blob: e5cff41e26bb3ea2f41e21fec0b8ada2235e4f50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_paint_invalidator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_embedded_content.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/chrome_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/compositing/composited_layer_mapping.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/find_paint_offset_and_visual_rect_needing_update.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/ng/ng_paint_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_invalidator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_layer.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename Functor>
static void TraverseNonCompositingDescendantsInPaintOrder(const LayoutObject&,
const Functor&);
template <typename Functor>
static void
const LayoutObject& object,
const Functor& functor) {
// |object| is a paint invalidation container, but is not a stacking context
// or is a non-block, so the paint invalidation container of stacked
// descendants may not belong to |object| but belong to an ancestor. This
// function traverses all such descendants. See Case 1a and Case 2 below for
// details.
DCHECK(object.IsPaintInvalidationContainer() &&
(!object.StyleRef().IsStackingContext() || !object.IsLayoutBlock()));
LayoutObject* descendant = object.NextInPreOrder(&object);
while (descendant) {
if (!descendant->HasLayer() || !descendant->StyleRef().IsStacked()) {
// Case 1: The descendant is not stacked (or is stacked but has not been
// allocated a layer yet during style change), so either it's a paint
// invalidation container in the same situation as |object|, or its paint
// invalidation container is in such situation. Keep searching until a
// stacked layer is found.
if (!object.IsLayoutBlock() && descendant->IsFloating()) {
// Case 1a (rare): However, if the descendant is a floating object below
// a composited non-block object, the subtree may belong to an ancestor
// in paint order, thus recur into the subtree. Note that for
// performance, we don't check whether the floating object's container
// is above or under |object|, so we may traverse more than expected.
// Example:
// <span id="object" class="position: relative; will-change: transform">
// <div id="descendant" class="float: left"></div>"
// </span>
TraverseNonCompositingDescendantsInPaintOrder(*descendant, functor);
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object);
} else {
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrder(&object);
} else if (!descendant->IsPaintInvalidationContainer()) {
// Case 2: The descendant is stacked and is not composited.
// The invalidation container of its subtree is our ancestor,
// thus recur into the subtree.
TraverseNonCompositingDescendantsInPaintOrder(*descendant, functor);
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object);
} else if (descendant->StyleRef().IsStackingContext() &&
descendant->IsLayoutBlock()) {
// Case 3: The descendant is an invalidation container and is a stacking
// context. No objects in the subtree can have invalidation container
// outside of it, thus skip the whole subtree.
// This excludes non-block because there might be floating objects under
// the descendant belonging to some ancestor in paint order (Case 1a).
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object);
} else {
// Case 4: The descendant is an invalidation container but not a stacking
// context, or the descendant is a non-block stacking context.
// This is the same situation as |object|, thus keep searching.
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrder(&object);
template <typename Functor>
static void TraverseNonCompositingDescendantsInPaintOrder(
const LayoutObject& object,
const Functor& functor) {
LayoutObject* descendant = object.NextInPreOrder(&object);
while (descendant) {
if (!descendant->IsPaintInvalidationContainer()) {
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrder(&object);
} else if (descendant->StyleRef().IsStackingContext() &&
descendant->IsLayoutBlock()) {
// The descendant is an invalidation container and is a stacking context.
// No objects in the subtree can have invalidation container outside of
// it, thus skip the whole subtree.
// This excludes non-blocks because there might be floating objects under
// the descendant belonging to some ancestor in paint order (Case 1a).
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object);
} else {
// If a paint invalidation container is not a stacking context, or the
// descendant is a non-block stacking context, some of its descendants may
// belong to the parent container.
*descendant, functor);
descendant = descendant->NextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object);
static void SetPaintingLayerNeedsRepaintDuringTraverse(
const LayoutObject& object) {
if (object.HasLayer() &&
ToLayoutBoxModelObject(object).HasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
} else if (object.IsFloating() && object.Parent() &&
!object.Parent()->IsLayoutBlock()) {
void ObjectPaintInvalidator::
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
// This is valid because we want to invalidate the client in the display item
// list of the current backing.
