {
let itemToSelect;
if (e.ctrlKey) {
const item = this.selectedItem;
if (!item) {
const rtl = getComputedStyle(item).direction == 'rtl';
switch (e.key) {
case 'ArrowUp':
itemToSelect =
item ? getPrevious(item) : this.items[this.items.length - 1];
case 'ArrowDown':
itemToSelect = item ? getNext(item) : this.items[0];
case 'ArrowLeft':
case 'ArrowRight':
// Don't let back/forward keyboard shortcuts be used.
if (!cr.isMac && e.altKey || cr.isMac && e.metaKey) {
if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft' && !rtl || e.key == 'ArrowRight' && rtl) {
if (item.expanded) {
item.expanded = false;
} else {
itemToSelect = findTreeItem(item.parentNode);
} else {
if (!item.expanded) {
item.expanded = true;
} else {
itemToSelect = item.items[0];
case 'Home':
itemToSelect = this.items[0];
case 'End':
itemToSelect = this.items[this.items.length - 1];
if (itemToSelect) {
itemToSelect.selected = true;
* The selected tree item or null if none.
* @type {cr.ui.TreeItem}
get selectedItem() {
return this.selectedItem_ || null;
set selectedItem(item) {
const oldSelectedItem = this.selectedItem_;
if (oldSelectedItem != item) {
// Set the selectedItem_ before deselecting the old item since we only
// want one change when moving between items.
this.selectedItem_ = item;
if (oldSelectedItem) {
oldSelectedItem.selected = false;
if (item) {
item.selected = true;
if ( {
} else {
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'change');
* @return {!ClientRect} The rect to use for the context menu.
getRectForContextMenu: function() {
// TODO(arv): Add trait support so we can share more code between trees
// and lists.
if (this.selectedItem) {
return this.selectedItem.rowElement.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.getBoundingClientRect();
* Determines the visibility of icons next to the treeItem labels. If set to
* 'hidden', no space is reserved for icons and no icons are displayed next
* to treeItem labels. If set to 'parent', folder icons will be displayed
* next to expandable parent nodes. If set to 'all' folder icons will be
* displayed next to all nodes. Icons can be set using the treeItem's icon
* property.
cr.defineProperty(Tree, 'iconVisibility', cr.PropertyKind.ATTR);
* Incremental counter for an auto generated ID of the tree item. This will
* be incremented per element, so each element never share same ID.
* @type {number}
let treeItemAutoGeneratedIdCounter = 0;
* This is used as a blueprint for new tree item elements.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
const treeItemProto = (function() {
const treeItem = cr.doc.createElement('div');
treeItem.className = 'tree-item';
treeItem.innerHTML = '<div class="tree-row">' +
'<span class="expand-icon"></span>' +
'<span class="tree-label"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="tree-children" role="group"></div>';
treeItem.setAttribute('role', 'treeitem');
return treeItem;
* Creates a new tree item.
* @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLElement}
const TreeItem = cr.ui.define(function() {
const treeItem = treeItemProto.cloneNode(true); = 'tree-item-autogen-id-' + treeItemAutoGeneratedIdCounter++;
return treeItem;
TreeItem.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLElement.prototype,
* Initializes the element.
decorate: function() {
const labelId =
'tree-item-label-autogen-id-' + treeItemAutoGeneratedIdCounter; = labelId;
this.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', labelId);
* The tree items children.
get items() {
return this.lastElementChild.children;
* The depth of the tree item.
* @type {number}
depth_: 0,
get depth() {
return this.depth_;
* Sets the depth.
* @param {number} depth The new depth.
* @private
setDepth_: function(depth) {
if (depth != this.depth_) { =
Math.max(0, depth - 1) * INDENT + 'px';
this.depth_ = depth;
const items = this.items;
for (let i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++) {
item.setDepth_(depth + 1);
* Adds a tree item as a child.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem} child The child to add.
add: function(child) {
this.addAt(child, 0xffffffff);
* Adds a tree item as a child at a given index.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem} child The child to add.
* @param {number} index The index where to add the child.
addAt: function(child, index) {
this.lastElementChild.insertBefore(child, this.items[index]);
if (this.items.length == 1) {
this.hasChildren = true;
child.setDepth_(this.depth + 1);
* Removes a child.
* @param {!cr.ui.TreeItem=} child The tree item child to remove.
* @override
remove: function(child) {
// If we removed the selected item we should become selected.
const tree = this.tree;
const selectedItem = tree.selectedItem;
if (selectedItem && child.contains(selectedItem)) {
this.selected = true;
this.lastElementChild.removeChild(/** @type {!cr.ui.TreeItem} */ (child));
if (this.items.length == 0) {
this.hasChildren = false;
* The parent tree item.
* @type {!cr.ui.Tree|cr.ui.TreeItem}
get parentItem() {
let p = this.parentNode;
while (p && !(p instanceof TreeItem) && !(p instanceof Tree)) {
p = p.parentNode;
return p;
* The tree that the tree item belongs to or null of no added to a tree.
* @type {cr.ui.Tree}
get tree() {
let t = this.parentItem;
while (t && !(t instanceof Tree)) {
t = t.parentItem;
return t;
* Whether the tree item is expanded or not.