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
object_, [reason](const LayoutObject& object) {
void ObjectPaintInvalidator::
InvalidatePaintIncludingNonCompositingDescendants() {
// This method may be used to invalidate paint of objects changing paint
// invalidation container. Visual rects don't have to be cleared, since they
// are relative to the transform ancestor.
// TODO(vmpstr): After paint containment isolation is in place, we might not
// have to recurse past the paint containment boundary.
object_, [](const LayoutObject& object) {
void ObjectPaintInvalidator::
InvalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendants() {
// This method may be used to invalidate paint of objects changing paint
// invalidation container. Clear previous visual rect on the original paint
// invalidation container to avoid under-invalidation if the visual rect on
// the new paint invalidation container happens to be the same as the old one.
struct Helper {
static void Traverse(const LayoutObject& object) {
for (LayoutObject* child = object.SlowFirstChild(); child;
child = child->NextSibling()) {
if (!child->HasLayer() ||
namespace {
bool IsClientNGPaintFragmentForObject(const DisplayItemClient& client,
const LayoutObject& object) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled())
return false;
// TODO( This hack only makes current invalidation tracking
// web tests pass with LayoutNG. More work is needed if we want to launch
// the invalidation tracking feature.
return object.IsLayoutBlockFlow() &&
&client == ToLayoutBlockFlow(object).PaintFragment();
} // namespace
void ObjectPaintInvalidator::InvalidateDisplayItemClient(
const DisplayItemClient& client,
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
// It's caller's responsibility to ensure PaintingLayer's NeedsRepaint is set.
// Don't set the flag here because getting PaintLayer has cost and the caller
// can use various ways (e.g. PaintInvalidatinContext::painting_layer) to
// reduce the cost.
DCHECK(!object_.PaintingLayer() || object_.PaintingLayer()->NeedsRepaint());
if (&client == &object_ ||
IsClientNGPaintFragmentForObject(client, object_)) {
"PaintInvalidationTracking", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "data",
if (LocalFrameView* frame_view = object_.GetFrameView())
frame_view->TrackObjectPaintInvalidation(client, reason);
void ObjectPaintInvalidator::SlowSetPaintingLayerNeedsRepaint() {
if (PaintLayer* painting_layer = object_.PaintingLayer())
ObjectPaintInvalidatorWithContext::ComputePaintInvalidationReason() {
// This is before any early return to ensure the background obscuration status
// is saved.
bool background_obscuration_changed = false;
bool background_obscured = object_.BackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured();
if (background_obscured != object_.PreviousBackgroundObscured()) {
background_obscuration_changed = true;
if (!object_.ShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation() &&
(!context_.subtree_flags ||
context_.subtree_flags ==
PaintInvalidatorContext::kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate)) {
// No paint invalidation flag, or just kSubtreeVisualRectUpdate (which has
// been handled in PaintInvalidator). No paint invalidation is needed.
return PaintInvalidationReason::kNone;
if (context_.subtree_flags &
return PaintInvalidationReason::kSubtree;
if (object_.ShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation())
return object_.FullPaintInvalidationReason();
if (!(context_.subtree_flags &
PaintInvalidatorContext::kInvalidateEmptyVisualRect) &&
context_.old_visual_rect.IsEmpty() &&
return PaintInvalidationReason::kNone;
if (background_obscuration_changed)
return PaintInvalidationReason::kBackground;
if (object_.PaintedOutputOfObjectHasNoEffectRegardlessOfSize())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kNone;
// Force full paint invalidation if the outline may be affected by descendants
// and this object is marked for checking paint invalidation for any reason.
if (object_.OutlineMayBeAffectedByDescendants() ||
object_.PreviousOutlineMayBeAffectedByDescendants()) {
return PaintInvalidationReason::kOutline;
// If the size is zero on one of our bounds then we know we're going to have
// to do a full invalidation of either old bounds or new bounds.
if (context_.old_visual_rect.IsEmpty())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kAppeared;
if (context_.fragment_data->VisualRect().IsEmpty())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kDisappeared;
// If we shifted, we don't know the exact reason so we are conservative and
// trigger a full invalidation. Shifting could be caused by some layout
// property (left / top) or some in-flow layoutObject inserted / removed
// before us in the tree.
if (context_.fragment_data->VisualRect().Location() !=
return PaintInvalidationReason::kGeometry;
// Most paintings are pixel-snapped so subpixel change of paint offset doesn't
// directly cause full raster invalidation.
if (RoundedIntPoint(context_.fragment_data->PaintOffset()) !=
return PaintInvalidationReason::kGeometry;
// Incremental invalidation is only applicable to LayoutBoxes. Return
// PaintInvalidationIncremental no matter if oldVisualRect and newVisualRect
// are equal because a LayoutBox may need paint invalidation if its border box
// changes. BoxPaintInvalidator may also override this reason with a full
// paint invalidation reason if needed.
if (object_.IsBox())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kIncremental;
if (context_.old_visual_rect != context_.fragment_data->VisualRect())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kGeometry;
return PaintInvalidationReason::kNone;
PaintInvalidationReason ObjectPaintInvalidatorWithContext::InvalidateSelection(
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
// In LayoutNG, if NGPaintFragment paints the selection, we invalidate for
// selection change in PaintInvalidator.
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled() && object_.IsInline() &&
// LayoutReplaced still paints selection tint by itself.
!object_.IsLayoutReplaced() &&
return reason;
// Update selection rect when we are doing full invalidation with geometry
// change (in case that the object is moved, composite status changed, etc.)
// or shouldInvalidationSelection is set (in case that the selection itself
// changed).
bool full_invalidation = IsFullPaintInvalidationReason(reason);
if (!full_invalidation && !object_.ShouldInvalidateSelection())
return reason;
LayoutRect old_selection_rect = object_.SelectionVisualRect();
LayoutRect new_selection_rect;
FindVisualRectNeedingUpdateScope finder(object_, context_, old_selection_rect,
if (context_.NeedsVisualRectUpdate(object_)) {
new_selection_rect = object_.LocalSelectionRect();
context_.MapLocalRectToVisualRect(object_, new_selection_rect);
} else {
new_selection_rect = old_selection_rect;
if (full_invalidation)
return reason;
// We should invalidate LayoutSVGText always.
// See SetShouldInvalidateIfNeeded for more detail.
if (object_.IsSVGText())
return PaintInvalidationReason::kSelection;
const LayoutRect invalidation_rect =
UnionRect(new_selection_rect, old_selection_rect);
if (invalidation_rect.IsEmpty())
return reason;
UnionRect(object_.PartialInvalidationVisualRect(), invalidation_rect));
return PaintInvalidationReason::kSelection;
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
if (IsFullPaintInvalidationReason(reason))
return reason;
auto rect = object_.PartialInvalidationLocalRect();
if (rect.IsEmpty())
return reason;
context_.MapLocalRectToVisualRect(object_, rect);
if (rect.IsEmpty())
return reason;
UnionRect(object_.PartialInvalidationVisualRect(), rect));
return PaintInvalidationReason::kRectangle;
void ObjectPaintInvalidatorWithContext::InvalidatePaintWithComputedReason(
PaintInvalidationReason reason) {
DCHECK(!(context_.subtree_flags &
// InvalidatePartialRect is before InvalidateSelection because the latter will
// accumulate selection visual rects to the partial rect mapped in the former.
reason = InvalidatePartialRect(reason);
reason = InvalidateSelection(reason);
if (reason == PaintInvalidationReason::kNone)
} // namespace blink