* @type {boolean}
get expanded() {
return this.hasAttribute('expanded');
set expanded(b) {
if (this.expanded == b) {
const treeChildren = this.lastElementChild;
if (b) {
if (this.mayHaveChildren_) {
this.setAttribute('expanded', '');
this.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
treeChildren.setAttribute('expanded', '');
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'expand', true);
} else {
const tree = this.tree;
if (tree && !this.selected) {
const oldSelected = tree.selectedItem;
if (oldSelected && this.contains(oldSelected)) {
this.selected = true;
if (this.mayHaveChildren_) {
this.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
} else {
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'collapse', true);
* Expands all parent items.
reveal: function() {
let pi = this.parentItem;
while (pi && !(pi instanceof Tree)) {
pi.expanded = true;
pi = pi.parentItem;
* The element representing the row that gets highlighted.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
get rowElement() {
return this.firstElementChild;
* The element containing the label text and the icon.
* @type {!HTMLElement}
get labelElement() {
return this.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;
* The label text.
* @type {string}
get label() {
return this.labelElement.textContent;
set label(s) {
this.labelElement.textContent = s;
* The URL for the icon.
* @type {string}
get icon() {
return getComputedStyle(this.labelElement).backgroundImage.slice(4, -1);
set icon(icon) {
return = getUrlForCss(icon);
* Whether the tree item is selected or not.
* @type {boolean}
get selected() {
return this.hasAttribute('selected');
set selected(b) {
if (this.selected == b) {
const rowItem = this.firstElementChild;
const tree = this.tree;
if (b) {
this.setAttribute('selected', '');
rowItem.setAttribute('selected', '');
if (tree) {
tree.selectedItem = this;
} else {
if (tree && tree.selectedItem == this) {
tree.selectedItem = null;
* Whether the tree item has children.
* @type {boolean}
get mayHaveChildren_() {
return this.hasAttribute('may-have-children');
set mayHaveChildren_(b) {
const rowItem = this.firstElementChild;
if (b) {
this.setAttribute('may-have-children', '');
rowItem.setAttribute('may-have-children', '');
} else {
* Whether the tree item has children.
* @type {boolean}
get hasChildren() {
return !!this.items[0];
* Whether the tree item has children.
* @type {boolean}
set hasChildren(b) {
const rowItem = this.firstElementChild;
this.setAttribute('has-children', b);
rowItem.setAttribute('has-children', b);
if (b) {
this.mayHaveChildren_ = true;
this.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
* Called when the user clicks on a tree item. This is forwarded from the
* cr.ui.Tree.
* @param {Event} e The click event.
handleClick: function(e) {
if ( == 'expand-icon') {
this.expanded = !this.expanded;
} else {
this.selected = true;
* Makes the tree item user editable. If the user renamed the item a
* bubbling {@code rename} event is fired.
* @type {boolean}
set editing(editing) {
const oldEditing = this.editing;
if (editing == oldEditing) {
const self = this;
const labelEl = this.labelElement;
const text = this.label;
let input;
// Handles enter and escape which trigger reset and commit respectively.
function handleKeydown(e) {
// Make sure that the tree does not handle the key.
// Calling tree.focus blurs the input which will make the tree item
// non editable.
switch (e.key) {
case 'Escape':
input.value = text;
// fall through
case 'Enter':
function stopPropagation(e) {
if (editing) {
this.selected = true;
this.setAttribute('editing', '');
this.draggable = false;
// We create an input[type=text] and copy over the label value. When
// the input loses focus we set editing to false again.
input = this.ownerDocument.createElement('input');
input.value = text;
if (labelEl.firstChild) {
labelEl.replaceChild(input, labelEl.firstChild);
} else {
input.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown);
input.addEventListener('blur', (function() {
this.editing = false;
// Make sure that double clicks do not expand and collapse the tree
// item.
const eventsToStop =
['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick'];
eventsToStop.forEach(function(type) {
input.addEventListener(type, stopPropagation);
// Wait for the input element to recieve focus before sizing it.
const rowElement = this.rowElement;
const onFocus = function() {
input.removeEventListener('focus', onFocus);
// 20 = the padding and border of the tree-row
cr.ui.limitInputWidth(input, rowElement, 100);
input.addEventListener('focus', onFocus);
this.oldLabel_ = text;
} else {
this.draggable = true;
input = labelEl.firstChild;
const value = input.value;
if (/^\s*$/.test(value)) {
labelEl.textContent = this.oldLabel_;
} else {
labelEl.textContent = value;
if (value != this.oldLabel_) {
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'rename', true);
delete this.oldLabel_;
get editing() {
return this.hasAttribute('editing');
* Helper function that returns the next visible tree item.
* @param {cr.ui.TreeItem} item The tree item.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} The found item or null.
function getNext(item) {
if (item.expanded) {
const firstChild = item.items[0];
if (firstChild) {
return firstChild;
return getNextHelper(item);
* Another helper function that returns the next visible tree item.
* @param {cr.ui.TreeItem} item The tree item.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} The found item or null.
function getNextHelper(item) {
if (!item) {
return null;
const nextSibling = item.nextElementSibling;
if (nextSibling) {
return assertInstanceof(nextSibling, cr.ui.TreeItem);
return getNextHelper(item.parentItem);
* Helper function that returns the previous visible tree item.
* @param {cr.ui.TreeItem} item The tree item.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} The found item or null.
function getPrevious(item) {
const previousSibling = item.previousElementSibling;
if (previousSibling) {
return getLastHelper(assertInstanceof(previousSibling, cr.ui.TreeItem));
return item.parentItem;
* Helper function that returns the last visible tree item in the subtree.
* @param {cr.ui.TreeItem} item The item to find the last visible item for.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} The found item or null.
function getLastHelper(item) {
if (!item) {
return null;
if (item.expanded && item.hasChildren) {
const lastChild = item.items[item.items.length - 1];
return getLastHelper(lastChild);
return item;
// Export
return {Tree: Tree, TreeItem: TreeItem};